From janitor to actor

Chapter 15 Rescue

Chapter 15 Rescue
Before the school leaders and Ma Chumpeng continued to communicate, the lights on the stage had already been turned on.

In this scene, the courier brother accepts inquiries, and the security guard assists in confirming the timeline.

Su Yu almost failed in the last scene, but this time she put up all her energy and told herself to keep an eye on the lines of the opponent actor and never get distracted.

The female writer played by Mu Xiaoqing plays the role of a detective. After hearing the timeline, she starts to reason, with meticulous and clear logic.

The policeman played by Liu Tian only needs to follow her lines and ask questions of suspects and witnesses.

But in order to make the plot rich and beautiful, it is not a simple and boring question and answer. When Su Yu was writing the script, he specially designed some changes in this place.

After the female writer made her reasoning, she didn't wait for the police to ask questions, but instead circled around the house, as if she was looking for something.

At this time, Su Yu was worried that the express delivery receipt would be discovered, so he should say "I heard someone running in the corridor while delivering the express delivery" to divert the attention of the detectives and the police.

Maybe it was because of being too nervous, or because of other reasons, Su Yu dropped the line, skipped it directly, and started the next line: "Comrade policeman, I am very busy delivering couriers, I don't have time to kill people, orders are full gone."

After saying this, the security guard played by Ren Shuai should come on stage to confirm the courier's timeline.

But because Su Yu skipped the lines, Xu Tian, ​​who played the policeman, was still thinking about the original plot and forgot to call witnesses to come on stage. The security guard had no motive to come on stage.

If he appeared on the stage rashly, it would be very abrupt. This reasoning script is a bit out of daily life. If there are problems with the motivation and logic of the characters, it will become a big failure.

Mu Xiaoqing was the first to react, and deliberately reminded Liu Tian, ​​who is a policeman, to ask him to call the security guard to testify.

But the line that Su Yu missed was very important, and it was a major reason for the detective's suspicion. She was hesitating how to get Su Yu to make it up.

In just a few seconds, the stage seemed a bit cold.

Ren Shuai had no choice but to trot to the stage, and made up a reason for himself: "Comrade policeman, I suddenly remembered something important, I forgot to tell you just now."

Liu Tian was puzzled, he didn't remember this episode.

Although he didn't answer, the puzzled look on his face was real enough to express his emotions.

Ren Shuai continued on his own: "I think that thief looks familiar. I remembered that the community lost several bicycles last week. You have to help me interrogate him to see if he stole the bicycles."

Liu Tian continued to be in a daze, which didn't match the lines at all.

It was Mu Xiaoqing who reacted quickly, and quickly responded: "This is the duty of their police, and they will definitely find out. You came just in time, sir, and we just have something to ask you for confirmation."

After this sentence is finished, the plot finally returns.

But Su Yu had to find a way to fill in the sentence that Su Yu skipped.

Ren Shuai also knew the importance of that line, so he thought of paying attention to it.

When he described the timeline of the patrol, he specifically said: "Our building is too old, and the footsteps are very loud when walking in the corridor, and you can hear it every few floors."

After speaking, he glanced at Su Yu.

Su Yu didn't realize that he missed the words at all, and thought it was Liu Tian who forgot to ask the uncle to come to the stage for questioning. Uncle Li was very smart, and Xiao Qing was also experienced, so he successfully rounded up the plot.

At this time, she was still grateful, and at the same time expressed her admiration for the uncle's ability to recite words, but suddenly she heard that the uncle began to add words at will again, and felt a little dissatisfied.

Although Uncle Li has good acting skills and good line skills, he just has a bad habit of adding words at will.

The loud sound in the corridor has nothing to do with the plot.

and many more……

Why is this word familiar?

Su Yu was startled suddenly, realizing that he had missed a word just now.

Oops, Oops, this is an important line, it cannot be lost.

Just in time, Mu Xiaoqing received the message from Ren Shuai, and began to pretend to walk around the room casually, pretending to be looking for something.

Su Yu finally came to his senses, praised his little friend in his heart, and immediately added the missing sentence.

This scene finally ended without any risk.

The audience in the audience did not find any abnormalities, and they were full of expectations for the progress of the reasoning.

Ma Chunpeng turned his head and asked, "Who is the director of this drama?"

The director of the screenwriting department understood the situation and knew that this drama was temporarily added to make up for it, but he couldn't say it directly, so as not to embarrass the school.

"It's really not clear, can you give me some advice?" He replied ambiguously.

Ma Chumpeng was noncommittal. He felt that there was a problem with the character movement, especially the repetition of character scheduling.

Seeing that he didn't make a sound, the school leader said with a smile: "After all, I'm still a student, so there's a lot of room for improvement. I see that the logic of the script is more rigorous, the screenwriting ability is good, and the acting skills of the main actors are also remarkable."

Ma Chunpeng still gave the school leaders face, nodded in agreement, and then asked: "The actor who plays the security guard is very unfamiliar. I know all the older generations in the circle who are good at acting. Why have I never seen this one?" ?”

The school leader laughed dryly in his heart, but couldn't help being proud of his school's security.

As expected of the security guard of our School of Film and Television Arts, his acting skills can be affirmed by great directors.

At this time, the logistics director sitting on the far side suddenly spoke up: "This is Lao Li, who is in charge of the security of the school's guard room."

The school leader froze with a smile.

Ma Chumpeng looked strange.

Is this drama serious? After watching three shows, there were only 4 actors in total, and they kept switching roles through changing costumes, and the reuse rate was extremely high.

This is still the second thing, there is only one heroine majoring in acting, and there are two screenwriting students, plus a concierge!
I haven't gone back to school for many years, is it not popular for actors to perform dramas now, but to appear in dramas across borders?

Before Ma Chunpeng could finish his thoughts, the stage lights were turned on again, and the fourth act of the play began.

Just now Su Yu was complained by Liu Tianhao in the background, and Mu Xiaoqing didn't speak for her.

As a professional actor, Mu Xiaoqing knows the importance of attitude. An actor must respect every stage.

Seniors like Uncle Li are role models worth learning.

Su Yu knew that she had two problems in a row, and she must not make another mistake this time, so she quickly calmed down and immersed herself in the role of the cleaning lady.

In the performance of this scene, there is a restored part of the scene, which is the rivalry between Su Yu and Ren Shuai.

The security guard patrolled and met the aunt who went to clean the deceased's house. The aunt came out to throw garbage in the middle, and then met the security guard when he left work. Several timelines were involved.

Facing Ren Shuai's highly credible performance, Su Yu subconsciously sinks into the role even more, completely treating herself as the cleaning aunt, and her acting skills have suddenly improved by a quarter.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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