From janitor to actor

Chapter 174 Reversal

Chapter 174 Reversal
After a day of diarrhea, the production director had no more diarrhea, so his legs were trembling, and he barely walked to the dormitory area.

He wanted to witness with his own eyes the scene where Ren Shuai was arrested in public and kicked out of the crew.

To relieve the depression in my heart.

A porter, who dared to make him unhappy everywhere in the crew, should have left long ago.

The production director looked at the circle of people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and was very satisfied with the number of viewers.

Judging from this, the mobile phone in Ren Shuai's tent must have been found. Since Ma Chunpeng has arrived, the mobile phone must have been handed over to him.

The production director secretly smiled, everything was as he imagined, without any deviation.

As everyone knows, things have already developed in another interesting direction.

Seeing the arrival of the production director, everyone dispersed slightly, but still surrounded them and did not leave.

The dishes in Ren Shuai's pot have been fried, and he turned off the fire, ready to see what the production director wants to do.

Ma Chunpeng saw that the producer director's footsteps were flimsy, so he stepped out of the crowd and greeted him.

The director of production took a look at Ma Chunpeng's face, but didn't find any obvious emotion. He thought to himself, Director Ma wouldn't want to cover up the concierge in front of so many people, right?
He will never allow this to happen.

Seeing Ma Chunpeng approaching, the production director hastily raised his voice and said, "Director Ma, is your phone here?"

Ma Chunpeng paused, thinking that the director of the production was confused, why did he dare to mention the mobile phone in front of everyone.

The production director has been paying attention to his face. After seeing this, Ma Chunpeng showed surprise, and said with a smile: "You don't need to help hide it, show it out for everyone to see."

Ma Chunpeng looked puzzled and said, "Have you thought through the consequences of doing this?"

The production director thought to himself that Ren Shuai was an actor picked by Ma Chunpeng, and if something went wrong, he would definitely lose face, but even if he offended Director Ma once, he couldn't continue to let Ren Shuai, an eyesore, stay on the set. .

"I think very clearly that the crew's confidentiality regulations are not a dead letter, and whoever makes a mistake must bear the consequences!"

What he said was righteous and eloquent.

Ma Chunpeng did not expect the director of the production to be so firm. It seemed that he was really determined to change his past, but if this matter were really revealed, he would be unable to get along in the industry in the future.

This means that he did not sell the photos. Once the transaction is successful, he may have to bear legal responsibility.

Ma Chumpeng hesitated, but did not take out his mobile phone.

But the production director urged: "Why are you hesitating, this matter cannot be hidden, it is better to let everyone know."

"Oh well."

Ma Chunpeng sighed, took out a mobile phone from his inner pocket, and turned around to show it to everyone.

Everyone was very puzzled, what happened, why did Director Ma take out a mobile phone? Didn't the crew have strict requirements not to carry this kind of communication or photo recording equipment?

Ren Shuai looked at his phone, thinking that the plan was proceeding step by step, and the effect was even unexpected.

The production director hit himself at the gunpoint, and no one could save him.

Ma Chunpeng said to everyone with some regret: "This phone was brought to the island by the production director. He handed it over to me today to express his attitude of being able to correct mistakes. photos, but they haven’t been circulated yet, I hope everyone can take this as a warning.”

The production director looked at Ren Shuai while listening, and was about to show a winner's smile, but the more he listened, the more something went wrong.

What did Director Ma just say?
Whose phone is it?
The production director quickly asked: "Are you wrong? Didn't you find this phone when you were cleaning the tent just now?"

After speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced at the group of people who were responsible for cleaning the tent.

However, everyone was puzzled, shook their heads slightly, and just looked at him with admiration.

I feel that he took the initiative to admit that he was carrying a mobile phone, which is very courageous.

Standing in the crowd, Ren Shuai looked at the wonderful expression on the face of the production director, and sighed in his heart, it took no effort at all.

"No, no, there must be a misunderstanding."

The production director did not expect that Ma Chunpeng pointed the gun at his head.

This is completely different from what he imagined.

Something must have gone wrong, since the mobile phone was not found during the cleaning, how did the mobile phone appear in Ma Chumpeng's hands?

Moreover, Ma Chunpeng kept saying that he handed it in on his own initiative.

how can that be!

The production director's eyes were like knives, and he immediately locked on the scene manager surnamed Li, and said angrily, "What have you done?"

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, and said, "Didn't you tell me to give the grocery basket in the tent to Director Ma?"

The director of the production was suddenly struck by thunder.

This little clerk dared to bully him!

How could the things in the miscellaneous basket...the whole basket be brought to Ma Chunpeng?

The death scene of a large community.

He had already had diarrhea for a day, and he collapsed a long time ago. He was able to hold on until now, all supported by his will to see Ren Shuai's jokes.

As a result of such a subversive event, he felt his eyes go dark, and he fell to the ground with a "gudong" and passed out.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly helped him up from the ground, and those with walkie-talkies began to call the medical team.

Ma Chunpeng couldn't help sighing, since he can't bear it mentally, he shouldn't admit his mistakes in public.

He had obviously persuaded him, but unfortunately he didn't listen, alas.

After the medical team took the production director away, no one took the initiative to follow, and everyone was still thinking about the food in Ren Shuai's pot.

Now that the production director has collapsed, Ma Chunpeng, as the director, naturally needs to take care of it.

So he glanced at Cai reluctantly before turning around and leaving.

The corners of Ren Shuai's lips twitched, the production director shot himself in the foot, and he deserved it.

He is in a good mood now, so he decided to show his skills, and he didn't hesitate to cook a few more dishes for everyone.

Everyone didn't take the matter of the production director's fainting to heart at all. These people worked under him and felt oppressed all the time. They had long been dissatisfied, especially today when they asked everyone to clean others' rooms during dinner time.

It's like using the props team as handymen.

After hearing that Ren Shuai made Yezhou delicacies for everyone, everyone cheered happily.

As for what happens to the production director, no one cares.

The happy night passed quietly like this.

The next day, as soon as Ren Shuai arrived on the set, he heard that the production director had to leave the crew due to physical reasons and went to a hospital outside to recuperate.

But everyone said in private that the producer knew about the director's behavior and expelled him from the crew.

It was only because he took the initiative to admit his mistakes and saved him face that he said to go to recuperate.

Ren Shuai looked at the blue sky and felt that the air was very fresh today.

 On the first day of April, please recommend and ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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