Chapter 13

At eight o'clock, Experimental Theater No. 1.

Ren Shuai appeared at the door on time.

Today is the first day of the drama show, the school will hold a simple opening ceremony, and some leaders will participate.

This exhibition is an internal activity of the school, and the scale is not too large, but the status of Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts is not low. In order to support the school's activities, some experts in the industry occasionally come to watch, and some famous alumni participate.

Looking at the posters outside the theater, Ren Shuai was a little puzzled.

These promotional stills and introductions look very professional. Does Su Yu's grass-roots team want to perform with these dramas?
He suspected that he had come to the wrong place.

I always forgot to ask whether the performances they participated in were the same as the performances held by the school.

Just as he was thinking, Mu Xiaoqing and the others waved to him in the distance.

Although there were people coming and going at the entrance of the theater, there were not many people of Ren Shuai's age, and they could be seen at a glance.

Mu Xiaoqing approached and said with a smile, "You came so early, our show won't start until [-]:[-]."

Ren Shuai nodded in response, and found that Mu Xiaoqing looked good, while Su Yu and Liu Tian next to her seemed to have just returned from the underworld.

Looking back at Ren Shuai, Su Yu found that the concierge was in good spirits and didn't look like he was staying up all night at all, so he quickly asked, "Master Li, have you memorized all your lines?"


Ren Shuai felt that she should be more worried about herself, whether this mental state could perform smoothly.

Su Yu didn't really believe it, but it was too late to say anything now, so he pulled himself together, took out the pass from his bag, and led a few people inside.

Mu Xiaoqing moved closer to Ren Shuai and asked in a low voice, "You didn't stay up late yesterday, did you?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand.

He glanced at Su Yu and Liu Tian who were listless in front of him, and said, "Are they okay?"

Mu Xiaoqing was also not sure, Liu Tian in front heard it, turned his head and smiled, "Master, we often stay up late, we are used to it, and we are young."

Ren Shuai felt an invisible age advantage in Versailles.

I'm not angry, but are you polite?

"It's not good to stay up late." Ren Shuai said calmly.

Liu Tian nodded and said: "The nature of the screenwriting industry is like this. It's common to stay up late to catch up on drafts. Young people can stay up. If you are your age, it's not suitable for you to stay up late."

Ren Shuai felt a little malice, don't always talk about age, he feels bitter.

So he smiled and said: "Well, that's good, I hope you can work until retirement like me."

"I will work hard."

Liu Tian took this sentence as encouragement.

But Mu Xiaoqing seemed to hear a hint of something different.

The uncle will not secretly remind Liu Tian that he will not live to retire, will he?

No, no, the uncle is so mature and prudent, how could he have such a bad taste.

Several people quickly entered the dressing room, where several actors were already preparing. The school provided a uniform makeup artist, so the actors did not need to worry about this aspect.

But if the crew prepares their own make-up, they can also operate it by themselves.

Ren Shuai and the others are acting in a modern drama, basically they don't need much makeup, and there is plenty of time for preparation.

The few actors who were preparing for the show obviously prepared their own makeup and hair, as well as the director's instructions for the performance, and they were much more professional than their temporary cast.

Ren Shuai was really curious why Su Yu's impromptu lineup could also participate in the show.

At this moment, a fat man with makeup on next to him got up, saw Mu Xiaoqing and greeted with a smile: "School beauty, I didn't expect you to participate in the performance, so we are going to be compared?"

Mu Xiaoqing snorted slightly and said with a smile: "Don't call me the school belle, I'm helping a friend."

Su Yu and Liu Tian waved their hands at the fat man. They both knew each other. The fat man was Mu Xiaoqing's classmate and was recruited as a special actor.

"It turned out to be Su Yu's drama,"

The fat man originally wanted to ask who was playing the role of the uncle next to him, but he turned his head and realized that it was really an uncle.

Mu Xiaoqing quickly introduced: "This is Teacher Li, we invited to assist in the performance."

The fat man stared slightly, and exaggerated: "You actually invited the teacher to assist in the performance, no wonder it looks familiar, it seems that this drama is very good, I will definitely watch it carefully later, and learn acting skills from the teacher."

Ren Shuai didn't change his face, and nodded slightly at the fat man.

Su Yu's face was strange when he heard that. If the fat man knew that Uncle Li was just the school porter, he didn't know how he would feel.

But Uncle Li's acting skills are really good, but I don't know if he has memorized the lines he promised to memorize.

She thinks it's better to quickly record the unfinished lines last night, and use the earphones to prompt the uncle to prevent performance accidents on the stage.

Su Yu was temporarily in a state of pseudo-excitement, but in fact his mind basically stopped turning.

Fatty sat aside and continued to sigh: "Did you also hear that Director Ma Chumpeng is coming to see the performance, so we put in so much effort to prepare. We were full of information, but when we saw that you even invited the teacher, I felt pressure immediately." Shanda."

Mu Xiaoqing was surprised: "Director Ma is coming?"

"Don't you know, I heard the gossip from a staff member of his crew. We put a lot of effort into this performance, just to make a sense of presence in front of him." The fat man laughed.

Su Yu's face was ashen at this time, his mouth was half-opened and he was speechless.

Unexpectedly, a great director came to watch the show...

Su Yu was able to participate in this show because a crew that signed up was temporarily disbanded, and she filled in for the vacancy.

At first, I thought it was just for some colleagues or alumni to watch, and it’s good to act casually and gain some experience. The key point is to show the script she wrote, see if anyone likes it, and buy the copyright to adapt it into a film and television drama.

Unexpectedly, he won the grand prize, and Ma Chunpeng, a leading director in the continent, came to see the performance in person.

If you show timidity on stage and are criticized by big directors, you will not be able to get along in the industry in the future.

She fixed her eyes on Ren Shuai, and the biggest variable was Uncle Li.

Ren Shuai didn't care about Ma Chunpeng at all, but Uncle Li Laifu had indeed heard of this character in his memory.

Ma Chumpeng has won the Best Director Award at the most influential Five Continents Film Festival, more than once.

The ranking of directors within the industry continent is firmly in the top ten.

Su Yu panicked.

Mu Xiaoqing couldn't keep calm either.

One of the biggest wishes of an actor is to cooperate with a good director. Mu Xiaoqing has a good image and good acting skills, so she was targeted by the signing company early on. She is the kind with the best resources in the initial stage of an actor.

But if he can be affirmed by Ma Chumpeng, he will definitely soar into the sky.

"Let's hurry up and check the lines again?" Su Yu suggested.

She has given up the idea of ​​recording lines for Uncle Li. In front of the great director, it is too unprofessional to perform a drama with an inscription earphone.

I hope the uncle will not pull the cross.

Mu Xiaoqing nodded and agreed: "That's okay, hurry up, let's match the words."

 New book for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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