Chapter 16
As bystanders, Mu Xiaoqing and Liu Tian inserted reasoning in the blank moments from time to time.

The cleaner played by Su Yu finished cleaning, looked up at the wall clock, and went out to leave.

Su Yu felt that his current state was unprecedentedly good, his whole body seemed to be enlightened, and his spirit was also very excited.

Ren Shuai glanced at her inexplicably energized state, and said to himself that it was like a flash of light, which was a bit scary.

The audience felt that Su Yu performed the joyful mood after get off work, and couldn't help but praise it.

Ren Shuai followed the script two steps forward and said, "Xiao Song, are you off work?"

Su Yu nodded happily, and then said: "Well,..."

After she nodded, she suddenly froze, her mind went blank, and she forgot all her lines.

Mu Xiaoqing, who was always watching her, clenched her palms tightly, realizing that Su Yu might have forgotten her words.

But right now, it's the rivalry scene between Uncle Security and Su Yu. As a bystander, she can't intervene in the plot. Even if she wants to help, she can't do it.

How to do?
Although Mu Xiaoqing was a top student in the acting department, it was the first time she encountered such a thing on the stage of a formal performance, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

She clenched her hands tightly, couldn't help pursing her lips slightly, and her eyes subconsciously drifted towards Ren Shuai.

However, the security guard played by Ren Shuai joked naturally: "Seeing that you often carry the handbag from the convenience store, you wouldn't go there to sell boxed lunches, that would be unhealthy."

Su Yu looked up in surprise, she didn't expect Uncle Li to know her lines, but she still couldn't remember the following lines.

So he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, sir, you observe carefully, then what do you think I will do in the future?"

Ren Shuai was speechless, he had already reminded himself of this, but Su Yu hadn't thought of it yet.

Letting him guess is also admirable.

Ren Shuai slightly rolled up his cuffs, raised his hand and glanced at his watch and said, "It's almost 8 o'clock, you must be in a hurry to buy lunch boxes, and you have been chanting foreign languages ​​a lot recently, so it could be that you have signed up for a training class, right? ?”

Su Yu finally remembered, and said with an exaggerated expression: "You are really amazing, you can guess all this, then I will leave in a hurry."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand to step off the stage, Ren Shuai was not affected by her at all, and continued to maintain his character status, slowly walking off the stage.

Mu Xiaoqing, who was on the sidelines the whole time, finally breathed a sigh of relief, she was always sweating for her best friend.

Fortunately, Uncle Li played so well that he even memorized the lines of the opponent actor.

Maybe because she paid too much attention to others, Mu Xiaoqing was a little distracted. At this time, she should say her lines, but she didn't speak.

Liu Tian was about to collapse. He found that this performance was different from the previous rehearsal, and the lines were different from the ones that had been rehearsed before, which caused the rhythm of the whole drama to be messed up.

He was still waiting for Mu Xiaoqing to speak, but found that the atmosphere was unusually quiet.

Whatever the situation, it's fine for Su Yu to make mistakes alone, why even Mu Xiaoqing was led astray.

Liu Tian kept beating drums in his heart, should he remind him?

At this moment, Mu Xiaoqing finally came back to her senses, and quickly said her lines: "I just thought about it, the cleaning staff has a sufficient alibi, and she couldn't be there when the crime happened, so the suspicion is locked on the thief and the courier. body."

She tactfully added "Think about it" to rationalize the quiet moment just now.

However, due to the change of rhythm, Liu Tian, ​​who has no stage experience, was a little confused, and then gloriously forgot the words.

He could only nod his head and echoed, "It makes sense."

Seeing his state, Mu Xiaoqing obviously forgot his words.

But Mu Xiaoqing remembered that Liu Tian should start retelling the timeline and sorting out all the clues. It was a long paragraph, and she couldn't remember it at all.

Seeing that the show is coming to an end, and the crisis created by Su Yu is finally resolved, but Liu Tian comes here suddenly.

There is no way to end it.

Director Ma and the school leaders were watching from below. There were also many people in the industry in the audience. If there was a stage accident, not only their own face would be lost, but the whole school's face would have to be lost.

Liu Tian's forehead unconsciously pretended to be a layer of sweat, the more nervous he was, the more he couldn't remember the words.

Suddenly, the security guard played by Ren Shuai appeared again.

Liu Tian was very surprised, thinking that the role of Mr. Security should have been completed, why did he come back again?

Ren Shuai went straight to Liu Tian, ​​holding a notebook in his hand, and said earnestly: "Comrade police, when I went downstairs just now, I found a notebook in the duty room. When I opened it, I found that it said the security patrol time 8 : 10 minutes, the time of death is 8:30 in the evening, the thief entered the house at 9:30 to steal, etc. Is this the notebook you left there just now?"

Liu Tian was enlightened when he heard the words, and immediately remembered the forgotten lines, nodded heavily and said: "Yes, this book is very important, thank you!"

Ren Shuai waved his hands, acting like I should do, and walked off the stage with his hands behind his back.

Only then did Mu Xiaoqing let go of her hanging heart, and she didn't have time to think about Uncle Li's greatness, so she quickly restrained her mind and continued to perform.

After Liu Tian remembered the lines and finished speaking smoothly, the cold sweat on his forehead gradually subsided.

Then Mu Xiaoqing started the final reasoning analysis and evidence discovery, and finally brought the real criminal to justice.

As the curtain fell, the whole drama finally came to a successful conclusion.

The audience began to applaud, and Ma Chunpeng took the initiative: "The security guards in your school are talented. Their acting skills are layered, the rhythm is very comfortable, and their lines are good."

The school leaders were also very surprised. In the previous scenes, he only paid attention to Mu Xiaoqing's acting skills. In this scene, he specially watched Ren Shuai's performance and found that it was completely above the professional level.

This concierge is really embarrassing for the school!
He said politely: "Influenced by campus culture, there may also be talent."

Ma Chunpeng nodded slightly, and asked, "Can you give me his contact information later?"

The school leader was taken aback for a moment, then quickly nodded and smiled, "That's no problem."

Unexpectedly, the school flower that the school wanted to recommend was not selected, but the gatekeeper was chosen.

Backstage, Mu Xiaoqing and the others gathered together to express their gratitude to Ren Shuai.

"Uncle Li, thanks to you just now, my mind suddenly went blank and I couldn't think of anything. I thought I was going to die soon." Su Yu said in an exaggerated tone.

Liu Tian quickly echoed: "Thank you so much, I was also stuck in my head, and I couldn't think of the words for a while, I didn't expect you to even remember my lines."

Mu Xiaoqing bowed and said: "If you don't save the scene this time, we will definitely fail the show, and then we will really feel ashamed."

Ren Shuai waved his hand, he was just passing by.

Anyway, he has memorized all the lines, reminding him is just a matter of effort.

Mu Xiaoqing secretly rejoiced that she asked Uncle Li to help, otherwise the result would be disastrous.

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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