From janitor to actor

Chapter 6 Unpredictable Teacher Li

Chapter 6 Unpredictable Teacher Li
The old fairy is handsome on the surface, but he has a naughty temperament behind his back. He wants to be handsome in front of his great-grandson and get compliments.

Ren Shuai grasped the characters very accurately, but Shen Luxi didn't know what was wrong, she was always absent-minded.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, although Uncle Li admired Shen Luxi very much, but judging from the performance on the scene, the actor's condition was unstable. He played well before, but suddenly dropped the line.

It seems that although she won the Golden Jasmine Award, her acting skills still need to be honed. Her current status is mostly due to her face.

Thinking of this, Ren Shuai forgot to manage his expressions, and his eyes swept away with a little disappointment.

Shen Luxi watched quietly, and suddenly found that Ren Shuai looked at her like this, and immediately felt ashamed.

Senior is looking down on me, it really confirms the initial impression.

No, young actors must not be dragged back.

I'm a behind-the-scenes professional actor, and I can't be stage fright even in front of old actors.

Shen Luxi suddenly said to the director full of fighting spirit: "Director Peng, I'm back in shape, let's shoot again!"

"it is good."

Then Ren Shuai found that Shen Luxi was staring at him, as if he was a big tiger eating people.

Am I so scary?

Why do you have the illusion that you are facing a big enemy?

Shen Luxi withdrew her thoughts, and immediately entered the role after turning on the phone.

"Great-grandfather, you are so handsome."

Shen Luxi's tone was flattering and a little coquettish.

She finally grasped the character's heart, but the way she looked at Ren Shuai was not like a great-granddaughter looking at her ancestors, but a bit like looking at an idol.

But this expression is also correct.


Director Peng gave the pass gesture.

Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed this one.

Shen Luxi secretly observed Ren Shuai's reaction, and found that he seemed relieved.

It's obvious that he despises his acting skills.

You don't think you can pass this one, it's just a coincidence, right?
Shen Luxi's competitive spirit burst instantly.

Absolutely, definitely let the seniors see their true strength!

It's a pity that the rivalry between the two has ended, and the old fairy left in a cool manner after finding a place.

Shen Luxi thought to herself, although the rivalry is over, the old god still has to serve as a backdrop for herself.

There is always a chance to show your true acting skills.

Ren Shuai finished all the shots except for the background board, and it was exactly 12:[-] noon, just in time for dinner.

Peng Kangwu announced a one-hour lunch break.

Ren Shuai thought that the effect of his charm card was about to end. Fortunately, the background board was in the afternoon, and he didn't need the charm bonus.

At lunch, Shen Luxi was supposed to go to her nanny car to eat, but for some reason, she took the initiative to sit next to Ren Shuai.

"Hello Mr. Li."

Shen Luxi held a lunch box and said hello obediently.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, but he didn't say anything, nodded casually, and then concentrated on making dinner.

Shen Luxi saw that the senior was so cold and cold, and didn't take herself as the number one female seriously, but she still couldn't help but want to get to know him.

"Ms. Li, today I found out that your acting skills are superb. I want to learn from you and see if I can improve my acting skills."

Shen Luxi asked for advice humbly.

Ren Shuai's mouth was full of food, and he didn't know how to speak.

After all, his acting skills are automatically endowed by the system, and it can barely be considered a talent. I don't understand the specific skills and academic descriptions at all.

After trying hard to swallow the food in his mouth, he said: "You acted very well."

Shen Luxi was extremely disappointed.

Perfunctory, absolutely perfunctory.

Isn't senior even interested in teaching himself?

She was a little wronged, but she didn't want to give up.

This teacher Li has a unique temperament, proficient acting skills, and great personal charm. Shen Luxi has never heard of such an actor in the entertainment industry.

But through guessing, I also know that the actor who originally played the role of the old fairy cannot be filmed. The teacher Li who was hired by the crew to save the scene is either a teacher from the Film Academy or an actor on the stage of the drama.

This kind of teacher who can withstand the temptation of money in the entertainment industry and rarely appear in film and television dramas, but instead concentrates on studying acting skills and the stage of drama, is very rare.

In particular, Teacher Li's appearance is very good.

She made some psychological preparations, and continued to speak: "Do you think that my acting skills are not stable, and it is all supported by my appearance?"

Ren Shuai was puzzled, did I show it?

No, it cannot be admitted.

"No, no." He shook his head in denial.

Double negation means affirmation, and Shen Luxi has such an expression on her face.

"I was suddenly a little out of shape just now, but I'm not usually like this." She quickly explained.

Ren Shuai was even more puzzled, why did she explain this to herself?
No, I can't let her misunderstand that I am an old actor, otherwise Shen Luxi will definitely pester me to teach her acting.

Ren Shuai put down his lunch box and said seriously, "Miss Shen, you may have misunderstood. In fact, I'm not a professional actor, I'm just from the Film Academy..."

"I know, because of this, I want to learn more from your experience."

When Shen Luxi heard Ren Shuai calling her Miss Shen, she was obviously very special, so she was a little anxious, so she hurriedly expressed her thoughts before even listening to Ren Shuai's words.

In her mind, Ren Shuai was a teacher at the Film Academy, so he was naturally not a professional actor, but a professional teacher.

Such a person should be more penetrating when talking about dramas and explaining her experience in acting.

Ren Shuai never thought that Shen Luxi's misunderstanding was outrageous, and he thought she knew the identity of his concierge.

This is even more incomprehensible.

Professional actors learn acting skills from concierge?

Shen Luxi didn't know why she was a little impulsive today, but she just couldn't restrain her desire to get acquainted with Teacher Li.

She couldn't help being curious about such a senior with a unique temperament.

"You don't have to be too pretentious, just call me Xiao Shen." Shen Luxi laughed.

I am full of sincerity, so Teacher Li will always teach me acting skills.

Ren Shuai was kind and kind, and called Xiao Shen.

Then, no then.

Shen Luxi waited expectantly for the next article, only to find that Teacher Li turned his head and continued to eat.


Is it not good to disturb others during meal time?

Especially the older generation pay attention to not talking when eating or sleeping. Will it be considered impolite for me to interrupt others' meals in such a reckless manner?
Thoughts kept popping up in Shen Luxi's mind.

Teacher Li's impression of me may have to deduct a lot of points, which is really too bad.

She was very witty and didn't dare to disturb him anymore, she picked up the boxed lunch and ate it by herself.

He didn't realize how abnormal his behavior was.

But the assistant who has been watching her every move from a distance has already noticed something is wrong. Today Lu Xi is too active, she is usually a very cold person.

The assistant thought, could it be that Mr. Li has an unusual status?
Find an opportunity to ask the director about it.

After lunch time, most of the actors began to take a lunch break, basically sitting or lying on the ground.

A few well-known actors took out the folding beds they had prepared to sleep.

Shen Luxi also returned to the nanny's car to rest.

Ren Shuai never had the habit of taking a lunch break, so he started checking the system while he was free.

 New book please recommend, please collect!


(End of this chapter)

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