From janitor to actor

Chapter 17 The Great Director's Favor

Chapter 17 The Great Director's Favor

While the few people were chatting, a middle-aged woman wearing glasses reappeared and smiled at Ren Shuai: "Hi, Director Ma's assistant would like to invite you to have a chat alone."

Before Ren Shuai could react, Mu Xiaoqing suddenly covered her mouth in surprise and said, "Director Ma Chunpeng?"

The middle-aged woman nodded with a smile.

Mu Xiaoqing was a little envious and a little happy for Ren Shuai and said, "Uncle Li, Director Ma has taken a fancy to you, congratulations!"

Ren Shuai was in his heart pee pee pee.

What does it mean to see me...

He wasn't too excited. He knew his own conditions. Even if Ma Chumpeng invited him to cooperate, it would probably be a role of a utility.

But the other party is a big director, and the investment in the film is expensive, and the actors' salary should be quite a lot.

Ren Shuai is very excited, he has to plan for retirement in advance.

He nodded in agreement, and left with the middle-aged woman.

Mu Xiaoqing and the others looked at his back as he left, feeling satisfied or envious.

"Uncle Li is really amazing. With just one drama, he caught Director Ma's attention. Well, it also proves that I have a sharp eye." Mu Xiaoqing affirmed herself.

Su Yu nodded and said: "I really have to admire it. I was slapped in the face this time, and I was worried that the uncle would not know the lines. I didn't expect the clown to be myself."

Liu Tian then sighed: "Uncle not only recites his own words, but also my words are accurate."

Mu Xiaoqing thought about it for a while, and suddenly said in surprise: "Uncle Li memorized Su Yu's words, maybe because they were the words of the opponent actor, so I wrote them down by the way, but how could he even remember your words so clearly? There is no one behind you." Rivalry."

Could it be...he memorized everyone's lines, right? "

Mu Xiaoqing was secretly shocked.

Su Yu widened his eyes and said, "Could it be that Uncle Li has the strongest brain?"

"Then why does he want to guard the gate at the school? With such strength, what job can't he find?" Liu Tian expressed doubts.

The previous guess popped up in Mu Xiaoqing's mind again, the uncle can't really be an old artist who came to the school to experience life!

"Maybe my uncle's hobby is watching the gate."


Ren Shuai followed the middle-aged woman out, and quickly opened the system to check, wanting to know what he had gained today.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*2, Makeup Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (300/1000)
Recognition degree: 398
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Seeing the digital changes on the system interface, Ren Shuai felt very relieved, and his skill proficiency increased by 60 points, which was much more than the experience improved by rehearsal.

The most important thing is that the approval degree has jumped from the original two digits to 398, which is getting closer and closer to the 1000 approval degree required by the main task.

He thought to himself that his analysis was indeed correct, the increase in recognition was the number of audiences who approved of his performance.

Although I used a line card worth 200 recognition this time, I gained a lot, not only earning back the cost, but also promoting the progress of the main task.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Satisfied, he shut down the system, and was then led to an office.

Sitting on the roof is a mature and intellectual woman, dressed dignifiedly and with a capable demeanor.

"This is Director Ma's assistant, Ms. Song Lishu, this is Li Laifu from our school, Mr. Li, please talk first, I won't bother you."

After the middle-aged woman made an introduction, she got up and left.

Song Lishu smiled, asked Ren Shuai to sit down, and said politely, "Mr. Li, Director Ma watched your performance just now and thought it was very exciting. Ask me if you intend to make a movie?"

Ren Shuai was naturally interested, but he couldn't be too eager, so he nodded and said, "You can talk about it."

"Director Ma's team has recently prepared a new project. It is going to shoot a genre film with black humor and crime elements. He thinks there is a character in it that is very suitable for you. The specific content involves a confidentiality agreement. I am not in a position to say more. I wonder if you are interested?"

Song Lishu looked confidently at the concierge in front of her, thinking that the other party would definitely agree.

Before she contacted Ren Shuai, she already knew Ren Shuai's identity. The school's concierge, maybe it was because she was favored by director Ma that she was allowed to contact him.

Being able to participate in Director Ma's project has always been the dream of actors.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, and he didn't mention salary after talking for a long time.

Moreover, the system did not sound any notification, which proved that the mission was not triggered.

He decided to take the initiative and asked in a roundabout way, so he said, "I usually still have my job, so I don't know when to shoot and how long will it take?"

When it comes to shooting time, we have to talk about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and then there is a question of funding, which will naturally lead to the salary.

Song Lishu was a little surprised to see that the other party didn't immediately agree. Usually, the new actors she approached would nod and agree without saying a word.

But what the old man said is also reasonable, he is not a professional actor, and he has to involve the matter of asking for leave.

She smiled and said: "The project is still in the preparation stage, and the specific time has not been determined yet, but it should be launched before the end of the year. The role you play is not too important, and you can shoot for a day or two."

Ren Shuai saw that she didn't intend to raise the salary at all, so he simply asked, "What about the investment?"

Song Lishu was taken aback for a moment, wondering why this old man pays attention to investment, what does this have to do with acting, this is what producers should pay attention to.

But she still said: "Director Ma's films have always been favored by investors, and the production cost is basically more than one billion yuan."

Anyone who has understood the film market should know that Ma Chumpeng's films rarely lose money, and the investors are extremely active, starting with more than one billion yuan for each filming.

But Uncle Li is watching the door, so it is understandable not to understand.

After Song Lishu finished speaking, she looked at Ren Shuai with a little pride.

Seeing that the other party still didn't talk about salary, Ren Shuai was a little disappointed, thinking that their team would use unknown actors without giving them money.

He knew that some people even gave money back to star in films of great directors.

But at any rate, there will be a chance to show his face and increase his popularity.

But the role of Ren Shuai was only filmed for a day or two, and after editing, it was estimated that there were only two shots, and no audience would notice him.

You can't trade at a loss.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I see, let's get in touch after the filming is settled."

Since the other party didn't give specific information, he can also deal with it ambiguously.

Song Lishu nodded subconsciously, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. The uncle said that I will contact you at a later time. This sentence must be similar to the next time.

"Do you have any concerns about it?"

Song Lishu didn't want to make mistakes in the contact task arranged by Director Ma.

"Oh, no." Ren Shuai smiled.

Song Lishu was stunned.

Uncle is so difficult to talk to.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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