Chapter 169
Yi Hua thought to himself, he was just distracted by foreign objects during filming, if he did it again, he would definitely be able to perform flawlessly.

Seeing his unwillingness to admit defeat, Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Okay, I won't fight with you."

Anyway, the purpose of the reshoot has been achieved, Ren Shuai doesn't care about Yi Hua's ideas at all, as long as he can keep the role.

But Yi Hua was more concerned when he heard this, and stepped forward and said: "Aren't there still a few rival scenes in the future, we can compare them again!"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, that's really what I wish for.

I was worried that the production director would find other excuses to replace him. With Yi Hua's request, he was escorting him in disguise.

On the other side, the production director felt a burning pain in his mouth.

Seeing Ren Shuai's performance, he felt that he was really hurt by being slapped in the face.

Especially in front of the young male second, what he said failed to be fulfilled, and instead had the opposite effect. If he promised something in the future, who would trust him.

Originally, he just couldn't understand that Ren Shuai took away the role that he and the producer had agreed on, so he wanted to find a reason to replace Ren Shuai, but now it's good, causing him to lose face in front of the younger generation, this tone is absolutely unbearable.

This person cannot be kept, he must be squeezed out.

Just at this time, Ma Chunpeng came over and said with a very happy smile: "My vision of choosing actors is really good. It seems that Li Laifu had diarrhea yesterday and affected his performance. If you look at today's performance, it is completely It's the actor level."

After speaking, he nodded again in satisfaction.

When the production director was told by him, he felt even more uncomfortable in his heart, but he had nowhere to vent.

Before, they caught Ren Shuai's poor acting skills and asked to replace him. Now Ren Shuai's performance is flawless, and the production director couldn't find a place to start.

But the bullshit has been blown out. In the morning, he has sent a message to the pre-appointed actor, asking him to buy a plane ticket and fly over.

Now that this kind of mistake has happened, we must find a way to make up for it.

The production director was thinking about it, thinking that since he couldn't catch Ren Shuai's loopholes in acting, he should make a fuss about him from his background, publicize that he is a concierge, and let professional actors squeeze him out .

After making up his mind, the production director decisively started to act.

Ren Shuai finished his work smoothly, but he didn't wait for the sound from the system to remind him that the mission was completed.

Is the crisis of being changed roles still not resolved?
Ren Shuai thought to himself, just now his acting skills can be said to be at the textbook level, even if the production director wanted to find fault, he couldn't find any loopholes.

But since the system didn't prompt, something must have gone wrong.

Ren Shuai has no idea for the time being, so he can only put it aside for now. As the saying goes, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.

If he is always thinking about this matter, and his heart is too tired, he might as well use soldiers to stop him.

The next day, as soon as Ren Shuai woke up, he heard a pleasant reminder sound in his head.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, complete the achievement task: no one can steal my role (2/3), reward achievement value 1 point]

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with the wake-up reminder, but he was a little curious why it came this morning instead of last night.

In a remote corner of the island, there are tents with unique styles, which are the crew's official toilets.

The production director sat inside early in the morning and never came out.

Not to mention spreading the news that Ren Shuai is the janitor, he can't even take care of his own job, and everyone feels uncomfortable.

That feeling can only be felt but cannot be expressed in words.

He was empty inside, and his mind was also empty, and suddenly he remembered that Ren Shuai had recommended him a special medicine for diarrhea.

"It's bad luck." He murmured to himself.

I thought to myself that if I had diarrhea, it must have been cursed by Ren Shuai.

He naturally knew that it was because of his greed that he endured the spicy food and ate a whole plate of spicy chicken, and his stomach couldn't stand it, so he had diarrhea.

But no one could have imagined that the black hand behind the scenes was really the handful of peppers that Ren Shuai caught.

At this time, Ren Shuai finished washing, walked to the kitchen with ease, and was going to continue to squeeze the chef's wool, but it wasn't true. To be precise, he just used the chef's stove to finish the ingredients prepared by the crew.

At this time, the kitchen has prepared breakfast and placed it on the dining car, and the chef is in command to clean it.

Ren Shuai saw several ostrich eggs poked on the container at a glance, which is one of Toyosu's specialties.

When the chef saw Ren Shuai, he greeted him warmly. After seeing the spicy chicken yesterday, he has already fallen in love with Yezhou cuisine.

Ren Shuai didn't have any shooting tasks in the morning, so he was not in a hurry. He planned to make full use of his cooking card today, and cook a few more delicacies in the limited time.

Before Ren Shuai could speak, the chef had already actively recommended ingredients.

"When I bought the goods today, I specially ordered someone to purchase some ingredients from Yezhou. These are all for you."

Ren Shuai was a little moved. Although the chef's cooking was not to his taste, he was a man who suited him well.

"Have a heart."

After he nodded his thanks, he began to look around the food rack.

Every time he scanned an ingredient, one recipe after another would automatically pop up in his mind, making him eager to try.

No wonder this culinary skill card is worth 1000 recognition and is only valid for 1 hour. The practical value is really too high.

He took the tray, put the selected ingredients in it, and started to work.

An hour later, Ren Shuai finished his work and called it a day.

The table is already filled with 4 dishes, one soup and one main course, each dish takes ten minutes on average.

The chef watched the whole process, let alone the taste and color of the dishes, Ren Shuai's knife skills and speed alone were enough to amaze him.

"Fu, you are really amazing."

Ren Shuai waved his hands and said modestly: "What are you not convinced about? We are just exchanging cooking skills."

The chef picked up his exclusive fork and stabbed it at Kung Pao Chicken.

The spicy chicken diced yesterday left a deep impression on him. Seeing that Ren Shuai made another kind of diced chicken today, he must try it first.

"Wow, it's delicious."

Followed by mapo tofu, Ren Shuai lamented that tofu can be bought here, so it is natural to use the local pepper to make a good use of it.

Followed by oily prawns, sweet and sour pork, West Lake beef soup and ostrich egg rice.

Time was tight and tasks were heavy, Ren Shuai only cooked a few simple home-cooked dishes, and there was no time to make complicated and time-consuming dishes.

His goal today is to win by quantity, cook a few more dishes, and take them home for lunch.

After the chef tasted every dish, he started to work on the ostrich omelet rice.

Their local method is usually to break the ostrich eggs and put them in the meat stuffing to make meat patties and dip them in sauce.

Ren Shuai felt a bit reckless, ostrich eggs were different from chicken eggs, they didn't have any eggy smell, and when fried into omelets, they had a special sweet smell, which was very delicious.

The chef is full of praise for each dish, especially the mapo tofu and Kung Pao chicken, which are delicious when served with omelet rice.

From the speed at which the dishes are consumed, it can be seen that he really loves these dishes.

Ren Shuai couldn't stand it anymore. He originally planned to stir-fry and order more dishes to take away, but after seeing this trend, the chef could kill all the dishes by himself.

This is not a good CD, he hasn't eaten it yet!

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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