From janitor to actor

Chapter 10 Detailed Chapter Acting

Chapter 10 Details Acting
Mu Xiaoqing pointed to the video of Ren Shuai's second appearance, and said seriously: "You can see that his patrol this time is obviously different from the last time, he seems a lot more casual."

Su Yu asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, can it prove that acting skills are good?"

This at most proves that Uncle Li's performance is more relaxed.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't speak, and called out Ren Shuai for the third and fourth times.

Su Yu also gradually saw the way, and said in surprise: "No way, is the acting so detailed?"

Ren Shuai’s time and direction of patrolling buildings are different every time. The first time is the night shift’s first patrol, with a serious attitude. The second time is more slack than the first time. Casual, even sleepy.

It fully shows the true state of mind of an old security guard working the night shift.

"It's amazing, it's really good at grasping the characters, it's probably the true character of the actor." Liu Tian sighed.

"Are you acting in your true colors..."

Mu Xiaoqing didn't think so.

She feels that this is the expressive power of a professional actor, even better than an actor with a professional background like herself.

Being a security guard is one thing, acting as a security guard is another.

But Mr. Li Laifu is just the gatekeeper of the school, and his acting skills should not be so superb. Maybe he has some experience through his ears and eyes, Mu Xiaoqing guessed in his heart.

Su Yu sighed at this moment: "Time is too tight, my acting skills are not good, there are many roles, and the lines are easy to misshapen."

Mu Xiaoqing suddenly had an idea and suggested: "Susu, why don't you give some of your lines to Mr. Security, so that you won't be able to say wrong lines easily, and you can reduce the number of people who are exposed to the shortcomings of acting due to lack of line skills. .”

"This can't be right. Mr. Security did really well today, but when it comes to memorizing lines, he is definitely not as old as I am." Su Yu waved his hand.

Liu Tian also echoed: "Uncle Security's lines may not be as good as ours. Just to be on the safe side, don't let him speak lines."

Mu Xiaoqing was noncommittal, relying on her intuition as an actor, she believed that Uncle Li could act.


A day later, Ren Shuai still showed up in the small theater on time.

He went back to check the system yesterday, and found that the approval level had only increased from 50 to 51, just a little bit.

The main task clearly requires 1000 approval, which is far away for him.

Ren Shuai thought the system tasks were easy before, but now he finds out that he was naive.

I don't know if I can gain some recognition after performing this drama.

The three of Mu Xiaoqing had already arrived at the theater ahead of time, and they discussed to rehearse first as yesterday. If Su Yu still made mistakes, they would give some of the lines to Mr. Security to try.

Seeing Ren Shuai coming in, Mu Xiaoqing greeted him enthusiastically.

"Uncle Li, you performed really well yesterday, just keep your form today."

Ren Shuai nodded and started rehearsing without any nonsense.

Several people played in order, and the thief played by Su Yu began to state his testimony, and this part went relatively smoothly.

When the cleaning aunt she played gave her testimony, she made two mistakes, and the timeline was strung together to the role of the courier.

This is the stage of a drama. Once you say a wrong line or perform a wrong action, you can't do it all over again.

Su Yu herself has no acting experience, and dramas require high performance on the spot, which made her less and less confident in acting. Not only did she say her lines wrong, but she also had problems with her positioning.

Mu Xiaoqing couldn't stand it anymore, so she simply called a stop and interrupted the rehearsal.

"Little Susu, don't force yourself, let's try following the original script?" Mu Xiaoqing said.

The original version of the script was the version with lines from Mr. Security.

The role of Uncle Security originally had lines, but due to the shortage of actors, they temporarily asked Ren Shuai to help, fearing that he would make mistakes, so they changed a version of the script and transferred all the lines to Su Yu.

Su Yu nodded, but still had doubts about whether Uncle Li could speak well.

Reasoning dramas have very high requirements for the lines of the characters. Once the lines are wrong, the entire streaming logic will have problems.

Ren Shuai watched a few people whispering and didn't know what they were discussing. He just felt that if Su Yu acted like this, the drama would definitely be cool.

Even if the script is good, it won't work if the performance fails.

As the representative, Mu Xiaoqing walked over apologetically and said, "Uncle Li, I'm really sorry, Su Yu has to play four roles, and the lines are too many and complicated, so I can't remember them. Could you please share a few lines?" ?”

speak lines...

Ren Shuai didn't expect that he would be promoted to a character with lines from a role without lines.

That's a good thing.

But he had rehearsed it once, and knew that Su Yu had a lot of lines, which contained various times, places and events, which even she, the screenwriter, couldn't remember, let alone other people.

Ren Shuai thought about it, but he didn't refuse. If the character he played had lines, the audience would have more memories of him, and their recognition might increase.

"You can try it."

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't refuse, Mu Xiaoqing smiled happily: "Great, thank you, I'll get you the script right now."

Then he trotted and handed the original script to Ren Shuai.

For the success of her best friend's performance, Mu Xiaoqing is very interesting. She is usually the school belle, but she never rushes to cater to others.

Ren Shuai opened the script and read it. Time was running out, the performance was due tomorrow morning, and tonight was the last rehearsal.

Looking at the new dialogue in the script, he felt a little regretful.

There are quite a few lines from the security guards. Basically every witness stated their testimony, and some of the security guards said that they either corroborated others or were corroborated by others.

One night, it is impossible to remember.

But he has line cards rewarded by the system.

Although a card is worth 200 approval points, there must be at least 500 people who will come to watch the drama tomorrow.

As long as more than half of the audience approves of his performance, this card will not be a loss.

Moreover, it can also promote the progress of the main task.

Mu Xiaoqing watched Ren Shuai's expression constantly changing, and knew that her request was a bit too much, after all, time was tight.

Let alone an uncle, even she herself might not be able to memorize all these lines in a short time.

"Okay, let's try it out first." Ren Shuai nodded.

Mu Xiaoqing was surprised. She didn't expect the uncle to read the lines and still not refuse.

Su Yu and her boyfriend were also very surprised. They all knew how huge the lines of Mr. Security were in the original version of the script. This clue character basically has lines everywhere.

Originally, Su Yu thought that if Mr. Security refused to agree, he would revise the version on the spot and simplify the lines.

But in that case, the performance time would not last long enough for the performance.

Su Yu was still a little worried, and whispered to Mu Xiaoqing: "What if the master's script skills are not as good as mine?"

Although Mu Xiaoqing had no idea, she had confidence in Uncle Security's acting skills.

 New book for collection~

(End of this chapter)

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