Chapter 183

As soon as Ren Shuai got off the plane, he saw Cui Shaoyu who came to pick him up.

She was dressed very delicately, wearing a pair of sunglasses that could cover half of her face, only showing a pointed chin and a little red lips, with a tote bag in her hand, and stepped out of the crowd on black high heels.

Because of her outstanding appearance, she was very conspicuous among the airport pick-up personnel and attracted several attentions.

Ren Shuai pulled the suitcase, looked at Cui Shaoyu who came to pick him up, and said hello.

He originally wanted to go back to school directly by car, but Cui Shaoyu contacted him in advance and said that he had an urgent matter to discuss with him, so he came here to pick him up.

The reason why Cui Shaoyu wore a big sunglasses was because he was so busy these days that he didn't have a good rest, and he could faintly see dark circles on his face, so he had to use sunglasses to cover them.

"Ms. Li, was the shooting on the island going well this time?" Cui Shaoyu asked with a smile.

Ren Shuai thought about it for a while and realized that things went well for him, but for people like the director of the production, it might not be so smooth.

He nodded with a smile, then asked, "I said earlier that I have a very urgent job, what is it?"

Cui Shaoyu walked to the car with Ren Shuai, and said: "I have a good friend. She recently worked on a science fiction film project. You also know that our Yezhou science fiction film started relatively late, and the market development is not enough, so invest The strength is slightly worse.

Sci-fi films are also famous for burning money. She didn't make enough budget in the early stage. Now the film has been filmed, but during the post-production, it was found that the funds had bottomed out. "

Ren Shuai listened for a long time, but he didn't realize that it had anything to do with finding him to cooperate, but he could hear the meaning of Cui Shaoyu's words, that is, the reward for this cooperation would not be very high.

He smiled and said, "Since it's your friend's movie, if you need any help, just tell me, don't be polite to me."

Cui Shaoyu breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was her friend who needed help. Even if Ren Shuai was an artist under her command, he couldn't reduce Ren Shuai's income because of her personal reasons.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai is a very talkative person, and Cui Shaoyu has already labeled him a warm man in his heart.

"It's like this, when she was doing visual effects for this sci-fi film, she burned too much money, and when it came time to do sound effects, she was a bit stretched.

Just a few days ago, they saw your live broadcast video and found that you can dub the sounds of various weapons and machinery. They wondered if they could ask you to help dub the sounds of sci-fi special effects. "

Only then did Ren Shuai realize that he wanted him to use human voice to simulate special effects.

Cui Shaoyu observed Ren Shuai's expression, did not see any changes, and then continued: "I don't know if this kind of dubbing is very difficult for you, so I haven't agreed yet, just thinking, when you come back Let's discuss it."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if he used a dubbing card, this kind of sound would definitely be a problem, but he didn't know how long it would take to dub this movie, so it would be better not to delay his exam review.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was deep in thought and didn't answer, Cui Shaoyu immediately said cautiously: "If you are in trouble, you can just say it directly. I also know that it is very difficult to match this kind of sound effect, and it will also damage the voice, but the reward is only 20. You don't have to. Don't worry about my face, if it is really inappropriate, I will reject them."

Ren Shuai suddenly felt that his understanding of the funding of sci-fi films was still insufficient.

He only paid 10 yuan for a week of closure on the island, and 20 yuan for dubbing a sci-fi film. Is it still less?
"No, I don't mean to refuse, I'm just wondering if there will be a conflict in time."

Ren Shuai even wanted to agree straight away. There will always be some time to squeeze in the exam review and so on. Besides, with his intelligence and intelligence, he is still somewhat sure that he will pass the Meiying test.

Cui Shaoyu heard the words and thought that the time conflict mentioned by Ren Shuai was referring to participating in the spring show of Fendenko Niqi.

She immediately replied: "I have arranged the timing of these recent announcements for you. If the dubbing goes well, it will only take a day or two. Moreover, the venue is in the same city as the Spring Show, so there will be no delay in the schedule."

I heard that it only takes one or two days to earn 20 yuan, so there is no reason for Ren Shuai to be unwilling.

"Okay, then please make arrangements for me." Shuai Ren nodded.

Cui Shaoyu immediately showed a happy expression, and said in a slightly excited tone: "Thank you, I thank you on behalf of my friend, you really helped her a lot."

Ren Shuai was puzzled, thinking to himself that he copied 20 yuan in two days, and he still felt that he had copied it, so why should the producer thank him instead.

Cui Shaoyu and Ren Shuai got into the car and immediately called her friend to tell her the good news.

Ren Shuai could hear the screams on the other end through the phone, and felt as if the other party had taken a big deal.

Cui Shaoyu hung up the phone, and said to Ren Shuai with a smile on his face: "She must write down this favor. You don't know, their drama has entered the end of production, and they are going to go through the approval process. If it is really because of the sound effect Stranded, their early efforts and investment will be in vain.”

Ren Shuai didn't know much about this, so he asked: "The funds are not enough, so we can raise more investment, so we won't let our efforts go to waste."

Cui Shaoyu explained with a smile: "This sci-fi film is a joint venture with Waizhou, and the release date has already been scheduled there. If the time is delayed due to dubbing problems, they will lose millions for every day they delay."

It was only then that Ren Shuai realized that he had indeed helped them reduce a lot of losses, no wonder they spent 20 yuan to hire him, and it felt like they had picked it up for nothing.

But Ren Shuai felt that he had also picked up a big bargain. If the crew had sufficient funds, he would not be hired to dub, and the 20 yuan would not belong to him.

You can earn 20 yuan by only spending two or three dubbing cards, which is not too cost-effective.

After Cui Shaoyu and her friend finalized the dubbing, they began to arrange the itinerary for Ren Shuai's spring show.

During the week when Ren Shuai went to the island, she took over the matchmaking work from Shen Luxi's agent and helped Ren Shuai book air tickets and hotels.

This trip, Cui Shaoyu attaches great importance to it, because those who can participate are top performers and celebrities from all walks of life.

She spent a lot of money to help Ren Shuai hire a styling team to accompany him, and also rented several sets of clothes for him.

When Ren Shuai saw the battle, he knew that this big show was not that simple.

Although the brand offered him an olive branch, but the contract has not been signed yet, everything is unknown.

With so many celebrities participating in the big show, it's hard to guarantee that the company's top executives will change their minds after meeting with these people.

In this invitation list, Ren Shuai can say frankly that he is the lowest-level old transparent.

Anyone who picks it out has very impressive results.

He was the only one who attracted attention because of a red carpet event that made Fenden Konicki's classic suit popular.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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