Chapter 170
Ren Shuai's plan to squeeze wool ran aground, and no one could resist the temptation of delicious food.

The assistant chefs all moved upon hearing the news, and gathered in front of the chef's small stove. Ren Shuai could only show his magic and cooking skills again to contribute to the promotion of Yezhou cuisine.

This time, Ren Shuai did not dare to keep more dishes after cooking. After packing a few dishes, he decisively evacuated.

It was the first time for the chefs to taste Yezhou delicacies, their appetites were whetted, and they were all like big eaters.

If he stayed for a while longer, let alone packing, I'm afraid even Ren Shuai himself would be detained as a chef.

Under the reluctant eyes of the crowd, Ren Shuai retreated quickly and returned to his tent.

At this time, Song Lishu had just put on her makeup and walked out the door. When she saw Ren Shuai coming back with a stack of food boxes, she immediately stepped forward to help.

"Ms. Li, what is this?" She asked curiously after taking a few lunch boxes.


Song Lishu saw the long-lost Yezhou feast in the food box through the transparent cover, and her mouth watered immediately.

"Is the five-star chef of the crew discharged from the hospital?" She asked excitedly.

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "No."

Now everyone in the production team knows that the original chef was admitted to the hospital because of acclimatization, and they all hope that he will recover soon.

Song Lishu looked at the food box and said, "Then... you made these dishes?"

Ren Shuai put the lunch box on his table, nodded and said, "It's just fried."

"I didn't expect that you can cook, and it looks delicious." Song Li said pleasantly.

Ren Shuai understood her meaning in an instant, pointed to the chair and said, "Sit down and eat together."

"Is this suitable?"

Song Lishu asked politely, and moved her body towards the chair honestly.

Ren Shuai smiled and didn't point it out. Song Lishu's state at this time was completely understandable to him, it was exactly the same as when he saw the snail powder yesterday.

What usual reserved and polite, after two or three days of hunger, the moment of seeing the delicious food, will be gone.

Song Lishu managed to restrain the impulse, and waited for Ren Shuai to move his chopsticks first, before she put a piece of sweet and sour pork tenderloin into her mouth.

Mmm, it's really delicious.

She couldn't help feeling a touch of emotion in her heart, and finally she was able to eat normal food again.

Still the long-lost pork.

She suddenly remembered something, raised her head and asked, "Aren't you a vegetarian?"

Ren Shuai was speechless. How did Song Lishu misunderstand that he was a vegetarian? Does he look like a vegetarian?

No wonder I always come back with a vegetable salad.

Ren Shuai didn't explain, but joked, "Cheat meal."

Song Lijuan actually believed it, and nodded in admiration, thinking that Teacher Li is really dedicated, and he must pay attention to body management at all times. This is probably the self-cultivation of an actor.

The two of them ate very full for this brunch, and they wished to make up for what they owed from the previous two days.

Song Lishu felt that her image of a lady was completely ruined, but she did not regret it. This meal can be said to be the best meal in her life.

I don't know if it's the effect of being hungry for too long, or Ren Shuai's craftsmanship is too exquisite.

She said gratefully: "Thank you for your hospitality, I will clean up these."

After speaking, Song Lishu took the initiative to put away the lunch box and was about to throw it into the trash can outside the door.

As soon as she got out of the tent, she ran into a drama manager who rushed over. Today, the production director left his post due to diarrhea, and his drama manager was as busy as a fly without a head.

Coincidentally, something went wrong during the filming process. The female number two was kissed by a poisonous mosquito, and her face swelled up a lot. The filming of her scene had to be postponed.

The role of the protagonist is inconvenient to transfer, so we can only find supporting roles to play the role.

Running over to find Ren Shuai was to tell him to put on makeup and get ready to shoot the scene where he accidentally fell into the sea.

Ren Shuai remembered that the scene was filmed on the last day, and the sudden advance caught him off guard.

I'm going to jump into the sea just after eating, it's no wonder I don't have appendicitis.

But he couldn't evade it, after all, actors had to obey the crew's arrangements, and any temporary adjustments were inevitable.

After emergency makeup, Ren Shuai rushed to the set. This scene did not require other actors to participate, and only Ren Shuai completed it alone.

He is not the first one to be pulled to fill the stage. Before he arrived, two supporting actors had already come to finish the single shot.

The shot of Ren Shuai falling into the sea is one of the more difficult ones to shoot because of the need to hang the wire.

Although he didn't need to jump into the sea, he still had to jump down from the green cloth hung by the crew.

He felt the fullness in his stomach, and thought that if he was hung up like this, his body would lose his balance, and if he swayed a few more times, he might spit out all the food he ate.

For the sake of his own safety, Ren Shuai used a martial arts card.

With the blessing of martial arts cards, the control of the body is greatly increased, and it is like walking on the ground when hanging on the wire.

The action director stepped forward to adjust the equipment for Ren Shuai, and nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Seeing that he was getting ready, Ma Chunpeng approached him a little worriedly and said, "Can you hang on to Wia?"

He thought that although Ren Shuai had good acting skills, he was not young after all, and it might be a little difficult to shoot this kind of action scene. Originally, he wanted him to take time to practice and get used to it, but this time he suddenly went directly to the stage, and he didn't know if he would be able to do it.

Just don't make any mistakes.

The reason why the crew arranges action scenes such as Diao Weiya at the end is that they are worried that the actors will be injured during the filming process, which will affect the shooting of other shots.

Ren Shuai felt as light as a swallow now, and nodded confidently: "Yes."

Seeing his appearance, Ma Chunpeng nodded, turned around and directed the movements: "Explain to him the movements and precautions. The most important thing is to pay attention to safety."

After speaking, he walked back to the front of the surveillance, ready to shoot.

The action director nodded, seeing Ren Shuai's nonchalant expression, and sighed inwardly.

Don't be careless about the scene of Diao Weiya, otherwise you will be easily injured.

He said solemnly: "Don't take it lightly. Although it's a shot of falling into the sea, your body movements should feel flustered, and you can't really lose your balance and sway your body, otherwise you will be easily cut. And this time The height is not low, and you are sliding down on your back, and you will have an obvious sense of weightlessness."

Ren Shuai nodded again and said, "No problem."

He didn't look nervous at all, and the action director was even more worried when he saw this. He felt that Ren Shuai didn't take it seriously. Diao Weiya is not just a play, and no jokes are tolerated.

Every time they meet those inexperienced people who are twisting on the wire rope, the pressure on their team will be doubled
"You have hanged wire a few times before, and you dare to say that there is no problem?" the action director asked curiously.

Ren Shuai said frankly, "Once."

He thought to himself that this action guide was conscientious, but he was a bit wordy.

The effect of the martial arts card has already been opened, and the time limit is limited. In line with the principle of saving, of course, the sooner you start shooting, the better.

Ren Shuai's answer directly left the action director speechless. How dare he be arrogant after hanging Wia once?

This was the first time I saw such a self-righteous person, so I should teach him a lesson.

He simply raised his hand and said, "Okay, since you are so confident, don't try it, just shoot."

Ren Shuai smiled.

Can't ask for it.

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(End of this chapter)

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