From janitor to actor

Chapter 175 Armed to the Teeth

Chapter 175 Armed to the Teeth

The crew arranged a big scene today.

The engine room of the ship was damaged, the hull was severely tilted, and there was a small fire.

The passengers on board were unprepared, many of them were watching the scenery on the deck, and suddenly flew out of the tilting ship and fell into the sea.

This scene requires many actors to participate, and basically all of them come to wait.

The shots of falling into the sea were all shot separately, and special effects will be added in the later stage. Today, the scenes on the boat are mainly shot.

During the preparation, the prop group began to arrange the scene.

Each actor in this scene is designed with different plots and actions. Some fall, some fly, some slip, etc., etc., all need to be designed in advance to prevent mistakes.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause collisions and scratches between actors. Although the speed is not fast, redness, swelling and bruises are inevitable when they collide together.

The protagonists have individual protection measures, and the prop team prepared cushions and other protective equipment for their joints to avoid injuries.

But supporting roles don't have this kind of treatment, so they can only prepare by themselves.

Experienced actors are better off. Those who haven't played such disaster scenes much are unprepared and don't know how to defend themselves.

Ren Shuai is the inexperienced kind.

But soon a person from the props team ran up to him and said actively: "Mr. Li, I have prepared a set of knee pads that are close-fitting. I can't see them when I wear them under my clothes. They can prevent you from getting injured after a fall. You put it on."

Ren Shuai nodded his thanks.

He had just put it on when another person from the props team came over and said, "Ms. Li, I still have a set of elbow pads here, please put them on, so as not to get injured when shooting later."

Ren Shuai thanked you again.

After a while, three more people came to give Ren Shuai equipment, hip protectors, chest protectors, and wrist protectors.

Ren Shuai felt that he was almost armed to the teeth.

The people in the props team ate Ren Shuai's fried dishes last night, were captured by his food, and became Ren Shuai's loyal fans.

I was afraid that something might happen to Ren Shuai, and he bumped into each other, which would delay his cooking skills.

Standing by the side and seeing all this, the eyes of the second male lead were straightened. He couldn't imagine why Ren Shuai was taken care of so much by the props team.

Even he, the lead actor, didn't get that kind of treatment.

After the production director left, he didn't even have a backer, and he was helpless in the crew. He was afraid that one day the director would notify him that he would be replaced.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was so valued, he thought that based on previous observations, this teacher might be a hidden thigh, so he could hug him.

So the male second took the initiative to come forward and greeted with a smile: "Mr. Li, please take care of me in future scenes. By the way, I have prepared a braces here. It is brand new and can protect teeth. I heard that someone broke it before." If you hit your face when you fell down and your teeth fall out, you can take this with you to ensure that nothing will go wrong."

Ren Shuai was a little speechless, this time he was really armed to the teeth.

The scene that will be played later will be all kinds of walking and running, no lines are needed, and it's okay to wear braces.

But Ren Shuai really didn't think it was necessary. He only needed to use a martial arts card to ensure that he could move around with ease.

The kindness of the props group was hard to resist, so Ren Shuai reluctantly put on the protective gear, but the sudden courtesy of the second male made him a little defensive.

After all, he used to be the production director.

At this time, Yi Hua, who has been paying attention to Ren Shuai, came over. Since the last show, he has been thinking about competing with Ren Shuai in performance, so he pays special attention to Ren Shuai in the crew.

Seeing that the prop group showed courtesy to Ren Shuai, Yi Hua was already a little puzzled. As the protagonist, he didn't have this kind of treatment, and then saw that even the second male also showed hospitality, and he inevitably felt a little bit of comparison in his heart.

I thought that the male second asked Ren Shuai to take care of him a little bit more when he played against each other, but he didn't ask himself for help. Do you think Ren Shuai's acting skills are better than him?

He always thought that there was no distinction between top and bottom in the last show, and he also felt that Ren Shuai had practiced more in advance. When it comes to acting skills, Ren Shuai is by no means his opponent.

Both he and Ren Shuai had scenes with the male second, but the male second went to please Ren Shuai and ignored him.

This made Yi Hua feel bad, feeling that his strength was underestimated.

"If you have time to wear so many protective gear, it is better to study how to perform. If you are afraid of getting hurt, don't be an actor."

As soon as Yi Hua came up, he was in the attitude of the seniors teaching the younger ones, with a condescending feeling.

Ren Shuai was feeling a little uncomfortable wearing protective gear all over his body, so he immediately followed the conversation and said: "Mr. Yi is right, wearing protective gear really hinders the flexibility of the limbs, and the effect of the performance is not realistic enough. We As an actor, of course, you must have the spirit of devotion to art, and a little injury is nothing at all."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he began to take off the protective gear on his body, and his movements were very quick.

Yi Hua didn't expect Ren Shuai to be quite obedient, and he listened to him as soon as he said it. It seems that he knew that his acting skills were inferior to his own, so he admitted in advance.

The next moment, Ren Shuai took off his protective gear and asked, "Mr. Yi, you set an example. You must not be wearing any protective gear. You are really a role model for us to follow."

Yi Hua's expression froze when he heard the words, but he is a face-saving person, and he can't admit defeat no matter what.

He showed an impatient look and said: "It's all those people from the props team. They insisted on wearing Laoshi's protective gear for me. I refused several times. They were worried that I would get hurt, so they insisted on putting it on for me. According to my original intention, Certainly not."

When Yi Hua said this, the three people in the props group hadn't left yet, and when they heard his words, they immediately looked at each other.

"Mr. Yi, let's take it off for you."

After saying that, the three members of the prop group quickly started to help Yi Hua unload his equipment, taking off all the protective equipment on his body.

Before Yi Hua could react, he felt his body lighten, and the protective gear was gone.

Ren Shuai suppressed a smile and said, "Teacher Yi, take care of yourself."

Yi Hua was about to say something, when he heard that the director had already started notifying the actors to take their positions and prepare for trial shooting.

The second man saw that the two seniors were not wearing protective gear, so he silently let go of his defenses and obediently walked to his position, thinking that flesh and blood pain might be inevitable.

The action director has already guided the actors' movements and positions, basically in groups of three to five.

Actors like Ren Shuai and the others who play crew members need to rescue passengers as soon as possible when a shipwreck occurs.

Ren Shuai, Yi Hua, and the second male were each assigned several rescue targets. As the captain, Yi Hua needed to highlight his ability and stability, so he rescued the largest number of passengers, including the male and female first.

The second male is strong and flexible, and was assigned four rescue objects.

Ren Shuai was not the main character, he was taken over in a few seconds, and three passengers were arranged for him to rescue.

The scene was to be presented as a long take, so that every actor could not make a mistake, otherwise it would have to be re-shot.

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(End of this chapter)

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