Chapter 178

Among the onlookers of the film crew, some couldn't help turning their heads away, showing unkind smiles.

In the scene just now, unlike Yi Hua who reminded Ren Shuai to step forward to help, it was like Yi Hua yelling "Hero, please accept my knee", and then rushed forward and knelt down.

After this incident, Yi Hua felt that he was out of shape all the time, relying on his acting skills to support him, and barely finished the action.

In the subsequent shooting, although there was no NG, his performance was much different from before.

After this long shot was finally finished, Yi Hua left the set directly.

He felt that the people on the set today looked at him with smiles, which made him very upset.

Yi Hua secretly vowed that in tomorrow's scene with Ren Shuai, he must find a way to overwhelm him and re-establish his prestige on the set.

You must not continue to let other people see jokes because of today's events.

After finishing work today, the scenes on the boat are basically over, and tomorrow we will start filming the scenes on the island.

Ren Shuai recalled the way Yi Hua looked at him before leaving, and felt a little funny in his heart.

At the beginning, he went to Yi Hua and said that the show with the other party was completely aggressive, in order to achieve the purpose of reshooting.

Unexpectedly, Yi Hua himself took the lead instead, and always regarded Ren Shuai as the opponent of the acting PK in the crew.

In Yi Hua's view, actors with non-major backgrounds are not as good as their major-educated actors.

Especially in terms of experience, it is definitely not as good as his veteran actor who has decades of acting experience.

Ren Shuai, a janitor who became a monk halfway through, still wants to surpass him in acting skills, an old film star-level actor, it is simply a fantasy.

Yi Hua's idea is that Ren Shuai must recognize the reality and find his own position, and don't think that he can surpass him with a little cleverness and talent.

However, Yi Hua had no idea who the opponent he picked was.

Ren Shuai watched "Five-Year College Entrance Examination, Three-Year Simulation" in the tent, holding a pen in his hand, and kept writing.

The content of the topic here is very similar to that on Earth, and the knowledge points are similar.

Through the past few days of reviewing, he has gradually recovered a little bit of the feeling he had back then.

At this time, Song Lishu came to the door of his tent and saw Ren Shuai writing furiously. She couldn't help asking curiously, "Mr. Li, it's not even 8 o'clock yet, are you ready to go to bed?"

Ren Shuai had a question mark on his face, wondering why Song Lishu felt that he wanted to sleep when he was clearly working hard on the questions.

Seeing Ren Shuai's puzzled face, Song Lishu covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Aren't you reading that book?"

She still remembered the scene of Ren Shuai falling asleep while reading this book on the plane.

Isn't this a hypnotic artifact?
Ren Shuai thought he was on the plane and just fell asleep accidentally. He didn't expect Song Lishu to misunderstand until now, but he didn't bother to explain.

Only Xueba can understand Xueba.

In the world of scumbags, the Divine Book has the same effect as melatonin except for self-defense.


Ren Shuai put down his pen and asked, "Is tomorrow's shooting schedule arranged?"

Song Lishu nodded and said, "I'm about to bring it to you."

After speaking, she walked into the tent, took out some papers from the folder and handed them to Ren Shuai.

"Today, I heard from people on the set that Mr. Yi gave you a big gift."

There was a little teasing in Song Lishu's voice.

Ren Shuai couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's just an accident, don't always see Mr. Yi making jokes."

Song Lishu heard the words and said seriously: "However, I heard that Teacher Yi has a bad temper and is a little bit prone to grudges. Although it was his mistake today, he lost face and may charge this account to you."

Ren Shuai didn't care at all, he only had two days left to call it a day, and he just wanted to finish filming the plot smoothly and go back to school to prepare for the exam.

One month's review time is really too short. Although he still has the foundation, he must hurry up and have no time to take care of other things.

Seeing that he didn't care, Song Lishu reminded: "Teacher Yi really has nothing to say about his acting skills. You have a rivalry with him tomorrow, so be careful that he will trip you up."

"I'm not afraid of what obstacles he can make in acting."

While talking, Ren Shuai began to look through tomorrow's shooting schedule.

The plot on the island is the highlight of all his roles, and there are a lot of lines.

And the main antagonist actors in this scene are the male second and Yi Hua.

Ren Shuai had heard in his previous life that, in order to punish the newcomers, some old actors temporarily changed their lines during the confrontation.

As a result, the newcomers were overwhelmed and had no way to catch the play.

But Ren Shuai is not a rookie, he has confidence in his acting skills, just in case, he thinks it is better to be prepared.

So Ren Shuai was going to hang out without hesitation, using line cards to memorize the lines of all the actors who will play against him tomorrow.

At this moment, outside Ma Chumpeng's tent, someone rang the doorbell.

It was Yi Hua who came.

"Director Ma, I'm sorry to interrupt, I want to discuss tomorrow's plot with you."

When Ma Chunpeng saw that it was Yi Hua who was looking for him, he immediately got up to greet him.

"Mr. Yi, come in quickly, do you have any thoughts on tomorrow's plot?"

Yi Hua nodded with a smile, "I feel that the captain's attitude after discovering that the crew has been impersonated may need to change."

Ma Chunpeng nodded and said, "You can talk about it."

Yi Hua said with a smile: "As a captain, after discovering that the crew members were impersonated and that they were probably the chief culprit of the shipwreck, he should not be able to calmly question him."

Ma Chunpeng nodded in agreement.

During the shooting process, they often make secondary creations based on the actors and the situation on the scene, and they don't have to shoot completely according to the screenwriter's script.

The point Yi Hua raised felt very reasonable to him, and he made corresponding revisions without any problems.

However, correspondingly, due to the violent mood swings, the lines have to be modified accordingly, and the original lines appear too flat and calm.

Afterwards, Yi Hua began to explain his thoughts, discussed with Ma Chunpeng for an hour and a half, and finally decided to make some changes to tomorrow's scene.

In addition to the more intense emotional ups and downs in the attitude, the lines have also been modified a lot.

The scope of modification is not limited to Yi Hua's own lines, but also includes Ren Shuai's lines.

Yi Hua hopes that when he plays with Ren Shuai tomorrow, he can play the role more layered, with more intense emotional ups and downs, and more intense dramatic conflicts, so that he can highlight his acting skills.

In this way, Ren Shuai has no way to practice in advance, so he can only deal with it on the spot, showing his true level.

As for the true level of a concierge, Yi Hua doesn't care about it.

He just waited to see Ren Shuai's joke tomorrow.

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(End of this chapter)

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