From janitor to actor

Chapter 173 Cell Phone

Chapter 173 Cell Phone
The production director squatted in the hut happily, satisfied with his arrangement.

He calculated the time well, and while the dinner crew and actors were resting, he notified his subordinates to clean up.

He also specifically ordered to clean it carefully, not to let go of every corner.

Once the mobile phone in Ren Shuai's tent is found, everyone will see it, and there will be no way to argue.

The concierge should not dream of being an actor, just go back and watch the gate obediently.

The production director feels that although he is in the toilet, he is still planning and directing well.

This arrangement must be foolproof.

Ren Shuai looked at the person who walked into his tent to clean, and smiled inwardly. Just in case, this afternoon, he specially checked his tent carefully to make sure that the production director did not have any backhands.

Now the tent is cleaner than it has been cleaned seven or eight times, and there is nothing suspicious.

In the rest area of ​​the studio, Ma Chunpeng sat in the tent with a gloomy face, looking at a glove box in front of him.

After the break was announced just now, a field manager came to give it to him, saying that he was entrusted by the director of production.

He also said that the production director was too embarrassed to hand it over to him in person, so he could only find someone to hand it over and say sorry.

Ma Chunpeng didn't know what kind of moth the production director was doing, and he didn't even sit idle, so he opened the glove box.

What caught my eye was a pile of small square plastic bags of all brands.

There are also some indescribable things mixed in.

Ma Chunpeng was very speechless, feeling that the director of the production had lost his mind, and actually found someone to give him this kind of thing.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that there were other things buried under these small plastic bags, and when he reached out, he found that it was a mobile phone.

This is strictly forbidden on the set. In order to ensure the profit, the producer strictly requires the crew not to disclose any information, so the crew will keep the secrecy work extremely strict.

For this reason, the producer also specially sent representatives to the crew to supervise the crew's confidentiality work.

Any need to contact the outside world must be reported to them.

However, as the production director, he committed a crime against the wind and took the lead in breaking the confidentiality system of the crew. If the producer knew about it, he might deal with it seriously.

Ma Chunpeng turned on the phone and found that there was no lock screen password, so he opened it and went directly to the photo album.

This was specially designed by the production director for Ren Shuai, just to make it easier for others to discover the contents inside, but he didn't expect to use it on himself.

The photo album is full of still photos of the protagonists in the shooting, and the costumes and sets are also very clear. The leak of this kind of photos is definitely a serious leak of the filming content of the crew.

After Ma Chunpeng read them one by one, his face gradually turned black.

He had worked with this production director before, but at that time the production director was just a small producer, and it was the producer who supported him that made him the production director.

Ma Chunpeng was a little uncomfortable with the life style and preferences of this production director, but he didn't expect that now he would still want to earn money from the crew and sell photos to make extra money.

Ma Chunpeng feels that the director of the production has come to his senses and confessed his mistakes by submitting incriminating evidence, which is worthy of recognition.

But selling crew information is really against professional ethics.

He is in a dilemma.

After thinking about it for a while, Ma Chumpeng still decided to give the production director another chance. After all, the prodigal son won't change money if he returns. Since he has the courage to admit his mistakes, he should be given a chance to reform himself.

Just as Ma Chumpeng was making up his mind, the walkie-talkie on the table suddenly rang.

It was the production director who called him.

"Director Ma, where are you?"

Hearing his weak but cheerful voice, Ma Chunpeng felt a little strange, and thought that it might be because he took the initiative to admit his mistakes and relieved the burden in his heart, so he felt happy.

"I'm on set," he replied.

"Is it convenient for you to come to the actor's accommodation area?" the production director asked.

Ma Chunpeng didn't know what was going on with him, but the production crew was resting now, and there was nothing to do, so it would be no harm to go there.

"it is good."

He thought to himself that the production director had diarrhea today and was still thinking about the things on the set, so he was doing his duty.

And this time, I cleared my mind, and knew that I would hand in my mobile phone voluntarily, so I didn't make a big mistake.

Ma Chunpeng left the set and went straight to the actor's tent area.

On the way, he walked past the kitchen, glanced at the full dishes on the dining car, and sighed inwardly.

During dinner time, no one from the production team came to pick up the meals. The main food and side dishes were basically emptied, but the main dishes were left untouched.

Ma Chunpeng thought that he had to urge the people in charge of catering to find a chef from Yezhou as soon as possible.

As he walked forward, when he was approaching the accommodation area, he suddenly smelled a delicious aroma.

Ma Chunpeng walked in along the smell, and saw a group of people forming a circle, and the scent came from inside.

In the center of the crowd, Ren Shuai was concentrating on cooking.

Taking advantage of the time when someone was cleaning the tent just now, Song Lishu consciously went to the kitchen to ask for some ingredients and seasonings.

It happened to be meal time, and Ren Shuai promised her to use the new stove to cook. Of course, she would take the initiative to prepare the ingredients if she could.

Ren Shuai reviewed his homework all afternoon, and he was also a little hungry, so he naturally started to do it without hesitation.

In the beginning, they just stood in a small corner, low-key performing small kitchen activities.

But the taste of Ren Shuai's cooking was too tempting, and he attracted three or five people to stop after a while.

These people watched helplessly, but they didn't leave. Their purpose was very clear, hoping to follow along.

But the aroma of Ren Shuai's cooking is too powerful, especially when it comes to meals, a group of people who haven't eaten for several days have no resistance to this temptation.

Soon, those who cleaned the room gathered together and stared at Ren Shuai, the dishes in the pot.

Ren Shuai felt the scorching gazes, as if he was surrounded by zombies, and felt powerless in his heart, thinking that without three cooking cards, it might not be possible to end the game.

Just then, a familiar voice came from the crowd.

"Li Laifu, I didn't expect you to cook here."

After Ma Chunpeng approached, the people in the crew recognized that the director was in person, so they silently moved away and let him walk into the encirclement.

When Ma Chunpeng found out that Ren Shuai was cooking, he thought that this must be arranged by the production director, no wonder he mysteriously called him to the actor's dormitory to help him improve his meals.

When Ren Shuai saw that Director Ma was also attracted to him, he asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

Ma Chunpeng thought to himself, isn't it arranged by the production director?

When both of them were wondering, there was a sound of excitement from outside the encirclement, but they didn't shout loudly.

"Everyone spread out, it's outrageous to gather together!"

The production director, who had been absent for a long time, finally broke free from the shackles of the toilet and appeared.

 Happy April Fools' Day!
  On the first day of April, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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