From janitor to actor

Chapter 171 He is in a hurry

Chapter 171 He is in a hurry

Ren Shuai was slowly hoisted up.

The front end of the green cloth has built a rock-like raised platform, and he will fall from this platform in a while.

The action director looked at Ren Shuai who had risen to the corresponding height, and thought that Ren Shuai might struggle to even stand on the platform, let alone...

Before he could finish his thoughts, he saw Ren Shuai jumping forward and landed firmly on the platform.

"Hmph, hold on."

The action director said silently, thinking that he has directed so many dramas, and the actors have been pulled to such a height, but any normal person will have a physiological reaction.

Either the legs are weak, or the hands are numb.

Actions like Ren Shuai's seem to be deliberately showing off, and they are done for others to see, but in fact they may not be very nervous.Whoever asked him to be pulled up had to be tough.

Thinking about this, the action director walked to the side of the Wia team and said, "Be careful when pulling for a while. This guy is a novice, so he might not know how to twist."

A brawny man from the Wia team nodded and said, "Don't worry, we'll make him fall faster in a while, and he will land before he struggles."

At this time, a large crane camera was aimed at Ren Shuai and began to take close-up shots of him.

Ma Chunpeng took out a loudspeaker and said, "Every department is ready, start up."

Ren Shuai stretched out his hand and stuck it out towards the air, as if he was going to reach for something.

However, in the next second, his feet slipped, his body fell backwards, he stepped on the ground in an instant, and the whole person fell downwards.


He let out a terrified cry, and did not forget to adjust his figure to align with the camera, showing a look full of horror and fear.

Wia only gave him a little strength, at this time Ren Shuai felt as if he had entered a semi-weightless state, without any fulcrum of strength.

But the tyrannical body control ability made him find his balance quickly, and he began to swing his arms and his legs bounced in the air, just like a person who really fell into the sea after falling.

It was too late to say it, but it was only a few breaths, and Ren Shuai fell into the air cushion with a "poof".

"Okay, card!"

Ma Chunpeng watched the monitor replay several times by accident, and felt that this shot was unexpectedly good.

He really didn't expect that Ren Shuai had such an excellent performance when he came up. Not only did he cooperate with Wia very tacitly, but also his movements and expressions were very good, and he even found the angle of the camera very accurately.

The boys of the Wia team were even more surprised, and turned their heads to look at the action guide.

Didn't they just say that this is a newcomer, and they will mess around if they are inexperienced? Why do they feel that they are pulling effortlessly and smoothly?

The action director was also stunned.

Is this the behavior of a person who claims to hang Wia only once?

Maybe... a coincidence happened because of the novice halo.

The action director didn't believe in evil, and hurried forward to check Ren Shuai's status, wanting to see if his face turned pale with fright.

However, before he could get close, Ren Shuai, who was trapped in the cushion, had calmly stood up, jumped a few times and landed on the cushion.

The action director wanted to reach out to grab someone's hand, but stopped in mid-air, and his movements were stiff.

The cushion is a soft and elastic style specially designed by the crew for safety. Most people fall on it, let alone standing up, it is difficult to roll down.

But Ren Shuai got up easily on it just now, and bounced freely, as if gravity had lost its effect.

"High, master."

The action director now has no doubt that Ren Shuai's performance on Wia is a coincidence.

This kind of control over balance has long been beyond the scope of ordinary people. Without decades of hard training, it is absolutely impossible to achieve.

He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, and hurriedly ran to Ren Shuai to help him organize his equipment.

"Senior, you really opened my eyes. Just now I couldn't see Mount Tai, so I was a little anxious. Don't mind."

Ren Shuai smiled and waved his hands: "You are also for work safety, I understand."

The action director was greatly moved when he heard the words, thinking that the senior is indeed noble in martial arts and has the demeanor of a master, he will not take his faux pas to heart.

Ren Shuai was thinking that although he had used the martial arts card, he wanted to go to the bathroom after landing on the ground just now.

At this time, Ma Chunpeng came over happily and said, "The one just now worked well, let's keep another one."

Ren Shuai had a question mark face.

Since the effect is good, why keep one.

Ma Chumpeng immediately answered his doubts.

"Originally, I thought that the filming of Wia's scene would not last for two or three hours, but this is only 10 minutes. There is plenty of time, so I will do another one."

After finishing speaking, Ma Chumpeng called the drama manager again and asked him to quickly notify the actors behind to prepare.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, what Director Ma meant was that if you are idle, you are idle anyway, so it is better to take another one.

But now he wants to go to the bathroom.

If it weren't for the troublesome and time-consuming disassembly of the Wia equipment, he would have called a timeout.

Ren Shuai glanced at the action guide and said, "Let's land faster this time."

He is in a hurry.

The action director didn't hesitate at all, and immediately nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Ma Chunpeng once again announced the start of the show. Although Ren Shuai was in a hurry, he was still very dedicated during the performance and did not make any perfunctory moves.

He slipped again and fell from the air. With the experience of last time, he played more smoothly and naturally, and landed faster.


Looking at the performance of this one, Ma Chunpeng became more and more satisfied, thinking that it was indeed better than the previous one.

Especially the falling effect is more realistic than last time.

Ren Shuai jumped off the mat and just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ma Chunpeng say: "This one is more effective, there is still time, let's keep another one."

Ren Shuai: "..."

Sure enough, the trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them.

Performing too well will make people look forward to his next performance even more. If this trend continues, Ma Chumpeng will not stop filming until the actors in the next scene are in place.

Fortunately, the director of the show was flexible and quickly called the actors. Ren Shuai just took two, three, four, five more shots.

Behind Ren Shuai is the male number two and several actors who play passengers. Their role is to run back and forth to escape when the shipwreck occurs.

During the escape, the ship tilted, and some passengers fell from a height. The second male hero took the lead and rushed to save people. This scene also needed to be filmed by Diao Weiya.

Originally, there was no need for the male lead to appear in the backstage scenes, but there are very few solo shots of supporting roles, and they basically appear together with the protagonist.

Among the several protagonists, only the second male lead has the lowest qualifications, so he was naturally chosen to fill the scene.

The male second was quite self-conscious, knowing that his qualifications were not good enough, and that he didn't have enough coffee spots. This time, his entry into the group all depended on the relationship between the producer and the production director, so as soon as he received the news, he immediately came to wait for the scene actively.

Since he arrived early, he was fortunate enough to witness Ren Shuai's silky performance when hanging on to Wia, and he was still a little nervous, but he immediately eased down.

He thought that people of Lien Shuai's age could complete the movements so gracefully. It seemed that the action team of the crew was very capable. When he got on the wire, he only needed to be a salted fish and let the wire group operate it.

Ren Shuai didn't know at all that his performance had already misled his children.

Even if he knew it, he didn't have time to say anything. He was really in a hurry now.

 On the last day of the month, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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