Chapter 168
The production director appeared on the shooting scene as if stepping on the spot.

His lips were slightly red and swollen, but he looked full of energy.

Seeing him coming, the male second immediately moved over resentfully, complaining about what happened in the afternoon.

"Teacher Yi was in a very brave state in the afternoon, and I couldn't take the show anymore. How about you help me to say something nice, so that Teacher Yi won't make things difficult for me."

The production director turned his head to look at Yi Hua's eyes full of fighting spirit, thinking that if he went up and said it at this time, he might be beaten back.

He turned his head and saw Ren Shuai beside him. Although he didn't understand how he persuaded Yi Hua to make up the shoot, he could just use him now.

Don't you want to make up for it? Let Yi Hua do it when he is at his best.

After thinking about it, he comforted the second man, turned around and walked towards Ren Shuai.

"Li Laifu, it seems that you are ready for a reshoot?"

Ren Shuai glanced at his rosy and bloated lips, forced his smile back, and nodded.

The production director smiled and said: "That's just right, the male lead will rest for a while before shooting, let's make up the scene between you and Mr. Yi first."

After finishing speaking, he went straight to Ma Chunpeng without waiting for Ren Shuai's answer.

Ren Shuai was eager to start filming earlier, and the producer director's suggestion was exactly what he wanted. He wasn't full from the meal just now, so he could go to the chef's for a supper after filming.

Soon, Ma Chumpeng started to arrange with the walkie-talkie. The scene didn't need much change, just a slight adjustment of the camera position.

Yi Hua was also informed that he had to prepare to shoot the scene with Ren Shuai first, his eyes were shining brightly and he was very angry.

On the contrary, Ren Shuai was very relaxed, as if he didn't take Yi Hua to heart at all.

Seeing this kind of performance in Yi Hua's eyes, he felt even more annoyed, thinking that after turning on the machine, he would let this layman see what it means to be professional!
After arranging the scene, the production director walked back to the second male lead and said, "I've moved your scene to a later date, and let Teacher Yi and Li Laifu play against each other first, and when he gets rid of Teacher Yi's aura, you can do it again." There is no pressure to shoot.”

The male second general nodded suspiciously, thinking to himself, when he played with Ren Shuai before, he didn't feel that his aura was worse than Yi Hua. , wouldn't it be worse.

Seeing that he didn't have much confidence, the production director patted the male second with confidence, "Don't worry, Li Laifu is just a janitor, and he is not worthy of delivering food to Yi Hua. Don't talk about Yi Hua's state today. Now, no matter which actor comes over, he may not be able to catch the play."

"But, I feel that Li, Uncle Li's acting skills are also very good." The second male said in a low voice.

"Tch..." the production director shook his head disdainfully and said, "He's about to lose his role, and he's also good at acting. Don't think that older people are better than you. You're from a major, so he's just a gatekeeper."

Hearing this, the male second nodded, and looked at Ren Shuai with a little sympathy, thinking that this Uncle Li was going to block the knife for him now.

Ma Chumpeng quickly completed the adjustments and announced the start-up.

"Actors are ready, start the machine."

Ren Shuai wore a mask and lowered his head slightly, avoiding the captain's scrutiny with his eyes.

Yi Hua took two steps forward, stood directly opposite Ren Shuai, and began to look at him. Although it was just a small look, it contained doubts, scrutiny, and the sense of oppression as a captain looking at his subordinates.

"Why do you wear a mask to work?" Yi Hua asked.

Although the voice was not loud, it was full of an irresistible feeling. In addition to the normal inquiry, there was also a faint suspicion in the tone.

A simple look and a question made the atmosphere tense up.

Ma Chunpeng looked at the monitor and couldn't help nodding slightly. The grasp of this kind of details is definitely at the master level, which is really too good, completely exceeding his expectations.

I just don't know if Ren Shuai can catch the show.

The production director smiled from the side, his red and swollen lips hurt a little from grinning, but he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

As expected, Yi Hua's performance is already superb, unless he is a movie king, no one can catch this scene.

The scene was very quiet, and Ren Shuai didn't answer Yi Hua's question immediately.

He's fully into the game at this point.

Facing the captain's scrutiny, Ren Shuai lowered his head slightly as if subconsciously, and immediately stopped his movements, showing that he was afraid of being betrayed, but on the surface he had to force himself to be calm, and he must not be seen as nervous.

Ren Shuai's eyes flickered for a moment, and then gradually solidified, conveying the complex emotions of internal and external contradictions from his eyes.

"I caught a cold today, and my throat is also inflamed. I wore a mask because I was afraid of infecting everyone." He said in a slightly hoarse voice.

Although this line is not long, Ren Shuai uttered it with a sense of hierarchy.

When he first said it, his tone was still a little floating, but he became more and more confident after speaking, which is exactly the same as the change in the character's heart.

Just like when a person is lying, he is a little guilty at the beginning, but as he speaks more and more, it seems that he has convinced himself, and he will become more and more sincere.

Ren Shuai's grasp of the emotions and hearts of the characters is extremely precise.

But some people can't act even if they understand it in their hearts, but he portrays every look and tone very carefully.

Yi Hua never expected Ren Shuai to be able to perform like this, and at the same time astonished, he almost made a play.

Fortunately, he has rich experience, pulled back to the role in time, nodded and said: "That's it, then pay more attention to rest."

Ren Shuai nodded, lowering his shoulders slightly, showing that he was relaxed about passing this test.

"Okay, card!"

Ma Chunpeng stood up from the monitor, clapped his hands in satisfaction and said, "Very good, this one is very good."

He said it was very good twice, obviously very satisfied with the one just now.

Yi Hua let out a breath, turned his head to look at Ren Shuai, nodded slightly and said: "I didn't expect you to have some skills, it seems that you have specially practiced this scene."

According to what he said, the two were evenly matched just now, but Ren Shuai specially practiced this scene, which is a preview in advance, and the real level should not be so good.

Ren Shuai didn't explain, but smiled and said in a low voice: "If you read correctly just now, you almost made a show."

Yi Hua was shocked.

He was confident that he had adjusted very well just now and would never be discovered by anyone, even Ma Chunpeng didn't notice it.

In the filming just now, although Yi Hua's expression and eyes were fine, his aura fluctuated, especially when Ren Shuai played with him at close range.

This kind of change is impossible to detect through the lens.

"Just now, I was just a little surprised by your performance." Yi Hua explained.

If you count the moment when he almost made a play, the performance of the two of them is not evenly matched, but he is slightly inferior.

Yi Hua didn't want to admit that he had lost his acting skills to a janitor.

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(End of this chapter)

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