From janitor to actor

Chapter 179 The Island Scene

Chapter 179 The Island Scene
The next day, there were some dark clouds on the island and the weather was very gloomy.

The twenty or so main actors in the crew came to the shooting scene early.

As soon as Ren Shuai arrived on the set, he was called aside by the assistant director and sent him a few pages of the script.

"Take a look, this is a newly revised script today. Due to the sudden incident, I didn't have time to send it to you last night, so I can only let you watch it on the spot today."

Ren Shuai was prepared for this, but he didn't expect that Yi Hua not only changed his own lines, but also changed his lines.

He nodded and took the script and began to flip through it.

The amount of lines in today's plot is relatively large, a full three pages. If you really want to memorize it in such a short period of time, it will definitely be impossible.

Even a person with a superb memory can only remember a general idea, and cannot fully remember it.

But this is not difficult for Ren Shuai.

He nodded casually to show he understood.

The assistant director was surprised by his reaction. He was indifferent to memorizing three pages of lines in such a short period of time.

Yi Hua saw Ren Shuai in a daze with his lines, and walked over with a smile.

"How about it? Can you handle it? For us professional actors, temporarily changing the script and memorizing lines is commonplace."

Ren Shuai scanned the script, casually shook the paper on his hand and said, "It's a trivial matter."

Yi Hua snorted softly when he heard the words: "Don't be stubborn in front of me, you will see the real chapter in the play."

Half an hour later, the director saw that everyone was almost ready, so he started to arrange the shooting.

Ma Chunpeng knew that Ren Shuai's script had just been changed last night, so he adjusted the scenes of Ren Shuai and Yi Hua to a later stage, and shot the scenes of other protagonists first.

I don't know if it's because of the blessing of the weather, but today the actors grasped the feeling of being on a deserted island very accurately, and the filming went smoothly, basically they can pass in three or five steps.

After the others finished filming, it was soon Yi Hua's turn to play.

His main rival actors today are the male second and Ren Shuai.

In order to be the first to show off his demeanor and acting skills, Yi Hua proposed that he play with the second male first, and then shoot Ren Shuai.

"Okay, start it!"

The confrontation between Yi Hua and the male second was mainly due to some differences of opinion between the two.

The captain hoped that the male second could visit Ren Shuai specifically, but the male second felt that since some evidence had been found, Ren Shuai should be able to rule out the suspicion.

Yi Hua organized the surviving passengers on the ship to gather together, and called the remaining crew members aside alone.

He looked at the male second and said, "Are you sure he's not lying?"

The male second looked at him showing a trace of timidity, and said cautiously: "I feel that he looks very similar to Xiaofeng, and there is a group photo of them as evidence, it should be a family."

Yi Hua asked: "On the whole boat, you are the one who knows Xiaofeng best. Don't you know if he has an uncle?"

The second man nodded and said, "I did hear that he has an uncle who is also a crew member, but I've never seen it, so I can't confirm it."

"Since it cannot be confirmed, what he said may not be credible. I asked you to stare at him. What's the problem?" Yi Hua looked at the male second and asked in a serious tone.

"Uh, I, I feel that if he is really Uncle Xiaofeng, it's not good to distrust him like this."

The second male lowered his head slightly, avoiding Kai Yihua's gaze.


Ma Chunpeng called to stop, then walked over to the male second and said, "You are now living on a deserted island, and you are no longer a simple trainee crew member. You should have your own opinions, and you don't need to make such a scared expression."

The second male nodded obediently, but there was still a hint of timidity in his expression.

This is brought out in his own bones, plus the current production crew has no backing, and facing an oppressive actor like Yi Hua, it is inevitable that he will be frightened.

Ma Chunpeng looked at him and felt that he was still not in shape, but he could only try again.

The male second took pictures with Yi Hua several times, but he still looked timid.

Ma Chunpeng was a little helpless, and said: "You are not in the right state now. After experiencing the shipwreck, your mentality has changed, and you need to be assertive."

The second male lead's filming was not going well these few times, and he seemed more and more timid and lacking in assertiveness, and his whole state became more and more erratic.

He thought about it carefully, with his current state, not to mention playing against Yi Hua, even if he performed alone, he might not be able to perform well.

"Director, can I play a rivalry scene with Mr. Li first to adjust my state." The male second volunteered.

He felt that when he played with Ren Shuai last time, he was in a very full state. Maybe playing with Ren Shuai again this time can help him regain a little confidence.

Ma Chunpeng felt that what he said was also reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's shoot the scene between you and Li Laifu first."

Ren Shuai was waiting for the scene when he was suddenly called by the director.

He didn't know why, according to the original arrangement, his play should be ranked after several people.

Ma Chunpeng didn't explain in detail, but just told him that he and the male lead should be filmed first, and Ren Shuai nodded in agreement.

The lines of this scene haven't changed much. He already understood after watching it just now, and there won't be any problems in shooting directly now.

After Yi Hua and the male second played against each other a few times, he felt that the opponent actor was really out of shape.

The director said to let the male lead shoot with Ren Shuai first, Yi Hua didn't object, and thought that with the male lead's current state, it would be a waste of time to shoot with him a few more times.

That being the case, it's better to let the male second play with Ren Shuai first, so as not to waste his feelings.

Due to the unsatisfactory shooting just now, the progress was somewhat delayed, so Ma Chumpeng announced the start soon.

Ren Shuai entered the scene instantly, with his head lowered, but his eyes looked expectantly at the second male lead.

"Xiaofeng told me that on this boat, he is the closest to you and has the closest relationship with you. You must believe me, I am really his uncle."

The male second looked at Ren Shuai's eyes, and he was still a little unconfident, but he suddenly found a feeling of being expected, and some inexplicable emotions surged in his heart.

He said earnestly: "Although I would like to believe you, it is really hard to explain why such a big thing happened on board and you happened to replace Xiaofeng on board."

Ren Shuai had a mournful face, feeling wronged and indefensible.

He said with a trembling tone: "Xiaofeng mentioned to me several times about your girlfriend and your family. I know all about it. Doesn't this prove that I am Xiaofeng's uncle?"

Hearing the words, the male second was a little hard to make a choice, and remained silent without answering.

Ren Shuai pleaded: "Believe me, this shipwreck has nothing to do with me, they all suspect me, only you can speak for me."

The male second felt the complex emotions conveyed by Ren Shuai, as if he saw a person who fell into the water and stretched out his hand to grab the last straw.

And he is Ren Shuai's life-saving straw.

In an instant, he felt a sense of responsibility, and the courage in his heart burst out. He nodded and said, "Okay, let me help you figure out a way to prove your innocence!"

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(End of this chapter)

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