From janitor to actor

Chapter 14 Official Performance

Chapter 14 Official Performance
Several people agreed to check the lines again.

At this time, the door of the dressing room was pushed open, and a middle-aged woman wearing glasses shouted anxiously: "Has the crew of the death of the community residents arrived?"

Su Yu immediately responded, "Here."

The middle-aged woman said anxiously: "The opening ceremony is about to end, the crew in front of you had an accident, your order has been advanced, get ready to go on stage, there are still 10 minutes!"

"What, but we haven't..."

"It's nothing but, the audience is already seated, and the school leaders will step down immediately, get ready to appear!" the middle-aged woman hurriedly urged.

Su Yu felt that she forgot to read the almanac when she went out today.

Infected by the tense atmosphere, Mu Xiaoqing lost her composure and subconsciously turned to look at Ren Shuai.

"I'm fine." Ren Shuai said flatly.

Anyway, he has memorized all the lines and rehearsed the script twice, so he knows it well.

Mu Xiaoqing suddenly became less nervous, calmed down quickly, and told herself that she is a professional actress, even if a big director comes to the show, she just needs to perform normally.

Su Yu was dejected, and originally wanted to answer the words, but this time he didn't even have time to answer the words, so he went straight to the stage.

She surrendered.

Under the constant urging of the middle-aged woman, several people quickly changed their clothes and rushed backstage to wait.

On the stage, the host received a reminder, ended the time-delaying speech, and announced: "The following is the first work of this exhibition, the death of the residents of the community."

There was applause from under the stage, and the lights slowly dimmed.

Several people waiting at the scene quickly took advantage of the black light to walk to their seats, and the corpse played by Su Yu lay down decisively.

The neighbor played by Mu Xiaoqing is carrying a plastic bag and ready to go out to throw out the trash, while the policeman played by Liu Tian is standing by on the side stage.

Only Ren Shuai did not need to prepare in advance. He only appeared at the end of the first scene when the police called witnesses.

There were several school leaders sitting in the vip seats under the stage, and the one in the middle was a man with slightly white hair, with a fat body, a square face, and a slightly serious expression on his face.

"Director Ma, are you coming to school this time to choose actors for a new drama?" asked the person next to him.

Ma Chunpeng nodded and said: "Yes, there is a project to be done recently, and the candidate for the heroine has not been decided yet. I will look for it in various schools. It is just in time for the drama performance, so I will come and see it."

Before a few people continued to communicate, the stage lights came on and the plot officially began.

The female neighbor played by Mu Xiaoqing went out to throw out the trash and found the dead body next door. She was frightened and called the police.

The policeman played by Xu Tian appeared on the scene at the right time, surveying the scene and preparing to take notes.

Ren Shuai stood on the side stage and began to prepare. Looking at Su Yu's dead body on the ground, he was a little worried that she would just fall asleep.

The scene began to switch, and the stage lights dimmed again.

The school leader who watched the performance from the audience took the opportunity to recommend: "The actress just now is our school belle of this year, named Mu Xiaoqing, and she will graduate soon."

Ma Chunpeng nodded politely, and responded: "Apart from her acting skills, the other two actors are a bit blunt, are they also from the acting class?"

The school leader was also unsure, and turned to look at the head of the acting department.

"That's not a student from the acting department, it seems to be from the screenwriting department." The head of the acting department whispered.

Ma Chunpeng frowned slightly. There were three actors in total, and two of them were from the screenwriting department. They were too unprofessional.

The stage lights came on, and the security guard played by Ren Shuai appeared.

Mu Xiaoqing switched roles and began to bring in the role of a female writer, while Su Yu began to play the role of a thief.

Mu Xiaoqing played steadily, and her lines and acting skills were very good. Under her leadership, Liu Tian also played the role of the police well.

But the thief played by Su Yu is a little absent-minded. On the one hand, she didn't have a good rest last night. On the other hand, her focus has always been on Ren Shuai.

Just now she was lying on the ground pretending to be a dead body, she almost fell asleep, but when she thought that Ren Shuai might forget his words, and then ruined the play, and let her die in front of the director of the University of Malaya, the school leaders and all the audience, she suddenly fell asleep. Get excited, get up.

As soon as it was Ren Shuai's turn to speak, Mu Xiaoqing, Su Yu, and Liu Tian all began to pay attention to him, staring at him unconsciously.

Especially Su Yu, his palms were full of sweat.

Mu Xiaoqing was not that worried, she had an inexplicable confidence in the uncle, but at this moment on the stage, she was still afraid that Ren Shuai would make a mistake because of nervousness.

Ren Shuai's primary acting skills continued to output steadily, and he completely entered the role of a security guard. He cooperated with the police one-five-one-ten, and described the timeline in a very detailed and clear manner, and his lines were not bad.

If even punctuation marks can be expressed, Ren Shuai can say that he can even memorize the spaces after the punctuation marks.

Su Yu was a little surprised, but at the same time he was relieved. He didn't expect that the old man was really reliable.

I just hope he stays that way in the future.

It is a big taboo to lose one's mind on the stage of a drama. Su Yu is unprofessional in the first place, and the addition of distraction makes the audience feel that she is in a play.

The following is the thief's line, but she didn't pick it up in time.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't expect that her best friend was worried about the uncle for a long time, but it was Su Yu herself who finally broke down.

Ren Shuai saw that a stage accident was about to happen, coughed quickly, and added a line impromptuly: "Comrade policeman, I think this man is sneaky and absent-minded when others talk, he must have done something bad."

Surprised by this sentence, Su Yu quickly returned to his senses, and then continued his lines: "I just, just came to his house to steal something, but I really didn't kill anyone!"

The interrogation of the thief is over, the stage lights are dimmed again, and the scene is switched.

Several people on the stage immediately let out a sigh of relief.

After listening to Ren Shuai's lines, the audience in the audience thought that Su Yu's distracted state was caused by the performance, and somehow felt that the actor's acting skills were good.

Ma Chunpeng's eyes were bright, seeing through Su Yu's distraction, he shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, the school leader asked: "You don't seem to be satisfied. I think Mu Xiaoqing's performance is not bad, but the opponent's actor is a little worse. After all, he is not from a major, so it is understandable."

Ma Chunpeng smiled slightly and said, "I'm curious. Obviously, the two screenwriters have performed on stage, and they don't look professional, but the security guard is an old actor. How did you design this lineup? "

The school leader was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Ren Shuai looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized that he was not the school concierge.

No, I can't let Director Ma know that if the school puts on a drama and the actors don't have all the actors, wouldn't it be embarrassing to find a porter to make up the number?

He hurriedly said: "This actor is not a teacher in our school, and I don't know where the students invited him from. Do you think his acting skills are okay?"

"That's natural. After watching this drama, I am most satisfied with the security guard." Ma Chunpeng affirmed.

The school leaders were a little surprised. They didn't expect Mr. Security's acting skills to be affirmed by Director Ma.

Before, he thought that the acting skills of the opponent's actor were too poor, which set off the acting skills of Mr. Security.

But according to Director Ma, Mr. Security's acting skills are really good?

 Ask for recommendation and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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