Chapter 162
Ren Shuai adjusted his mentality, found the feeling of the character, and nodded to Ma Chunpeng.

After turning it on again, Yihua still played stably.

"Why do you wear a mask to work?"

There was suspicion and scrutiny in his eyes, which put a lot of pressure on Ren Shuai.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai tried his best to stabilize his mind, not to be influenced by him, and read his lines calmly.

"I caught a cold today, and my throat was inflamed, so I wore a mask because I was afraid of infecting everyone."


Ma Chunpeng felt that this one was better than before, but it was not up to his standard.

I felt that Ren Shuai's line was too calm and failed to express the tension in his heart.

At this time, Ren Shuai glanced at Yi Hua, who was as stable as Mount Tai, and had to admit that his performance was affected by the opponent.

He deliberately used a charm card to counteract the influence of the opponent's aura.

But thinking that his character should hide himself in a low-key manner, once the charm card is used, it will attract attention, which is counterproductive.

But with only his elementary acting skills, it is obviously not enough to deal with the situation at hand.

At this moment, the director of production came over, and said in a strange way: "The janitor is not a professional actor, it's not bad to be able to perform like this in front of Mr. Yi."

On the surface, it seems to be encouraging Ren Shuai, but in fact, he secretly pointed out that his acting skills are not good, and his background is not orthodox.

Of course Ma Chunpeng could hear the sourness in this sentence. When the actor was first selected, the producer and production director objected to his choice of Ren Shuai to play the role of the crew.

This character doesn't have many roles in the movie, but he is also a very brilliant character.

Especially when he appeared as a suspect at the beginning, the attention was very high, and the producer had already found a good candidate.

Ma Chumpeng has his own ideas.

With his appreciation of art, from the first time he saw Ren Shuai acting in a play, he had already combined Ren Shuai's face with this character.

And this is not the first time he has used non-professional actors to star in a film, and the previous effects have been very good.

It's just that Ren Shuai's opponent actor this time is Yi Hua.

Yi Hua's acting skills are notoriously oppressive, and many people will perform abnormally when playing with him.

This is also the reason why Yi Hua has the actor-level acting skills, but has never won the actor.

He really won't take the opponent's actors away, but will form a suppression.

Ma Chunpeng can understand Ren Shuai's performance.

He decided to give Ren Shuai a few more chances, and took ten more shots. From these several performances, he selected a shot that was barely satisfactory.

The production director sitting next to him couldn't let go of Ren Shuai's performance.

"The reason why the producer and I agreed with you to choose a concierge to play the crew was for the overall quality of the film to achieve the desired effect, but now it is obvious that this uncle Li can't meet the requirements at all."

"Then what do you say?" Ma Chunpeng asked back.

"If you want me to say just change people, anyway, I just filmed a scene today, so there is still time to change people and reshoot." The production director said.

Ma Chunpeng frowned slightly and said, "Where can I find an actor for a replacement now?"

The director of production had been prepared for a long time, and said directly: "The actor mentioned by the producer and you earlier, he has a schedule now, if you agree, I will contact him immediately."

Ma Chunpeng was a little hesitant, but he couldn't deny the producer's face completely.

If Ren Shuai played well, he would be able to keep his mouth shut, but now Ren Shuai is indeed not performing as expected.

Out of face, Ma Chunpeng could only nod reluctantly and said: "Okay, then you should inform him."

Ren Shuai, who was waiting outside, suddenly heard a system prompt in his mind.

【Ding, congratulations to the host, no one can steal my role when the achievement task is triggered (1/3)】

Hearing this prompt, Ren Shuai was momentarily stunned.

Why did the system suddenly pop up this prompt, could it be that the crew didn't perform well just now and the crew wanted to change?
Ren Shuai didn't expect that the requirements of a big production would be so strict, but one scene was a bit reluctant, and he was about to face a crisis of substitutions.

He would never allow such a thing to happen.

Whether it is for the achievement of the task or the self-cultivation of the actors, Ren Shuai does not allow the crew to replace his roles.

He pondered for a while, took advantage of the intermission, and took the initiative to find Ma Chumpeng.

"I'm very sorry to bother you." Ren Shuai said politely.

Ma Chunpeng and the production director turned to look at him suspiciously.

Ren Shuai showed his acting skills at an elementary level and said: "When I went to the island yesterday, I may have been a little uncomfortable with the climate. I had diarrhea at night. Today, I am not in a good state and my performance is abnormal. Please forgive me."

Ma Chunpeng immediately replied: "How is your body now, is it better?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I'm much better after taking the medicine in the morning, but my body is a little weak. The one just now really didn't work very well. I came to you specifically to apply for an opportunity to see if I can make the play just now better." Move it to tomorrow and shoot again?"

Originally, a small supporting role made such a request, but generally it would not be satisfied.

After hearing this, Ma Chunpeng's eyes lit up.

Ren Shuai was originally the actor he had hand-picked, but the production director caught the mistake and asked for a replacement. Doesn't it prove that he has a bad eye for casting?

He was feeling uncomfortable, and the opportunity to come back came.

Since the mistake in performance is due to physical reasons, it is not because of his own poor strength.

Of course, Ma Chunpeng wanted to give Ren Shuai a chance to prove his strength, and it was also a chance to prove his own vision.

Without waiting for the production director to stop him, Ma Chunpeng immediately said, "It is indeed inconvenient to shoot on a deserted island. Since you are not feeling well today, let's make another one tomorrow."

Ren Shuai himself didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so he nodded his thanks and turned to leave.

After he left, the production director said, "He's obviously just making excuses, why waste his time?"

Ma Chunpeng shook his head and said, "There's no need for Li Laifu to lie. If he really isn't good enough, the shooting will be different tomorrow, so why would he find a reason to reshoot."

The production director didn't take it seriously, thinking that we'll wait and see tomorrow, and when he makes mistakes again, the replacement will be more logical, and Director Ma will be less self-willed in the future.

Ren Shuai finished work on today's scene ahead of schedule and went straight back to the tent.

Facing Yi Hua, he performed abnormally, mainly because his acting skills were not enough at the elementary level.

The reason why Ren Shuai postponed the filming until tomorrow was because he was waiting for the upgrade of the system skills.

He remembered that the elementary level of acting was only 10 points away from proficiency before he could advance to the intermediate level.

Although I only took two shots today, I should be able to get a proficiency of 10 points.

After all, it was his first time to perform against a rival actor at the actor level. No matter how he performed, he should have gained a lot of experience.

According to observation, Ren Shuai found that the system's improvement of proficiency is not real-time, but there is some delay.

To be on the safe side, he postponed the reshoot until tomorrow.

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(End of this chapter)

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