From janitor to actor

Chapter 166 Talent

Chapter 166 Talent
Ren Shuai used the aggressive method to successfully get Yi Hua to agree to make up the shoot.

The production director stood watching from a distance, and found that Ren Shuai was leaving the tent aggressively, and started to laugh secretly.

With Yi Hua's bad temper, it's no wonder he agreed to make up the shoot.

A concierge who still wants to play a role in a production of this level really doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't weigh himself.

The production director took out his mobile phone and sent a message: "It's done, that character has been won for you, book a ticket and come here right now."

Satisfied, he put away his phone and went to work.

After Ren Shuai left the tent, he went to find Song Lishu, and learned about today's shooting arrangement from her. It seemed that work would not end until at least nine o'clock in the evening.

The reshoots must be at the back, so he went to get dinner first, which was vegetable salad as usual.

Ren Shuai found that today's vegetable salad is especially popular, and he couldn't get it even if he went late.

It seemed that he was not the only one who was disappointed with the crew's food. On the way back, he saw several qualified actors set themselves on the stove and started cooking instant noodles.

Ren Shuai smelled the aroma of the food and almost couldn't resist going over to rub the food.

When he returned to the tent with the grass in his hands, he saw Song Lishu took out a picnic stove from her tent, apparently preparing to light a fire for cooking.

"Hello Mr. Li."

After Song Lishu said hello, she continued to boil the water. In her perception, Ren Shuai was a vegetarian, and she would not have any thoughts about the snail noodles she was going to cook for the unshakeable vegetable salad every day.

This bag of snail powder was stuffed into her bag by her mother before she left.

At that time, Song Lishu knew that the crew invited a five-star chef, and she thought that the snail noodles were too cumbersome, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. At this moment, she can only say that only her mother is good in the world.

Ren Shuai looked at the snail noodles that only served one person, hesitated again and again, and resolutely, got into his tent to eat grass.

Out of sight is pure.

But the smell is so strong that even the tent can't block it.

Ren Shuai was about to cry, but suddenly heard a notification from the system.

[Congratulations to the host, you have completed the task of flattening Yihua, and you will be rewarded with a talent card (cooking skill)]

Ren Shuai was very surprised. His first reaction was that he didn't know why the system announced the completion of the task at this moment, and his second reaction was that the system rewarded him with something strange.

He opened the system interface to check the card effect.

[Talent Card (cooking skills), after use, you can improve your cooking ability, and the time limit is 1 hour]

Ren Shuai was very surprised. The item cards rewarded by the system this time were completely different from the previous ones, mainly reflected in the brackets.

According to this logical deduction, other talents will appear in the future.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, could it be that the system couldn't stand the miserable situation of him grazing every day, and specially rewarded a person with the ability to make ends meet.

He stopped his wild thoughts and went into the mall to check, wondering how much this reward was worth.

Talent card (cooking): 1000 recognition

Ren Shuai was very surprised. He didn't expect this card to be worth a lot, or it could be said to be the most expensive card in the mall.

Ren Shuai touched his shriveled stomach, and then looked at the cards in the system.

Not at this time, when should we wait?

He put down the salad in his hand, opened the curtain, walked out of the tent, and went straight to the kitchen.

Song Lishu was eating snail noodles, and when she saw Ren Shuai's back resolutely leaving, she felt guilty, thinking that she must be cooking snail noodles outside, the smell was too smelly, and she smoked him away.

How did she know that Ren Shuai was about to cry.

When he came outside the kitchen, Ren Shuai saw a foreign chef with a wheat complexion instructing several local boys to pack up.

At this time, it reflects the importance of understanding the accent of a door.

He heard the chef and the guys say that the consumption of vegetables is a bit huge, but there are still a lot of meat ingredients left, and some of them have been exposed to the air for too long, and they will go bad tomorrow, so they should eat more meat tonight, The rest can only be thrown away.

Ren Shuai saw the right time, and while the chef was out to get some air, he hurriedly stepped forward to strike up a conversation, and successfully introduced Chinese food Amway to foreign friends.

At this time, the kitchen has completed the catering work of the crew, and the rest is their own meal time.

Ren Shuai took the initiative to invite Ying and said, "I know a few home-cooked dishes, which are delicious. Are you interested in trying them?"

Outsiders are definitely not allowed to enter the important part of the kitchen, but the chef has his own separate small stove, and he occasionally uses this stove to cook some supper, so he nodded and said: "Welcome, I have been cooking for you these few days, I don't know what the food in Yezhou tastes like, so I just have a taste today."

Anyway, there are a lot of ingredients left today, and it would be a waste not to eat them, why not take this opportunity to learn cooking skills with Ren Shuai.

Seeing that the chef agreed, Ren Shuai immediately used the cooking card without delay.

After eating grass three times in a row, I was really hungry.

The moment he picked up the chicken, a hundred ways appeared in his mind, and Ren Shuai chose spicy chicken.

One is that the local area is rich in chili, and the other is that the chicken has been cut into cubes and placed in a basin, so it is a waste to not use it.

Ren Shuai put the pan on and heated the oil to fry it.

He didn't bother to marinate the chicken to taste. He simply grabbed the seasoning a few times, then deep-fried the chicken in the oil pan until golden brown, took it out and started to fry the chili.

Soon, the strong aroma of chili came to the nostrils. The chef felt that this dish should be very good, and looked longingly at the wok.

Ren Shuai saw that the heat was about the same, so he added the diced chicken to the chili and continued to stir fry.

The aromas of chicken and chili stimulate each other, then mix, and begin to exude a strange attraction.

The chef hasn't eaten this dish yet, but he has already started to praise it again and again.

"Amazing, it smells so good, I can't wait to try it."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "It will be ready soon."

He took out the plate and turned off the fire.

It's the first time in my life to cook, and I don't know how it tastes.

When the chef saw the spicy diced chicken coming out of the pan, he immediately stuck out his fork, tied a piece of diced chicken and put it in his mouth.

"Um, uh, wow."

Ren Shuai followed closely behind, picked up the chopsticks and put the chicken nuggets in his mouth.

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and soft.

There was a slight light in his eyes, and he couldn't believe that this dish was made by himself.

It is absolutely impossible.

The aroma of spicy chicken diced filled the air, and the eyes of the production director who passed by nearby were brightened, and he followed the aroma to find it.

He couldn't see who was standing there, all his attention was focused on the plate of spicy chicken that was shining bright red.

After Ren Shuai and the chef took a bite each, they couldn't stop at all.

One piece for you, one piece for me, quickly wipe out the diced chicken in the chili.

The production director saw the shadows of hands flying on the plate, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Excuse me, this dish..."

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw the face of the production director.

The production director didn't expect to meet Ren Shuai here, and forcibly took back what he was about to say.

The chef couldn't understand what he said, so he could only nod slightly, and then continued to fight with the spicy chicken.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Are you get a box lunch?"

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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