From janitor to actor

Chapter 8 Lucky Wheel

Chapter 8 Lucky Wheel

The next day, Ren Shuai appeared in the guard room on time.

Not surprisingly, there was a familiar sound of brakes at the door, followed by a familiar figure behind him.

Gao Dagui frowned and walked in the door, looking as if he was asking for a crime.

Ren Shuai didn't wait for him to speak, and seized the opportunity to say: "Dagui, I suddenly felt unwell yesterday, so I almost called an ambulance."

Gao Dagui suppressed half of the anger he was going to send out. He is old and in poor health, so it is understandable for him to leave his post temporarily, and he even called to inform him.

However, Gao Dagui felt choked and uncomfortable, and said angrily: "In this case, take annual leave, or retire early, so I can find a young man to replace you."

Ren Shuai rolled his eyes.

I thought it wasn't your cousin and nephew who was eyeing this post.

"That's not okay, you said that even if you have three months to retire, you have to stand on the last shift!" Ren Shuai said sincerely.

Gao Dagui choked again, and talked to Ren Shuai, the more he talked, the more uncomfortable he became.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, I see that you are in good condition now, let's concentrate on going to work."

After speaking, he went out and drove the patrol car away quickly.

Gao Dagui was very puzzled, Li Laifu was always easy to bully when he was in charge of lectures, why he has become more aggressive recently.

Could it be that he is not afraid of anything when he is approaching retirement?

Alas, I can't afford it.

Ren Shuai dismissed Gao Dagui and was about to start a day of concierge work.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching 50 recognition, rewarding the lucky wheel once]

Ren Shuai lifted his spirits and quickly called up the system panel.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*2, Makeup Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (200/1000)
Recognition degree: 50
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

The originally gray lucky wheel turned red.

Ren Shuai glanced at the skill proficiency and found that it had increased from 180 to 200, which should be due to the accumulation of acting experience, but there was no other change.

Without hesitation, he clicked on the lucky wheel.

With the click, a colorful circular turntable pops up on the interface. The turntable is always spinning rapidly, and Ren Shuai can't see what's on it at all.

[Ding, turn on the lucky wheel, the host can stop at any time and get a random reward]

Ren Shuai stared at the big turntable for a while, feeling dizzy.

Turning too fast, I can't see anything clearly, so I can only follow the fate.


Following his command, the turntable stopped instantly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the props, lines card*1]

Ren Shuai listened to the prompt and wanted to see what other rewards were on the big turntable, but found that the turntable had disappeared.

He was helpless, so he clicked to view the details of the line card.

[Lines cards, after use, can improve the ability to memorize lines, valid for 1 day]

Ren Shuai thought to himself that his memory was not bad, and besides, as an actor, his lines would usually not exceed 3 sentences, so this card would not be used for the time being.

Then he opened the mall, and as expected, the line card was also added to the product list.

Charm Card: 100 approval

Line card: 200 recognition

Makeup card: 300 recognition

Looking at the price, Ren Shuai evaluated it. Since it is more expensive than the Charm Card, it proves that the memory of the Line Card is extraordinary.

The wheel of fortune is a good one.

I didn't expect that there would be rewards if the recognition reached 50. It seems that the system requirements are not too high.

Ren Shuai exited the system very satisfied.

The mobile phone suddenly received a text message, prompting the bank card to deposit 2000 yuan.

"So fast?" Ren Shuai muttered.

This is his salary for playing the role of the old god, including round-trip transportation expenses.

Originally, the crew's settlement was not so fast, but director Peng Kangwu urged the finance company to speed up the payment in view of Ren Shuai's outstanding performance.

He is very optimistic about Ren Shuai's acting skills, and maybe there will be a chance to cooperate in the future, so this time he will sell a favor.

After reading the text message, Ren Shuai opened the mobile banking to check the balance of the deposit.

Black bold display balance: 12086.00
It has to be said that Comrade Li Laifu has spent his whole life in the mess, quite unsuccessfully.

Seeing that he is about to retire, he not only has no house, no car, no banknotes, but also no wife, no children, and no education.

His parents died early, he dropped out of school at a very young age, and he wanted to enter the showbiz with all his heart.

For this reason, I sold my old house, worked everywhere, and bumped into walls everywhere, which not only delayed my career, but also delayed my life.

When I was in my forties, I finally saw the reality clearly, and decided to find a stable job first, and then see if I had the opportunity to become an actor.

So I applied to become a security guard, referred to as the concierge.

Although the salary for this job is not high, food and housing are included, but these benefits will soon be lost after retirement.

Relying on his meager pension, he can't even afford to rent a house in Meijing City.

Ren Shuai has also been worried about his future survival. It is already very bad to become a concierge uncle, and it is even worse to have no savings for retirement after spending his whole life.

Seeing that retirement is approaching, I must first find a way to earn some money, at least I can afford to rent a house after retirement.

He thought, the entertainment industry here is unprecedentedly prosperous, and he can copy some songs and novels from his previous life to make money.

It's just a pity that he can only sing the climax part of his singing, and he can only remember the general plot of the novel, and he can't even restore it.

Ren Shuai felt melancholy in his heart. He knew that he was going to time travel. In his previous life, he should have learned something like composing and writing. Unfortunately, he chose the IT industry. Can he write a program and sell it for money?

It is not impossible.

But there are countless companies that do programming here. He was just a newcomer in the previous life, so why should he compete with others.

While thinking, the glass of the porter's room was knocked.

"Grandpa, hello!"

A slim and beautiful girl stood outside the glass window.

Ren Shuai felt a bright light in his eyes. He knew this girl. She was a famous school belle of this college. Her name was Mu Xiaoqing, and she was a senior this year.

Of course, these memories belonged to Li Laifu. Ren Shuai came back to his senses and remembered his own job.

He opened the glass window and asked, "Student, what's the matter?"

Mu Xiaoqing was a little embarrassed and said, "Master, can I ask you for a favor?"

Ren Shuai thought that as a concierge, he naturally had the responsibility to help the students of the college, so he nodded in agreement.

Mu Xiaoqing said happily: "Great, actually we are going to shoot a play, in which there is a character who is the security guard, but there are not enough actors, I would like to ask you to help me to play the role."

Ren Shuai was stunned. He didn't expect that the Academy of Film and Television lacked actors for their own dramas.

[Ding, trigger the main task, increase the recognition to 1000, and reward a random skill]

Ren Shuai was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect to trigger the main task.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was distracted, Mu Xiaoqing quickly said, "You don't need to worry, this role doesn't need acting skills, just walking back and forth on stage a few times is enough."

The play she participated in was just an impromptu team put together by a classmate of the screenwriting department in order to participate in the performance. The rehearsal time was very tight and the number of actors was not enough.

If it wasn't for the fact that the screenwriting classmate was Mu Xiaoqing's best friend, she herself wouldn't have acted.

 Please recommend new books, please collect~

(End of this chapter)

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