From janitor to actor

Chapter 176 Several Meanings

Chapter 176 Several Meanings

After all the actors checked the scene briefly, the first trial shooting began.

This shot is mainly to let the actors get familiar with the movements and positions, even if they make mistakes, they will not stop until all the movements are done.

In order to make the effect of this scene more realistic, the crew asked everyone to board the ship for real shooting, and sent the wire team to hang steel cables on both sides of the ship and pull them with motors to realize the tilting and shaking of the ship.

When the actors stand on the deck, there will be real situations such as unsteady standing, which is dangerous to a certain extent.

The camera is raised to the hull through the big rocker arm to shoot, one shot to the end.

After the preparations for the scene were completed, there was a short period of silence, and every actor was on the alert, not hoping that there would be problems in this part of the show.

"Attention all departments, first trial shooting, start!"

The camera began to advance, a passenger was unable to stand, and fell to the deck with a "plop", and then the hull began to shake obviously, and more and more people were unable to stand stably.



Everyone was caught off guard by the sudden situation, and one after another fell to the ground.

Yi Hua rushed out of the cabin, just in time to meet two people leaning back at the door.

He quickly stretched out his hand to pull it, but the hull shook for a while. Although the two of them were flopping, they still had some inertia. Yi Hua only had time to grab one person, and the other fell to the ground.

But the performance didn't stop because of this small mistake, he continued to run out while turning his head to observe the situation on the boat.

There was a fire in the cockpit and he couldn't get in. He ran out to get some more fire extinguishers and go back to put out the fire.

Unexpectedly, there was a problem with the power cabin again, and the hull tilted.

As the captain, he was calm in the face of danger. When he saw a crew member running, he immediately directed him to go to the power cabin to confirm the situation, while he continued to run in the direction of the fire extinguisher.

During this period, he met another young man kneeling on the ground, and he stretched out his hand to pull him up.

At this moment, not far away, a mother pulled her son backwards and ran towards them. Yi Hua, with sharp eyesight and quick hands, took a step forward to block the boy, and stretched out his hand to push forward, trying to stop the mother and son from retreating.

But he didn't expect that the momentum of the mother and child was a bit strong, and his arms couldn't support him, he took a step back, and stepped on the instep of the boy behind him.

The young man was in pain, but he held back and didn't cry out, his face flushed red.

Although Yi Hua knew that he made a mistake, he still showed the calmness of the captain without any panic. After holding the mother and child steady, he ran towards the fire extinguisher.

The camera shot past Yi Hua, and continued to move forward. A little girl slid out along the deck, and the second man ran in from outside the camera and picked her up.

On the other side, an uncle stumbled and was screaming in pain. The male second put down the little girl and went to help the uncle.

But this uncle's tonnage was a bit unusual, he couldn't pull him up, he could only pull him up again.

The uncle sitting on the ground felt a strong pinch on his arm and stood up from the deck in pain.

He wants to cry but has no tears, thinking that you can't pinch even if you can't pull it.

Seeing the uncle standing up, the second man immediately continued to run forward. A young couple was lying on the ground at this time, holding the trash can on the deck to prevent their bodies from slipping away.

The second man approached with great difficulty, but when he ran over, the hull of the boat shook, his momentum was too strong, his body slanted across the trash can, and passed the young couple perfectly.

He quickly turned around and ran back two steps before reaching out to pull the two of them up.

The camera flicked over his head and continued to move forward.

Ren Shuai was fishing in the cabin, but suddenly felt the tilt of the hull, and hurried out of the cabin, ready to go to the engine room to check the situation.

As soon as he got on the deck, he saw a family of three rushing towards him.

In the original design, the family of three failed to stand still and fell to the ground. As a result, the ship tilted towards the cabin, and the three of them held hands. With too much inertia, they rushed towards Ren Shuai without stopping the car.

Ren Shuai had a martial arts card next to him, and suddenly saw the three people rushing towards him, and subconsciously moved a step to the side to get out of the way.

However, if he hides, the three of them may rush into the cabin, and collisions will inevitably occur.

So at the moment of dodging, Ren Shuai raised his hand and pushed the father of the three sideways. The strength was just right, allowing the three of them to squeeze together without feeling any pain.

After pushing this out, Ren Shuai took a step forward and came to the side of the three, raised his hand, pulled and twisted, relieved their momentum, and made the three of them lean against the cabin wall firmly.

The three actors were still in shock, and they didn't let out a breath of fear until they stood still.

After the camera swept across, the three of them cast grateful glances at Ren Shuai.

If it weren't for Ren Shuai's operation just now, the three of them would definitely have suffered a bloody disaster.


When the long shot ended, Ma Chumpeng yelled to stop.

Although Ren Shuai played well, Ma Chunpeng couldn't help shaking his head when other people made various mistakes.

He knew from experience that if the filming continues like this, let alone good results may not be achieved once within ten times, the personal safety of the actors alone will cause serious problems.

Ma Chumpeng called the action director over and said, "It has to be adjusted. The action design is too difficult for the actors, and it is difficult for them to complete."

The action director nodded, thinking that Ren Shuai's movements were done very well, but it is true that not everyone is as capable as him.

So he suggested: "Director, why don't we distribute the actions according to the actors' abilities?"

Ma Chunpeng thought for a while and nodded, "Yes."

Although according to his original intention, the main actors have more shots and more actions, but now it seems that the expected effect cannot be achieved.

However, there are no male and female actors in this scene, so it doesn't matter who has more or fewer shots.

The action director came on deck and started regrouping the actors and arranging the moves.

Through the actual shooting just now, he found that the running actors might overshoot their heads, and it was difficult for the fallen actors to stand up. These need to be avoided through redesign.

The boy who was stepped on by Yi Hua heard that there was a need for re-arrangement, so he went to the action director and asked, "Can I partner with Teacher Li?"

He could see clearly just now that Ren Shuai's movements were chic and elegant, and he stabilized the three of them with a few simple moves. He was as handsome as the martial arts heroes he had liked since childhood.

The action director readily agreed. He originally wanted to arrange more rescue targets for Ren Shuai. Anyway, Ren Shuai is a master, and he can handle even more difficult ones.

But Yi Hua who was on the side was not happy. The person who was originally playing with him turned to play with Ren Shuai. What's the point?
When he was unhappy, the action director assigned another pair of actors who played with him to Ren Shuai.

Yi Hua was instantly annoyed.

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(End of this chapter)

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