From janitor to actor

Chapter 163 Intermediate Acting Skills

Chapter 163 Intermediate Acting Skills
In the evening, Song Lishu consciously helped Ren Shuai bring a vegetable salad.

Ren Shuai readily accepted and expressed his gratitude.

At noon today, he tried a handful of the crew's meat dishes, which can only be said to be too reluctant.

I heard that the crew hired local chefs, and all the dishes they cook are local specialties.

But Ren Shuai expressed his appreciation.

All the dishes are pureed and mixed together, and there is no whole piece of meat.

Since the ingredients are unique to the local area and the spices are also very special, the taste of the dishes is indescribably weird.

Only vegetable salads are allowed, provided that local dipping sauces are not used.

Ren Shuai is quite satisfied with all aspects of the crew, except for the box lunch.

No wonder many people worship instant noodles as gods when they go abroad.

Ren Shuai understood a little now.

While grazing, he was familiar with the lines.

At this moment, a pleasant notification sound suddenly appeared in my mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching 1000 points of primary proficiency in acting skills and upgrading to intermediate acting skills]

Ren Shuai suddenly smiled.

The moment he had been waiting for finally came.

Ren Shuai opened the system panel and began to check the property changes.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: 1 (activated)
Props: Charm Card*2
Skills: Intermediate Acting (1050/10000)
Recognition degree: 17880
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
Ren Shuai checked the approval level habitually, and found that it had increased by more than a thousand points before he clicked on the skill check with satisfaction.

Skills: (Only the first skill is displayed on the homepage)
[Intermediate acting skills (1050/10000), the host has intermediate acting ability, and can be upgraded after the proficiency is full. 】

[Writing Elementary (200/1000), the host has elementary writing ability, and can be upgraded after the proficiency is full. 】

Ren Shuai found that the proficiency required for the intermediate level of acting has risen to 10000 points, which is obviously much more difficult than upgrading from the elementary level to the intermediate level.

But according to his estimation, the intermediate acting skills are enough to look down on ordinary actors, and the system's productions have always been tyrannical.

As long as you try Yihua tomorrow, you will know the effect.

Ren Shuai is already a little eager to try.

Early the next morning, Ma Chumpeng sat with the production director and discussed today's shooting plan routinely.

After reading the whole day's plan, the production director showed a slight smile and then retracted, saying: "Today's time is relatively tight, and the reshoots that were agreed to be shot yesterday may not be able to be shot, or let's just forget about it."

Ma Chunpeng looked at the filming plan and found that today's tasks are indeed relatively full, but it is a matter of his face. Since he has promised Ren Shuai, of course he cannot break his promise.

He thought for a while and said, "Let's reshoot that scene at night when we are resting."

The production director said: "Teacher Yi Hua has a heavy shooting task today, and there are a lot of shots. Is it not good to ask him to work overtime at night?"

Ma Chunpeng probably knew what the production director was thinking, so he said: "If this shot is not re-shot, the actor will really change at that time, and sooner or later he will have to reshoot all the previous shots. It's better to just do it today. After filming, if the effect is good, it will save the need to change actors."

Director Paper Sighed and said, "It's not that I'm trying to evade, it's just that you know Teacher Yihua's temper, and it's really not easy to communicate.

Moreover, the unsatisfactory shooting effect of that shot was also due to the mistakes of the opponent actors, and there was no problem with his own performance.

Teacher Yi Hua would definitely be upset if he was asked to work overtime in this situation, or let Li Laifu communicate by himself. "

Ma Chunpeng thought that what he said made sense. Although Yi Hua had good acting skills, he had a bad temper. He was considered an artist with a strong personality.

Usually they are not willing to chat with Yi Hua about things other than acting.

Ma Chunpeng nodded and said, "Okay, let Li Laifu communicate with him when he comes over."

Ren Shuai basically had no shots in the morning, and the shots with lines were all shot in the afternoon.

But in the morning, he had to wait for the director to call at any time.

He said yesterday that he would make up the filming, but today he has not heard back. He waited all morning and the director did not mention it.

When it was time to eat at noon, Ren Shuai saw a gap, and came to Ma Chunpeng's tent again.

The curtain of the tent was not closed. After the production director saw Ren Shuai from inside, he quickly invited him into the tent, and smiled enthusiastically, looking very polite.

Ren Shuai always felt in his heart that this guy didn't hold his fart well, didn't speak, smiled and nodded, and entered the tent.

The production director didn't wait for Ma Chunpeng to speak, and said firstly: "Today's schedule is really too full, the scene I promised you yesterday may need to work overtime to make up the filming.

However, Mr. Yi Hua has a very heavy task of filming today, and you need to communicate with him personally to see if Mr. Yi is willing to work overtime, or what time is convenient. "

Ren Shuai didn't say anything after hearing this, but turned to look at Ma Chunpeng next to him.

Ma Chunpeng nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Yi may have a bit of a temper, just be more polite when communicating with him."

This sentence is to remind Ren Shuai, telling him that communicating with Yi Hua is not an easy matter, especially when he has to work overtime.

Ren Shuai understood immediately, nodded with a smile and said, "No problem, this itself was caused by my own mistakes, and I will communicate with Teacher Yi properly."

At this time, the production director suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, I almost forgot to ask, is your stomach feeling better, won't it affect today's shooting?"

Ren Shuai sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely moved and enthusiastic and said: "Thank you for your concern, I am all well, the medicine is very effective, after taking it, the whole body is comfortable, if you need it someday, don't forget Ask me for it."

At this time, he already has intermediate acting skills. When he said this sentence, his words were sincere and his attitude was sincere.

The production director was embarrassed to get angry after hearing this, but what Ren Shuai said inside and outside the meaning was that he was going to eat his stomach badly.

I don't know if Ren Shuai is sincere or black-bellied.

The production director could only give a humming hum.

Ren Shuai left with a smile, and after turning around, his smile gradually became wicked.

After he left, the production director was about to serve dinner, but when he looked at the lump of food in his hand and remembered Ren Shuai's words, his appetite disappeared immediately.

"Director Ma, our crew's cook is not good, I'm really not used to this meal." He complained.

Ma Chunpeng glanced at the vegetable salad in his hand, and said sympathetically, "Let's be vegetarian for the past few days. Our chef was hospitalized when he first arrived. I can't help it. It's good to find someone from the local area to replace him." gone."

After Ren Shuai walked out of the tent, he went directly to Yi Hua's resting place.

Since he got Ma Chunpeng's suggestion, he has already prepared a draft, so it depends on Yi Hua's attitude.

If it is really impossible to communicate, Ren Shuai still has a nirvana as his trump card.

Just a little ashamed.

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(End of this chapter)

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