From janitor to actor

Chapter 182 Outlying Islands

Chapter 182 Outlying Islands
The awkwardness in Yi Hua's heart finally turned back.

"Let me just say, how can the acting skills of the concierge be on par with mine, so he is Meiying's teacher."

Yi Hua took another sip of hot water and felt much better.

His thinking is very rigid, and there are many rules in his heart.

If Ren Shuai was a concierge with similar acting skills to him, he wouldn't be able to accept it.

And after hearing that Ren Shuai is the teacher of Meiying, I feel more balanced.

After half an hour, the break is over.

Yi Hua and Ren Shuai returned to the shooting scene. At this time, Yi Hua's expression was relaxed, and the way he looked at Ren Shuai became different.

From the original hostility, it became sympathetic.

However, he still complained to Ren Shuai, why he always claimed to be the concierge, and didn't tell him that he was Meiying's teacher.

Before the filming started, Yi Hua showed a friendly smile to Ren Shuai, hoping to clarify the previous misunderstanding.

Seeing Yi Hua showing such a smile, Ren Shuai's first reaction was that the other party was about to start messing around again.

He was obviously full of hostility towards him before, and after only half an hour of rest, he suddenly greeted him with a smile, which made people's hearts palpitate.

"Mr. Li, it turned out to be a misunderstanding before. If you had told me earlier that you were..."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Chumpeng announced that the next one was ready to start.

Yi Hua could only stop talking, thinking about waiting for a while to finish the filming, and then chat with Ren Shuai in detail.

The two filmed the episode just now again.

Yi Hua didn't change his lines suddenly this time, but performed in a well-regulated manner according to the script.

This kind of performance surprised Ren Shuai a bit. After seeing Yi Hua's smile, he was still on guard against the other party's sudden tricks.

As a result, this filming went very smoothly, and Yi Hua did not stumble during the performance.

Ren Shuai couldn't help wondering what happened during the half hour of rest just now, and why Yi Hua's attitude suddenly changed.

Could it be because his acting skills conquered the opponent?
Ren Shuai thought to himself, according to Yi Hua's character, he would not give up easily, even if his acting skills were on par with the other party's, or even worse, Yi Hua would stubbornly think it was a coincidence.

Ren Shuai can feel that Yi Hua has no regard for his concierge background from the bottom of his heart.

There are not a few people in the show business circle who have a deep sense of family status and origin. Ren Shuai can only express his disapproval.

However, Yi Hua's transformation is a bit too sudden and confusing.

After the filming of this piece, the rivalry between Ren Shuai and Yi Hua is basically over.

Yi Hua wanted to have a chat with Ren Shuai during the filming interval, but he and the second male lead hadn't finished filming yet, so he could only watch Ren Shuai finish work and leave.

Tomorrow is Ren Shuai's last day of filming on the set. After the last scene is shot, someone will send him to leave the island by boat.

In order to keep the crew secret, each actor will leave the island immediately after performing his part, and cannot stay in the crew to watch other people's performances.

Usually in the crew, when there is no role in the show, it is generally not allowed to watch other actors' performances.

After Ren Shuai finished work, he immediately left the set, returned to his tent, and began to review his homework.

He thought to himself, after leaving the film crew, he still has to attend the spring show of Fenden Ko Niqi, and the review time is very tight, so he should take the opportunity to watch more content.

At this time, Cui Shaoyu, Ren Shuai's agent, was already a bit battered.

During Ren Shuai's one week on the island, she was responsible for handling all matters related to Ren Shuai's announcements.

Although it has been several days since Ren Shuai was hotly searched for dubbing, and the popularity has decreased, the brands and manufacturers who hope to cooperate with Ren Shuai have not decreased at all.

On the contrary, because of the delay in contacting Ren Shuai, he became even more rare.

In the beginning, Ren Shuai didn't have an agent, so even if everyone wanted to cooperate with him, there was no way.

However, since Cui Shaoyu became his agent, after the official accounts of the major platforms left contact information, manufacturers finally found a way and began to contact her frantically.

In the beginning, all the small manufacturers and brands contacted her, and Cui Shaoyu directly refused, but as time went by, the more brands contacted her.

Cui Shaoyu can no longer simply refuse, but needs to communicate patiently with the brand and consider carefully.

In the past two days, five medium-sized brands and two large-scale brands have contacted her, hoping that Ren Shuai can reach an advertising or endorsement cooperation with them.

Although these brands are not top-notch, they are not small in scale.

Cui Shaoyu couldn't make up his mind by himself, so he could only delay the time and wait for Ren Shuai to come back before making a decision.

Just when Cui Shaoyu was about to take a break, the phone rang again.

She looked at her phone tiredly, and found that the caller was not from the brand, but her classmate and friend.

"Wheat, why are you contacting me now? Didn't you say that you are working on a big project recently and you are very busy?" Cui Shaoyu answered the phone.

A lazy voice came from the other end of the phone and said, "I've asked you for something."

"Please? You are a big producer now, and you have already made a joint venture with Waizhou. What can you ask me, a small manager?" Cui Shaoyu joked.

"I found out that there is an artist named Li Laifu under your banner, and the dubbing is very good, right?" Mai Mai asked.

Cui Shaoyu didn't expect his friend's call to ask about Ren Shuai, he was a little surprised and said, "Yes, you have something to do with Mr. Li?"

"Our production team would like to ask Mr. Li to help with the dubbing, how about a friendship price?" Mai Mai finally got to the point.

Cui Shaoyu was very puzzled. The people who contacted her recently were all looking for Ren Shuai to advertise or endorse, and no one asked Ren Shuai to dub.

The main reason is that there are many actors who can dub. If it is a small production, it is not necessary to hire someone with dubbing ability like Ren Shuai.

And if it is a big production, directly invite stars to dub, the publicity effect will be better, and now it is popular for actors to perform with their original voices.

Cui Shaoyu communicated with Mai Mai for a while, and finally knew the ins and outs of the matter.

But she didn't dare to agree easily for Ren Shuai. After all, this matter is very difficult, and everything will have to wait for Ren Shuai to come back from the island.

When Ren Shuai woke up early in the morning, he felt his nose itchy.

I don't know who is talking about myself.

Today he only has one scene in the morning, and he will leave after filming.

Ren Shuai went directly to the set with his luggage, and left by boat after preparing for the scene to wrap up.

The shooting went very smoothly. Ren Shuai's shots were basically one-shot. Ma Chunpeng became more and more satisfied as he watched it. Knowing that Ren Shuai was leaving the group today, he felt a little bit sad.

Yi Hua found out that Ren Shuai was about to leave, so he immediately walked up to him and said, "Mr. Li, I just found out yesterday that you are Meiying's teacher, no wonder you are so good at acting."

Upon hearing this, Ren Shuai finally understood the reason for Yi Hua's change of attitude.

He said with a smile: "Yes, but I just joined the job, and I teach dubbing."

After speaking, Ren Shuai picked up the suitcase and walked straight to the pier.

Yi Hua froze on the spot when he heard the words.

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(End of this chapter)

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