From janitor to actor

Chapter 177 Say Goodbye to the Early Years

Chapter 177 Say Goodbye to the Early Years
The action director is arranging the grouping, and Yi Hua has already started to get mad.

"Arrange them all to others, who will act with me, will you know how to design actions?"

Yi Hua sprayed with a dark face.

The action director was suffocated, thinking that you can't move yourself, and you blame me for assigning the opponent's actors to others?

But he didn't want to offend Yi Hua, so he could only explain patiently: "I also consider your safety, after simplifying the movements, you can do better and it is more conducive to shooting."

Yi Hua has rich experience, and he knew that he was perfunctory when he heard this. After the action is simplified, the shots will naturally be less.

Transferring all his co-stars to Ren Shuai is the same as transferring all his scenes to Ren Shuai.

This is stealing the show in disguise.

It can also be said that Ren Shuai played better than him in the one just now.

Yi Hua is not willing to accept this result.

"What do you mean? Are my acting skills inferior to Li Laifu?"

Yi Hua already had a heart of comparison with Ren Shuai, so he is naturally more sensitive in this situation.

The martial arts instructor smiled wryly, thinking that if you are good at acting, it has nothing to do with your good movements. No matter how good your acting skills are, it doesn't mean you can do beautiful movements.

But he couldn't say it clearly, Yi Hua's status was there, and the action director couldn't offend him.

"Mr. Li has practiced martial arts and has certain advantages in action scenes, so he arranges all difficult movements for him. This is also for the overall consideration, which will not affect the effect, but also take into account safety."

Action guidance can only explain the situation clearly.

Yi Hua was surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect that Ren Shuai had practiced martial arts.

In this regard, he is really incomparable.

But Ren Shuai couldn't just let Ren Shuai take the show away.

So Yi Hua made a suggestion: "In this case, let Li Laifu be with me. He is the crew member and I am the captain. It is reasonable for me to direct him to save people."

The action director thought about it after hearing the words, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so that he would not offend Yi Hua.

He nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, then I'll rearrange the movements."

Ren Shuai was invited over by the action director and briefly introduced the situation.

Ren Shuai didn't have any objection to the arrangement of the film crew. His request was very simple, as long as the filming could be completed smoothly, earning the film salary would be enough.

After the redesign and arrangement, Yi Hua came out from the cabin to look for a fire extinguisher. He ran into Ren Shuai who ran out from the other door of the cabin, and went to rescue people with him.

In this way, Yi Hua and Ren Shuai will appear on the scene together, and there will be no situation of being robbed of the scene.

At that time, no matter how good Ren Shuai's action scenes are, it will be able to highlight his good command as the captain.

Yi Hua stood confidently in his position, waiting for the start signal.

Ma Chumpeng soon announced the start of the second test shoot.

The big rocker swiped across the deck, and Yi Hua rushed out of the cabin first.

Ren Shuai also rushed out of the cabin at the same time and came to the deck.

Yi Hua first helped the passenger next to him casually, then raised his eyes to Ren Shuai, raised his hand and said, "Come and save someone."

Ren Shuai quickened his pace, rushed to the boy who had fallen to the ground, and helped him up.

At this moment, a mother and son ran backwards towards him.

"Be careful, get out of the way!"

Not far away, Yi Hua hurriedly gave a reminder, and at the same time stepped forward to help.

This set of plot design was proposed by Yi Hua, which can not only highlight his concern for his subordinates, but also reflect his vigilance in seeing all directions and listening to all directions.

Ren Shuai just stood there, showing his gratitude for not responding in time, but fortunately being rescued by the captain.

Seeing that the pair of mother and child were about to bump into each other, Yi Hua was a little too late to arrive in time to stop them from retreating.

In this way, the mother and son would either knock Ren Shuai and the boy down, or be tripped by Ren Shuai and the boy.

Seeing that Yi Hua could not be rescued in time, Ren Shuai hurriedly turned his body halfway, and moved the boy behind him to the side, avoiding the route where the mother and child bumped into him.

But by doing this, although they could avoid the impact, the mother and child would keep moving backwards until they hit the cabin on the deck.

Ren Shuai's eyes were fixed slightly, and he saw the moment when the mother and child passed by before him. He stepped up and raised his hand, holding the two's arms one by one.

Twisting slightly, she released the inertia of the backward impact, and firmly grasped the two of them.

Yi Hua just arrived at this time, and felt a little embarrassed watching this scene.

But he immediately re-entered the scene and said: "I'm going to get the fire extinguisher, you go to the power cabin to check."

Ren Shuai nodded, then quickly turned and ran to the engine room.

During the period, they pulled the two together.

The camera went all the way to the end, and Ma Chumpeng called to stop.

The test shooting effect this time was much better than the first time. After the actions were simplified, everyone’s error rate was significantly reduced. Except for Yi Hua, no one made a big mistake.

Ma Chunpeng looked at the replay and said: "Just now everyone played well, keep it up, and the real shooting will start next."

The actors nodded their heads when they heard the words, and Yi Hua was eager to win, thinking that Ren Shuai must not let Ren Shuai steal the limelight again this time.

He has to show his strength.

If the ship hadn't tilted and turned uphill just now, he wouldn't have been that slow. This time he was prepared, so he decided to run faster.

"Start shooting!"

With the director's order, Yi Hua immediately entered the scene.

This time it's a real shot, and there is no room for mistakes, otherwise it will be NG reshoots.

Yi Hua, as the first character to appear in the long shot, naturally wants to make a good start.

Ren Shuai didn't have the psychological burden like Yi Hua, he was in a very stable state, and immediately helped the boy up after he ran out of the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Yi Hua reminding me loudly.

"Be careful, get out of the way!"

Ren Shuai immediately made a surprised expression of being unable to react, and turned his head to look forward.

The pair of mother and son started to bump into this side backwards, while Yi Hua rushed forward with great strides, ready to rescue.

It was too late to say it, and at the very moment, the hull began to tilt to the other side.

Yi Hua felt that his feet were empty, and he was so aggressive that he rushed towards Ren Shuai's direction.

Ren Shuai was really surprised at this moment, he quickly stepped back a few steps to the left, and even took the mother and child on the way into his arms.

Yi Hua knew that he would be injured if he rushed over like this, so he tried to adjust his body shape to save the fate of falling to the ground.

Hard work paid off, his efforts paid off, and his originally flat figure finally straightened up a little.


Yi Hua landed on both knees, subconsciously raised his head.

Ren Shuai was condescending and happened to meet his gaze.


Teacher Yi is too polite.

There are still two days before the Chinese New Year, why bother to do this gift in advance.


Ma Chunpeng called to stop immediately.

Ren Shuai looked at Yi Hua who was kneeling in front of him, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him, while trying to hold back the upturned corners of his mouth.

He knew it was not kind to laugh at this time, but the scene just now was too funny.

"Teacher Yi, please get up quickly."

Yi Hua's face suddenly changed several colors, and he immediately stood up from the ground, not wanting to face Ren Shuai.

The clown was himself.

 On the first day of the holiday, please recommend and ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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