From janitor to actor

Chapter 9 Play Rehearsal

Chapter 9 Drama Rehearsal
In the play Mu Xiaoqing participated in, there were only 3 actors, but 8 roles.

She herself plays two roles, and her best friend is tasked with playing four roles.

But counting the transition, they still lack an actor.

When the actor couldn't be found for a while, Mu Xiaoqing had an idea, thinking that there was a good-looking concierge at the back door of the school, so she ran to find Shuai Ren.

Ren Shuai thought about the task and asked curiously, "What is the content of your drama?"

Mu Xiaoqing said: "It's a reasoning drama. The residents of the community were killed, and the story of the police and detectives working together to solve the case."

Really concise.

Ren Shuai didn't ask any more questions, and instead asked, "Do you need to rehearse your drama? I still have to work during the day."

"You don't have to worry, the script is very short, just rehearse it twice during your off-duty time." Mu Xiaoqing said with a crooked smile.

"OK then."

Ren Shuai nodded in agreement.

After agreeing on the time and place, Ren Shuai arrived as scheduled.

They rehearsed in a small theater with a small stage and simple service.

"Uncle Li, let me introduce you. This is Su Yu, my best friend, who is also the screenwriter of the play. That is her boyfriend Liu Tian."

The three actors include Mu Xiaoqing, her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend.

The lineup is really simple, no wonder I can find myself, the concierge, to join the scene.

Ren Shuai thought silently in his heart, and responded with his mouth: "Hello."

When Su Yu heard that his girlfriend had hired a concierge, he was naturally not satisfied, but when he saw Ren Shuai himself, he felt that his temperament was quite good, and his image was also excellent.

Then let's make do with it.

A few people were rude and started rehearsing directly.

Since Ren Shuai has very few scenes and doesn't need to speak lines, he first read the script aside.

Mu Xiaoqing's role is to reason about the female writer and female neighbor, Su Yu is busy, and has to play the role of the dead, thief, courier and cleaning aunt, and Liu Tian will play the policeman.

In the plot, the deceased was a bad-tempered person who liked to provoke conflicts and was not very popular.

Everyone had conflicts with the deceased, everyone had a motive for killing, and everyone had recent contact with the deceased.

The security guard played by Ren Shuai is a clue character who will patrol and pass by in key scenes.

The murderer was worried that he would be discovered by the security guard and leave evidence when he committed the crime, so he acted with a guilty conscience. Instead, he was caught by the detectives and the police and finally brought to justice.

Ren Shuai read the script, remembered the time of his appearance, and joined the rehearsal.

Mu Xiaoqing is the heroine. She plays a mystery novelist who sorts out clues, and Liu Tian plays a policeman who is responsible for discovering evidence and apprehending the murderer.

Su Yu is the busiest, constantly changing costumes and playing different roles.

And Ren Shuai passed by behind each character when he appeared on stage, pretending to be on patrol.

Watching a rehearsal before, Ren Shuai felt that apart from Mu Xiaoqing's professionalism, Su Yu and her boyfriend's acting skills were quite average.

Without waiting for him to think too much, Su Yu greeted: "Uncle Li, are you ready? Remember the timing of appearance, let's formally rehearse."


Although he has no experience in acting in dramas, Ren Shuai is capable of performing at this level.

Su Yu saw that the uncle was full of confidence, but she was not so confident, so she turned her head and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoqing, is the uncle you found reliable, as long as his image is not bad, don't make mistakes on stage and delay us leg."

Mu Xiaoqing spread her hands slightly and said: "Time is running out, and other familiar students are running outside. It's good that the uncle is willing to help, don't pick and choose."

Su Yu was a little regretful: "It's a pity that my script was formed too late. I heard that there are seniors in the industry watching this show. As long as we don't act too badly, maybe my script will be seen."

"All right, I will act well, don't waste time, let's start quickly." Mu Xiaoqing urged.

Su Yu nodded, then lay obediently on the ground and began to play the corpse.

The female neighbor played by Mu Xiaoqing went out to throw out garbage, but found that the door next door was unlocked and there was a faint smell of blood wafting out, so she found the body and called the police.

After the police appeared on the stage, they began to check the alibi, and the characters appeared one after another.

When each suspect stated his experience of contact with the deceased, there was a performance similar to the restoration of the case, and when the case was restored, Ren Shuai had to watch the timing to appear.

The thief played by Su Yu was about to break open the door, squatting on the ground and fiddling for a while, his eyes kept glancing behind the scenes.

She was worried that Uncle Li would not show up on time.

Since they didn't have a director for their play, they couldn't keep an eye on the overall effect, so they could only set up a video recorder to face the stage, and Su Yu's distracted state was very obvious to the audience.

Ren Shuai didn't care about others, saw the right moment, took the role of security guard, and started patrolling the building with a flashlight.

His gaze seemed to be about to catch the thief every time, but he just didn't turn his head completely, making it impossible to tell whether he saw the thief or not.

Ren Shuai followed the pre-determined positions and successfully completed the cutscene, and the timing was just right.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't expect Ren Shuai to be so calm. Although he didn't have lines, people could tell that he was a security guard.

Su Yu, on the other hand, was always distracted by other people's performances, and made two wrong moves and three wrong lines.

After a rehearsal, it took about an hour or so, and their time to rent the theater was over.

Mu Xiaoqing walked up to Ren Shuai and said, "Uncle Li, thank you so much, let's rehearse tomorrow night, and the official performance will be the day after tomorrow, no problem?"

Ren Shuai didn't expect the time to be so tight, but he didn't have any pressure at all, nodded and said: "Okay, send the time and place to my mobile phone."

"Okay, when the show is over, I'll treat you to a big meal."

Mu Xiaoqing smiled and waved goodbye to Shuai Ren.

Afterwards, the three of them got together again and turned on the video recorder to watch the rehearsal effect.

This was the first time for the three of them to go through the script as a whole, and it was much more difficult than imagined, especially Su Yu and his boyfriend, two people who had never studied acting, often performed plays and forgot their words.

"Little Susu, you're not good at acting. The day after tomorrow you will be performing officially. This is too amateurish." Mu Xiaoqing said mercilessly.

"The drama is too difficult. I thought it would be enough to read the words, but I didn't expect the effect to be so bad." Su Yu was a little frustrated.

Her boyfriend Liu Tian comforted: "It's okay, we are all amateurs, with Uncle Li and I as a foil for you, it won't look like you are too bad."

Su Yu nodded slightly, but Mu Xiaoqing smiled and said, "You two are in the same boat, Uncle Li is much better than you."

"Have it?"

Su Yu just felt that there was nothing wrong with Mr. Security's positioning and appearance, but she would not admit that he acted better than herself.

Mu Xiaoqing called up the video, pointed to the glance after Ren Shuai came on stage, and said, "Look, Uncle Li's eyes and the way he turns his head are just right. People can tell that he is an old security guard patrolling the building."

"It's just a coincidence."

"Then read this paragraph again."

 New book please recommend, please collect!


(End of this chapter)

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