From janitor to actor

Chapter 5 Instant Play

Chapter 5 Instant Play
When director Peng Kangwu saw that the actors were in place, he immediately picked up the loudspeaker and said loudly: "Attention all departments, 3, 2, 1, turn on!"

This shot is a dialogue between the heroine and one of the actors. It mainly focuses on shooting Shen Luxi, and the rest of the actors act as background boards.

Although he was only swept by the camera, Ren Shuai didn't slack off at all and directly entered the role.

Three shots were taken for this shot, and Shen Luxi played steadily, and the director was very satisfied.

Peng Kangwu was going to shout "passed, take another picture", but suddenly found something wrong, so he looked at the monitor several times.

In the shot, Shen Luxi is in a full state, there is no problem with her movements and expressions, and her eyes are in place. No matter how you look at this shot, it is perfect.

However, Peng Kangwu, relying on his intuition after many years of working in the industry, just felt that there was something discordant in this shot.

Where is it?
Director Peng frowned.

Shen Luxi noticed that the director was contemplating, thinking that there was something wrong with her performance.

But today she thinks that she is in very good condition, she can play smoothly, and she has no problem getting into the role. Why is the director dissatisfied?

"Director Peng, where is the performance not in place?" Shen Luxi couldn't help asking.

Peng Kangwu couldn't speak, so he called Shen Luxi to the monitor.

"Lu Xi, let's take a look, does this scene feel weird?"

Shen Luxi still checked, but felt that she had performed well.

Peng Kangwu suddenly clapped his hands and said, "It's not your problem, it's the whole body!"

He leaned close to the monitor, pointed to the corner and said, "That's the problem here."

Shen Luxi saw that the place pointed by Peng Dao was exactly where the old fairy was.

Ren Shuai didn't know it at this time, but he was a little worried about the progress. His original idea was too wonderful, thinking that when the heroine came, he would shoot a rival scene with him, and then call it a day and leave.

Unexpectedly, there are so many actors playing opposite the heroine, and Shen Luxi is the main one. As a supporting role like him, he can only follow the time schedule of the protagonist.

It's eleven o'clock now, so looking at it this way, I can't finish shooting in the morning.

If he and Shen Luxi's rivalry scene is filmed in the afternoon, there will be no charm card bonus. Although he has elementary acting skills, he will not be sure to show the fairy spirit of an old fairy.

No, I have to find a way to speed up the progress.

As soon as his thoughts turned here, he heard Director Peng call his name.

"Ms. Li, come here."

Ren Shuai responded.

After walking over, he found Director Peng looking at him strangely.

Shen Luxi looked at him with curiosity.

"Director, what's the matter?" Ren Shuai asked.

"That..." Director Peng didn't know how to speak.

In fact, speaking of it, it wasn't Ren Shuai's problem at all, the main reason was that he was too good at acting and was too conspicuous sitting among the group of performers. This wasn't the main problem.

The most important thing is that Shen Luxi is obviously the protagonist, but when the camera sweeps over Ren Shuai, his attention is easily distracted by him.

To put it bluntly, it's a bit of a show stealer.

But Ren Shuai really didn't do anything extra, just quietly acting like an old fairy.

However, the acting skills can't be hidden.

Director Peng made some words in his heart, and said politely: "Mr. Li, can you please accommodate the acting skills of the surrounding actors a little bit, and try to blend in with them as much as possible. .”

Ren Shuai thought for a while, his acting skills are passive skills, it is not something he can use whenever he wants, and he can take it back if he doesn't want to use it.

It is very difficult for a professional actor to perform the temperament of a non-professional actor, just like asking a singer to pretend to be tone deaf to sing.

He couldn't agree to this request, and thought that he was in a hurry, so he might as well go along with the flow.

So Ren Shuai smiled and said: "Director Peng, I'm in the role now, and I won't be able to play for a while, how about this, you first film the scene between me and the heroine, and then I will play slowly, Taking background shots?

Peng Kangwu knew that his request was a little too much, and when he heard this suggestion, he felt that it was feasible, so he turned his head and said, "Luxi, what do you think?"

Although he is a director, he still needs to consider Shen Luxi's opinion, after all, his position is there.

Shen Luxi nodded politely: "No problem, please teach me a lot, Teacher Li."

Ren Shuai nodded in response, but he was happy that he could finish work as soon as possible.

Seeing that Mr. Li didn't pay much attention to herself, Shen Luxi thought that most of the old drama players looked down on the new generation of actors like herself, and she must show her demeanor when she plays against her.

You can't embarrass young actors.

After Director Peng made arrangements for a while, all the departments were in place, ready to shoot Liu Piaomiao being bullied by the seniors of the Xian family, and the old fairy looking for a place.

"Attention all departments, 3, 2, 1, power on!"

Following an order, the camera focused on Shen Luxi who had fallen to the ground, Ren Shuai stepped forward and pulled Shen Luxi up.

Then the drama started.

The old fairy put on a posture of protecting the calf, and protected Liu Piaomiao behind him.

Liu Piaomiao looked surprised, and looked at the old fairy in front of him in confusion: "Senior, who are you?"

The old god didn't respond, but looked contemptuously at the people in the fairy world in front of him and said: "The tradition in the fairy world has always been that seniors bully younger generations. You are right. As a senior, I will bully and bully you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, and two gusts of wind blew up.

A group of people from the fairy world on the opposite side rushed to the ground one after another, and those who were weak in mana even flew out backwards.

Liu Piaomiao was amazed at the ability of the old fairy, and the rest of the people also showed strange expressions.

"Senior, you..."

Before Liu Piaomiao finished speaking, the old god waved his hands and said, "What kind of senior is called great-grandfather."

Liu Piaomiao showed unexpected emotions, looked up and down, and then asked tentatively: "You, you are the one that the family said, the great-grandfather of the Golden Immortal?"

The old god smiled heartily, turned his head and said to everyone: "Remember, Piao Miao girl is my great-granddaughter, I will bully whoever dares to bully her in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quietly said to Liu Piaomiao: "Girl, is your great-grandfather handsome?"


Shen Luxi suddenly shook her head.


Director Peng shouted and looked at Shen Luxi suspiciously.

The previous series of shots went smoothly, and the two actors were in good condition. Why did Shen Luxi suddenly appear in the play just now?

Could it be that he forgot his words, shouldn't he... Even the elderly teacher Li didn't forget his words, but a young actor actually forgot his words?
Shen Luxi felt a little regretful.

I still wanted to behave better in front of my seniors, but I didn't expect that I was NG where I shouldn't go wrong.

So unprofessional.

However, just now... Teacher Li turned her head and asked quietly, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, what happened?

Shen Luxi wanted to calm down, and glanced at Ren Shuai, but found that the senior looked more and more attractive.

No, they are old-timers.

She took a few deep breaths and said to Director Peng, "I'm sorry, the state suddenly went wrong just now."

"It's okay, take another one."

Shen Luxi nodded, but was still in no mood.

After several consecutive shots, she still couldn't sink into the character.

 New book please recommend, please collect!


(End of this chapter)

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