From janitor to actor

Chapter 167 Getting ready for reshoots

Chapter 167 Getting ready for reshoots
Get lunch?
No matter how you listen to this, it doesn't taste good.

The production director thought that Ren Shuai would be taken away soon, so there was no need to argue with him, so he said with a smile, "I was attracted by the smell. Did you cook this dish?"

He has been on the island for a longer time, grazing more days, and he has long missed Yezhou food very much.

Ren Shuai nodded and smiled, "The chef and I hit it off right away, we chatted very well, so we decided to have a culinary exchange."

The production director was disdainful, thinking that you, a concierge, and the chef from Waizhou are speculative, do you use sign language?
Also learning cooking skills, depending on you... He glanced at the spicy chicken, thinking maybe cooking skills are okay.

"So that's how it is." The director of the production said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to hide your secrets. Otherwise, you should stay and help the cook."

He thought to himself that this could be regarded as recycling of waste, it would not be a bad show, but it would be nice to be able to cook a good meal.

Ren Shuai was surprised, he had only been here for two days, why would he go?

What's more, he came to act. What kind of helper should he be in the kitchen? The director of the production kept talking to himself, a little confused.

Ren Shuai smiled modestly and said, "The dishes I cook are so-so, it's important to concentrate on acting."

After finishing speaking, he poked through the peppers, found a chicken nugget and put it in his mouth.

After a while, the chef almost picked out all the chicken.

The production director saw that the two were eating well, but he was the only one standing there watching, a bit to blame Ren Shuai for being ignorant.

Ren Shuai seemed to have realized it at this time, and hurriedly handed him a pair of chopsticks and said, "Why don't you try it, I think it's very ordinary, and it's hard to be elegant."

Only then did the director of the production smile with satisfaction, thinking that as long as the taste is good, he can keep you as a cooking assistant.

He held out his chopsticks, looking for diced chicken among the peppers.

Pull it on the left and pull it on the right, but there is no trace of the chicken.


Ren Shuai sighed, "Why is it gone?"

The production director felt a surge of anger, and it was clear that Ren Shuai was playing him.

Just when he was about to explode, Ren Shuai hurriedly said: "It's okay, don't worry, I'll just cook another dish."

When the production director heard the words, he immediately suppressed his anger, thinking that maybe it was a coincidence.

He is not so bold, dare to tease himself in front of his face.

Ren Shuai filled a bowl of chicken again, and glanced at several types of dried chilies in the kitchen.

When talking with the chef just now, he already knew the spiciness of these peppers. Ren Shuai spotted the hottest one and grabbed a handful.

The chef found out that he was going to catch the chili pepper, and he wanted to dissuade him, but he thought it would be interesting to challenge the limit, so he didn't make a sound.

Ren Shuai repeated the previous process, and completed another serving of spicy chicken within 10 minutes.

This time the chili taste is more intense, and there is a hint of latent spiciness in the dry aroma, which is very unique.

The production director couldn't wait any longer. As soon as the dishes were served, he picked up a piece of chicken.

Originally, the chicken was full of pot gas, and the oil on it was still flickering, which was very hot. With the blessing of hell pepper, it felt like a fire.

As soon as the production director took a bite, he was forced to spit it out.

It's also his fault that he was too anxious to eat.

Spicy is spicy, but the taste is quite good, no one can hold it in front of this kind of temptation.

The production director looked at the diced chicken in his hand in embarrassment, feeling ashamed in front of Ren Shuai.

At this time, Ren Shuai said very understandingly: "I just remembered that I have to make up for the shoot at night, so I have to go to make up and prepare quickly. I will leave this dish for you to eat slowly. Don't bother me."

The production director saw that he had a good eye, nodded slightly and said, "Well, you can go."

Ren Shuai turned around, smiled meaningfully, and walked towards the dressing room.

The production director who stayed to taste the spicy chicken ate it patronizingly, and waited until Ren Shuai left to realize what he had just said.

He's going to make up for it...

How could Yi Hua agree to him?
The production director glanced at the spicy chicken in his hand, and thought to eat first, anyway, even if the reshoots were made, they would have to wait until after nine o'clock tonight.

The chef stood by, just tried a bite of the diced chicken, and gave up decisively.

He looked admiringly at the production director who took away the whole dish.

Their local Hell pepper, although it is very spicy at the beginning, it has a hotter aftertaste. He usually puts half a pepper at most when cooking.

A plate full like that, after eating, I'm afraid I'll be living in the toilet tomorrow.

Ren Shuai finished his styling and came to the set to wait.

It was already 8:[-], and the filming had come to an end. In the last scene today, the male second reported to the captain played by Yi Hua, and mentioned that he saw a suspicious figure appearing near the engine compartment today.

The male lead has been in a normal state since the end of the play with Ren Shuai today, and it has improved slightly after Ma Chunpeng's continuous training.

But today's last match was between him and Yihua, it was like hell difficulty.

Everyone in the crew knows that Yi Hua has a strong aura, and when playing with him, most of them will be suppressed.

The male lead was no exception. When he spoke the first line with Yi Hua, he didn't dare to look at him. His eyes seemed very erratic. He was clearly reporting work, but he seemed to be lying.

Ma Chunpeng was very dissatisfied, but facing an actor like Yi Hua, it is normal for the male lead to make mistakes.

After taking more than a dozen shots in a row, the male lead was already a bit skinny, and the effect was getting worse and worse. Ma Chunpeng simply called a stop and asked the actor to take a rest.

At this time, he saw Ren Shuai waiting on the sidelines, raised his hand and said, "Li Laifu, come here."

Ren Shuai was planning to find an opportunity to talk to Ma Chunpeng about the reshoots, when he saw him calling him, he immediately stepped forward.

Before Ren Shuai could speak, Ma Chunpeng took the lead and said, "Yi Hua told me what he promised you this afternoon, and he even reserved today's last scene for the cabin scene, just to make it easier for you two to make up shots after the end." role."

Ren Shuai didn't expect that Yi Hua had already voluntarily mentioned this matter, so it would save him to bring it up again.

Then he remembered that the system suddenly reminded him that the task had been completed in the afternoon, probably because Yi Hua had asked Ma Chunpeng for a reshoot on his own initiative.

It seems that Yi Hua is very concerned about Biao's acting skills, or in other words, very good at it.

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile and said, "I'm ready, there will be absolutely no mistakes in this shooting."

Ma Chunpeng was still a little worried. After all, Ren Shuai was an actor he personally selected. If he lost the chain, he would lose face. Besides, the production director was still watching over him and would change at any time.

"Yihua's state is particularly high this afternoon, and he has performed very well in every aspect. When you are in the next match, you have to be more focused." He pointed out.

Ren Shuai immediately nodded to express his understanding. He guessed that Yi Hua must have been stimulated by his aggressive method, and his fighting spirit was high in the afternoon as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

The actors who played against Yi Hua today can be regarded as unlucky.

Ren Shuai glanced at the male second who was sitting aside and fell into autism, and Ren Shuai expressed deep sympathy.

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(End of this chapter)

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