From janitor to actor

Chapter 11 Drama Cheat Sheet

Chapter 11 Drama Cheat Sheet
Since watching yesterday's video, Mu Xiaoqing firmly believes that Shuai is a master with good acting skills. As for the skill of his lines...

"We can watch the lines and perform it first to see the effect."

Mu Xiaoqing implied that if the acting was not good, she could change the script again.

"OK then."

Su Yu didn't hold much hope in his heart, after all, he was just a security guard, and it might be okay to play his own role in his true colors, but he might show timidity when he said something.

Ren Shuai wanted to use the line card now, but it would seem too monstrous to memorize such a long line in an instant.

Or use it later.

"Get ready, everyone, let's rehearse according to this version of the script first."

Su Yu greeted, then lay down on the ground and began to play the corpse.

There was no change in the expression in the early stage, until the first suspect, the thief, appeared. After he was caught by the police, he began to give his testimony.

As circumstantial evidence, Mr. Security needs to state the timeline to the police after the case is restored.

Ren Shuai looked at the lines and instantly entered the characters, fully showing the cooperation of ordinary citizens after seeing the police.

Explain your timeline clearly.

This was followed by a restoration of the case and a statement of the timeline.

Due to the joining of Ren Shuai, the amount of Su Yu's lines was significantly reduced, and the progress was smooth after she made no mistakes.

The audition ended soon, and several people were going to check the video effect.

Mu Xiaoqing thoughtfully asked Ren Shuai to recite the words, and the three of them were responsible for watching the video.

Su Yu whispered with emotion: "This time the rehearsal is much easier, and I feel that my mind has cleared up a lot."

"Isn't it because you transferred a large part of the lines to Uncle Li, let's watch the video first."

There is only Mu Xiaoqing who is a professional performer here, so naturally her opinion comes first.

A few people sat around and started watching the video.

On the other side, Ren Shuai held the script and pretended to read the lines, but actually opened the system interface.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*2, Makeup Card*1, Line Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (220/1000)
Recognition degree: 51
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai found that the elementary proficiency of acting has increased by 20. Although he only rehearsed a few plays, his experience has increased a lot.

You can rehearse a few more times and brush up your experience points.

While he was thinking about it, several people watching the video on the other side couldn't help discussing it.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't expect that Mr. Security's lines were good, his words were correct, his enunciation was clear, and his voice was loud, which was exactly the style that a drama should have.

Sure enough, as she guessed, Uncle Li is a hidden actor.

Mu Xiaoqing showed a hint of pride and said, "Look, Uncle Li's lines are so professional."

This time, even Su Yu and Liu Tian saw that Uncle Li was very expressive and his lines were excellent, and after their lines were given to Uncle Li, the flaws in his acting skills were covered up a lot.

"It's amazing." Su Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, my best friend just asked a concierge to help me, and he turned out to be an old drama player who is skilled in acting.

What kind of bad luck is this.

With the master by my side, he really didn't deceive me.

Comparing two people with no acting skills, Ren Shuai's elementary acting skills are naturally very good.

However, Su Yu was still a little worried and said: "My uncle's lines are really good, at least much better than the two of us, but this time I rehearsed my script, so I don't know if it will work when I really need to memorize it. "

Mu Xiaoqing didn't dare to guarantee it this time, she can tell the difference between good acting skills, but she has no way of knowing things like memory.

No matter how good the uncle's acting skills are and how solid his lines are, if he can't remember the words, it's useless.

Especially on the drama stage, the requirements for the effect of the scene are very high, and a wrong line will affect the overall effect.

It would be fine if experienced actors acted together, they would be able to respond quickly on the spot, but this time, except for Mu Xiaoqing, a professional actor, the rest of the drama was amateurs.

If you say the wrong lines on the spot, you won't be able to come back.

"Let's try to recite the lines first, shall we?" Mu Xiaoqing suggested.

Su Yu nodded and said, "I'm fine. The amount of lines is less than half of what it used to be, and I've memorized them for two days, but the uncle has just taken over the lines. Can you do it?"

Mu Xiaoqing didn't reply, she turned her head and quietly glanced at Ren Shuai who was sitting over there reading his lines.

She observed Ren Shuai's expression, and found no embarrassment, and she gained a little confidence.

Seeing that Uncle Li memorizes his lines in a relaxed manner, with a confident temperament, there should be no difficulty.

So Mu Xiaoqing got up and walked towards Ren Shuai.

"Uncle Li, excuse me."

Ren Shuai was thinking about whether to use the line card now, when he heard voices in his ear, he shut down the system.

He turned to look at Mu Xiaoqing.

"Uncle Li, how much of your lines have you memorized, can we not rehearse the lines now?" Mu Xiaoqing asked tentatively.

In a short period of time, Ren Shuai, relying on his own memory, didn't memorize too many lines at all, but he didn't panic if he had lines stuck in the background.

"Okay, rehearse again." Ren Shuai readily agreed.

The more rehearsals the better, the more experience you gain.

Mu Xiaoqing received an affirmative answer and immediately arranged to rehearse again.

After a few people had several experiences, the process and positioning went much smoother.

But when it came to the lines, Ren Shuai started to stumble, obviously unable to remember the lines
However, in order to facilitate the situation, he still expressed the general meaning and went through the whole process.

This time the rehearsal was over, Mu Xiaoqing and the others didn't watch the video because it wasn't necessary.

Su Yu said anxiously: "I don't remember much of my lines at all. Today's rehearsal is past 10 o'clock, and the official performance will be performed tomorrow morning. It's too late."

Mu Xiaoqing didn't say anything this time, she was the one who proposed to transfer the lines to Ren Shuai, but now it seems that this plan is not feasible.

Su Yu couldn't express his frustration: "I changed the script overnight, and deleted all the lines that can be deleted."

Liu Tian said with a bit of distress: "Your script is well-arranged. Temporary revisions will definitely have logical problems, and staying up late will hurt your health. Why don't you arrange some cheat sheets and let the uncle read it accordingly."

Ren Shuai saw that the faces of these people were not very good-looking, so he took the initiative to go over and ask, "What's the problem?"

Mu Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "We are just worried that the lines are too large, and the official performance will be performed tomorrow morning. Can you remember it tonight?"

Ren Shuai nodded naturally, "No problem."

The three looked at him in disbelief.

Although this is not very polite, the three of them really don't want to be too reluctant to be the commander.

Su Yu took the lead and said: "Uncle Li, look at our two-handed plan. If you memorize all the lines tomorrow, we will perform normally. If you don't memorize them all, or if you don't memorize them too well, we will use the cheat sheet to remind you." is it okay?"

Cheat sheet?

Ren Shuai said in his heart that I don't know much about dramas, so don't fool me, you can still read cheat sheets when you are acting in dramas...

 Please recommend and collect new books!


(End of this chapter)

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