From janitor to actor

Chapter 7 The Concierge

Chapter 7 The Concierge

After opening the system interface, the information is still familiar, but the content has changed.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*2, Makeup Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (180/1000)
Recognition degree: 49
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai was pleasantly surprised to find that the primary level of acting skills has changed from the initial value of 100 to 180, and the recognition has also increased by more than [-] points.

From the analysis of the data, the skill proficiency can be improved through continuous practice, and the growth rate is not slow. After just one morning of shooting, there are 80 points of harvest, and the 1000 point mark is just around the corner.

As for recognition...

Ren Shuai was still a little confused, and initially guessed that maybe every time more people recognized him, he would get a little more.

There are about 6 to 70 people including the film crew and actors on the scene. If most people approve of him, then the more than [-] points of recognition can be explained.

But how to judge, he can't be sure, there is no clear explanation in the system, so he can only explore step by step.

Who made the system have no operation manual and help documents at all.

Then he opened the mall to look again, and found that the products had not changed, and they were still the two cards he couldn't afford.

Ren Shuai lamented his poverty.

The lunch break ended soon, and Director Peng used the horn to wake everyone up.

Ren Shuai looked at the time, it was almost 1:[-].

Then the Charm Card should have expired, and it would be absolutely fine for me to play the role in the background.

The crew is very efficient, all departments are in place quickly, and the actors also stand in their positions in an orderly manner.

The makeup team quickly touched up Shen Luxi's makeup, and then prepared to start the machine.

It was still the same shot in the morning, Shen Luxi was fighting with the immortals, and the old immortals were swept across in the background.

Shen Luxi's spirit didn't change significantly after lunch break, but her expression was a little weird.

She was facing the camera, with her back to Ren Shuai, but she felt like a thorn on her back, like a thorn in her throat, like...

During the lunch break, she heard from her assistant that Mr. Li was actually... the concierge of the School of Film and Television. At that time, she thought she was dreaming.

Later, the assistant confirmed again and again that it was specially obtained from the director, and Shen Luxi was struck by lightning.

At lunch today, she actually asked a concierge for acting skills again and again.

After seeing him dignifiedly, the lard was blinded, so he thought that the concierge's acting skills were superb.

To think that he is attractive... Yes, he is attractive...

However, looking back on my actions now, it was a scene of social death.

No wonder people didn't pay attention to me, I must have thought that I was a snake spirit.

Facing the camera, Shen Luxi was in a mess, feeling that the concierge behind her was watching her joke.

No, you have to adjust your mentality quickly.

You can't lose face as a professional actor.

She quickly drove the distracting thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the character.

Ren Shuai, who was sitting among the group of actors, also entered the role. Although he did not have the blessing of a charm card, his acting skills still allowed him to perform normally.

Peng Kangwu saw that all the departments were in place, and took out the loudspeaker to announce the start-up.

"Start shooting!"

In front of the camera, Shen Luxi successfully entered the character, with fluent lines and perfect expressiveness.

Sitting in front of the monitor, Director Peng clapped his hands very satisfied and shouted Ka.

In addition to paying attention to Shen Luxi's performance, he also paid attention to Ren Shuai. He was surprised to find that the old fairy was sitting in the crowd. Although he could see that it was special, he no longer looked awkward.

The vague aura around him disappeared, as if the old god had restrained his immortal aura and hid himself among the crowd.

Peng Kangwu was very surprised.

Teacher Li's acting skills are really amazing!

Even illusory things like immortal energy can be performed.

Shen Luxi watched Director Peng applaud continuously, and was also very happy with her extraordinary performance.

In the scene just now, she was in excellent condition, acting naturally and smoothly, without even a trace of acting.

This finally proved the strength of a professional actor, and he won't be underestimated by a concierge.

Peng Kangwu held up the horn in satisfaction and said: "The shot just now was perfect, Lu Xi kept it up, Teacher Li is too powerful!"

After speaking, he kept pointing his thumbs in Ren Shuai's direction.

Just as Shen Luxi was about to nod her head, she suddenly became confused.

What did the director say?
Teacher Li is amazing.

Wasn't the praise just now for yourself?

She was devastated.

As the leading actor, she performed superbly in front of the camera, but the director just asked her to keep it, but praised a background actor.

Could it be that Uncle Li can also steal the show when he is in the background.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at the crowd, and found that Ren Shuai was just sitting there, not eye-catching at all.

Not at all... Wait, the temperament is different.

Shen Luxi's eyes gradually widened, as if seeing Ren Shuai for the first time, she stared straight at him.

Her eyes kept scanning Ren Shuai, trying to find out the difference between him and before.

There is no change, why is the temperament converged so perfectly.

It is obvious that before, she was immortal and stood out from the crowd, but now she can be mediocre and blend in with the crowd.

Could it be that it is easy to retract?

Shen Luxi was shocked.

Great hermits are hidden in the city, and high-ranking people are among the people.

This concierge is really not simple, I am not mistaken, his acting skills are really superb.

Thinking about it this way, my performance at noon is not embarrassing at all, and it can even be said that I have sharp eyesight.

Shen Luxi is satisfied, and it seems that she still wants to let Teacher Li tutor her acting skills.

In the following shots, Shen Luxi always performed supernormally and was in an extremely full state.

Director Peng is also very satisfied with the shooting progress.

Ren Shuai checked the time. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and he had finished shooting all the background board shots, so he could call it a day and go home.

Without the director's notice, Ren Shuai took the initiative to go to the makeup studio to remove his makeup.

The No. 6 film and television base is several hundred kilometers away from Meijing Film and Television Arts Academy, and it takes more than [-] hours by train.

He needs to leave immediately, and he has to go to work tomorrow and meet Gao Dagui's anger.

Shen Luxi focused on shooting and was satisfied with her own performance, thinking that Teacher Li should understand her own level now.

Should not hesitate to teach yourself.

She took advantage of the filming gap to look back, only to find that Teacher Li was nowhere to be seen.

What about people?

At this time, she saw a familiar figure coming out of the dressing room.

"Ms. Li, please stay."

Shen Luxi didn't care how many people's attention was attracted by this voice, she took the phone from the assistant and trotted over.

"You, are you leaving now?" Shen Luxi asked slightly panting.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Catch the train."

I have to check the gate tomorrow.

Shen Luxi took out her mobile phone and said, "Then, can I add your chat account, I would like to ask you for advice when I encounter doubts about performances in the future."

Seeing that Shen Luxi was so persistent, Ren Shuai didn't refuse, took out his phone and scanned the code.

He still had to catch the train, so he didn't have time to chat, and he left in an instant after adding friends.

Shen Luxi looked at the back of Ren Shuai leaving in a hurry, a little distracted.

What a special concierge.
 New books please collect, please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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