From janitor to actor

Chapter 12 The Master of Line Memory

Chapter 12 The Master of Line Memory
Ren Shuai ignored the distrustful expressions of the few people. If he didn't have a line card, he would not be confident.

He nodded, agreeing to Su Yu's suggestion.

Mu Xiaoqing was afraid that Ren Shuai would lose face, so she quickly smoothed things over: "We are just trying to be on the safe side, so don't think too much about it."

Ren Shuai continued to nod, the thoughts of the three of them were written on their faces, so there was really no need to think about it.

At this time, the door of the rehearsal hall was pushed open, and the administrator shouted inside: "The appointment time is up, and we are waiting to use it later, clear the venue."

Su Yu was stunned for a moment, looked at the wall clock and said, "Oh no, I only booked two hours today. I thought I practiced once yesterday and there were no major problems. What should I do now?"

Liu Tian comforted: "Don't worry too much. Grandpa won't be able to memorize his lines for a while, and rehearsing is useless. At worst, we should prepare for the worst. After all, we are all amateurs, and it's our first time acting in a play."

Su Yu was a little melancholy, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoqing is a top student in the acting department, and she is also our school belle. If we don't perform well, I'm afraid I will hurt her."

Liu Tian replied in a low voice: "Looking at the appearance of the uncle, I should go back tonight and try my best to recite the words."

Su Yu expressed doubts.

Mu Xiaoqing was a little distracted at this moment.

She was very curious about Ren Shuai's confident attitude. Seeing that there was no place for rehearsals and he hadn't memorized his lines, Ren Shuai was still as stable as Mount Tai.

How did you achieve this attitude?
Ren Shuai did not consciously become the focus of attention at all, and began to change props and costumes.

Anyway, it's not too early. He is used to going to bed early and getting up early now. According to Uncle Li's schedule, he should be asleep at this point.

Since there is no problem with rehearsing and moving positions, and the script has been finalized, as long as the lines are memorized, there will be no problem with tomorrow's performance.

"Then see you on stage tomorrow."

Ren Shuai waved his hand to say goodbye to Mu Xiaoqing.

Mu Xiaoqing hadn't recovered yet, but found the back of the uncle leaving in a cool way.

go, go?

Mu Xiaoqing blinked her big watery eyes a few times, wondering whether the uncle was overconfident in her memory, or was it because of face...

Can you really memorize lines of that length in one night?

Mu Xiaoqing felt that her previous proposal was a bit hasty.

The uncle probably agreed to speak his lines out of face and couldn't bear to refuse.

Although he looks young, but I heard that he is about to retire, so don't stay up all night to recite the lines and make your body go wrong.

The more Mu Xiaoqing thought about it, the more worried she became, so she ran out to chase Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai was walking towards the dormitory when he suddenly heard someone calling from behind him, but he didn't take it seriously.

What does the uncle have to do with him.

Ren Shuai continued walking unconsciously, only to find a young girl's figure leaping out of a blur in front of his eyes.

"Uncle Li, huh huh..."

Mu Xiaoqing apparently trotted over, gasping for breath.

Ren Shuai asked curiously, "Is there something wrong?"

Mu Xiaoqing breathed slightly, nodded and said: "I just want to tell you, don't force yourself, those lines are indeed too much, don't stay up all night memorizing, the performance is not as important as your body."

Ren Shuai suddenly realized that she was worried that she would recite the lyrics overnight.

"It doesn't exist, I have a good memory." He said concisely.

Mu Xiaoqing was a little dazed, looking at Ren Shuai's slightly hazy side face in the night, she unconsciously believed this sentence in her heart.

Such a loud and domineering response is highly credible.

"That, that's fine..."

She was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

Ren Shuai saw that she was also worried about him before chasing him, so he comforted him: "Don't worry about the lines, go to bed early, and have a good performance tomorrow morning."

Mu Xiaoqing nodded in bewilderment, seeing the back of Ren Shuai leaving again, she felt a lot calmer for no reason.

Although he only said a few words, his worries about the performance disappeared.

Mu Xiaoqing felt a little unbelievable.

Uncle is not an old artist who came to school to experience life, right?
No, it's impossible to experience life and work as a security guard for several years. She remembered that Uncle Li was already the school porter when she entered school.

However, no concierge can have the temperament of Uncle Li.

What's more, his acting skills are still very pure, and his lines are not bad.

Mu Xiaoqing felt that her imagination was too rich, so she shook her head, throwing away the unconstrained ideas.

She decided to listen to Uncle Li's words, go back to the dormitory to rest with peace of mind, and strive to be in a good state for tomorrow's performance.


Early in the morning, Mu Xiaoqing was woken up by a knock on the door.

Su Yu outside the door stared at the two huge dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was a mess.

"Why are you like this?" Mu Xiaoqing asked in surprise.

Su Yu said with a look as if life would be worse than death: "I tried to memorize Uncle Li's lines overnight, but later found that I couldn't do it at all, and then started to make a cheat sheet, but found that the font in the cheat sheet was too small, and Uncle Li might not be able to read clearly .

Then I planned to record it on my mobile phone and put the Bluetooth headset on for Uncle Li, but found that the pause time in the middle of the recording had to match our lines to match, so I rehearsed silently in my heart and accidentally fell asleep. "

"How long have you been sleeping? The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy." Mu Xiaoqing poked Su Yu's face with her hand.

"One hour..." After Su Yu finished speaking, he suddenly said in doubt: "Seeing that you are in a good state of mind, how did you sleep last night? Liu Tian said that he was thinking about the performance and basically didn't fall asleep."

Mu Xiaoqing was suddenly a little embarrassed, but she also persuaded her friends last night to trust Uncle Li.

But Su Yu just didn't believe it, and was always worried that the security guard would agree, but he didn't memorize all the lines, and the performance would be smashed on the stage tomorrow.

"Okay, it's up to today whether it's life or death, so hurry up and wash up, and get to the theater on time at [-]:[-]."

On the other side, Ren Shuai got up early to exercise, punched a set, and had a simple breakfast before opening the system interface.

Look at the lines card, click to use.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the line card, the line memory has increased]

Ren Shuai faintly felt refreshed, seeing things much more clearly.

He went back to the room and took out the script, opened the lines in it, and glanced quickly.

He tried to memorize these lines last night. They were all specific times, places and events, which were difficult to memorize and easily confused.

Looking at it again today, there is a feeling of ten lines at a glance.

After closing the script, Ren Shuai recalled the lines, and the content immediately came to mind, and he opened his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth.

The power of the line card is really extraordinary.

With this kind of memory, you can win the championship if you participate in the strongest brain.

Ren Shuai immediately took out a book of world history in the drawer and quickly flipped through it.


The obscure text is still incomprehensible, and the time, place, people and events are all forgotten.

As expected, line cards can only be used to memorize lines.

It's a bit of a waste.

Based on the principle of making the best use of everything, Ren Shuai simply memorized the entire script.

From memorization to mastery, Ren Shuai only took 10 minutes.

Although it is not as exaggerated as instant memory, it is very unscientific to memorize a script with tens of thousands of words in 10 minutes.

He was ready to stop and went straight to the performance location.

 New book for collection, please recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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