From janitor to actor

Chapter 184 Endorsement Strategy

Chapter 184 Endorsement Strategy
Cui Shaoyu knew that Ren Shuai lacked in popularity compared to other top players.

But she also understands Ren Shuai's advantages. Among the stars participating in the big show, there are very few people in Ren Shuai's age group, or basically none.

The entertainment industry is a circle that loves the new and dislikes the old. The top stars are all the younger generation. Once they get old, they are easily forgotten or outdated.

But Ren Shuai is different. Although he is not young, he is still a rookie in the entertainment industry.

Cui Shaoyu is very confident that he can make Ren Shuai a high-profile upstart in the uncle circle.

As long as he can win the endorsement of Fendenko Nikki this time, even if the endorsement fee is not charged, the name of the spokesperson alone will benefit him a lot.

But Ren Shuai didn't think as much as Cui Shaoyu thought. He himself has no obsession with fame, he likes real things.

For example, the endorsement fee of Fenden Kou Niqi.

According to Ren Shuai's previous understanding, the endorsement fees paid by such first-line big names to celebrities will exceed [-] million a year.

Ren Shuai knows that there are not enough coffee spots, and he doesn't expect to have a ten million endorsement contract, but even if he cut it in half, give him 500 million... No, even if he cut it again, give him 250 million, and he can pay the down payment for a house in Meijing City .

He was thinking happily when a familiar prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, the task is triggered, the contract endorsement fee reaches 8 figures, and the lucky wheel will be rewarded once]

Ren Shuai was dumbfounded for a moment.

What does the system mean? Whether the endorsement contract can be successfully signed is still unknown. Could it be more difficult?
What kind of coffee position do you have, don’t you know? You still want an 8-figure endorsement fee, why don’t you grab it!

Ren Shuai wanted to cry but had no tears.

If you ask the brand to ask for 8 figures, then it should not be regarded as a lion's big mouth, not to mention that the endorsement fee cannot be negotiated, and it is estimated that you will not even have to sign the contract.

But looking at the lucky wheel rewarded by the system, he couldn't let it go.

Fish and bear's paw, I really want to have both.

Ren Shuai bowed his head and pondered for a long time before deciding to give it a try.

If this happened, wouldn't he have a double harvest of endorsement fees and big turntables, and he could wake up laughing at night from his dreams.

Ren Shuai decided not to review his homework for the time being tonight, but instead to make a plan, designing in detail the strategy for obtaining an 8-figure endorsement fee.

On the first day of the new year, Ren Shuai sat up from the bed in the dormitory, glanced at the densely written plan on the table, and felt a little satisfied in his heart.

He will fly to Haiye City tonight, preparing to participate in the spring show the next day.

Haiye City is close to the sea and has beautiful beaches and coastlines. It is a tourist destination and many fashion events will be held there.

Although it is still January, the temperature in Haiye City has reached about 30 degrees, so you can wear half sleeves.

This temperature is also convenient for female stars to match beautiful skirts, reveal their skin, and show off their charm without worrying about catching a cold.

Ren Shuai picked up the plan and put on the suitcase, and met Cui Shaoyu at the airport on time.

This time, Fendenko Niche's spring show was very grand. Many celebrities were invited to participate, and it was also in time for the New Year holiday, so it attracted a large number of fans to watch.

In addition to fans spontaneously going there, there are also many [-] tier stars who want to catch the heat, and also take the initiative to join in the fun, wanting to see if there is a chance to make friends with some senior bosses.

Ren Shuai could feel the heat of the spring show from the moment he boarded the plane. Although it was only a brand event, this year's event was held in Yezhou, attracting many people from the island.

If Cui Shaoyu hadn't asked someone to buy an expensive ticket, they wouldn't even be able to grab today's flight.

The big show will start tomorrow afternoon, and the most people rushed over today.

Ren Shuai looked at the crowded figures in the airport, and even had the illusion of going to the market at the entrance of the village.

It took more than four hours to fly from Meijing to Haiye City. Ren Shuai stayed up late last night to do the strategy and didn't have time to review his homework, so he took out the magic book on the plane and prepared to make up the progress that had fallen.

Cui Shaoyu sat next to him, looking at Ren Shuai in shock.

Others take a plane to pass the time, at most they take a tablet computer.

Even if you bring books, they are some small idle books.

Fortunately, Ren Shuai not only took out such a thick book, but also a reference book for the continental exam.

Cui Shaoyu didn't know that Ren Shuai was going to take the state exam.

In Ren Shuai's view, his participation in the State Examination is not considered a job scope, it is a private matter, and there is no need to specifically mention it to Cui Shaoyu.

However, if she asked, Ren Shuai would not hide it.

"Ms. Li, are you doing this to help you sleep?"

Cui Shaoyu's thinking is exactly the same as Song Lishu's.

Ren Shuai has long been used to it, so he can only wave his hands and say: "Study and study, take the exam."

Cui Shaoyu heard the words and asked curiously: "What kind of exam are you taking? If I remember correctly, this is the reference book for the state exam, right?"

Ren Shuai nodded, "Yes, it is to take the state exam."

"You? Take the state exam?"

Cui Shaoyu is a bit messy, and Ren Shuai can always surprise her.

Ren Shuai explained very seriously: "I applied for the acting major of Meiying. After passing the state examination, I can enter to study acting and get a diploma."

"Oh I got it."

Cui Shaoyu nodded seriously, but still couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling, thinking that Teacher Li was really humorous.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had applied for an acting major, she would have almost believed it.

Cui Shaoyu directly took Ren Shuai's words as a joke, thinking that Ren Shuai took the book just to help him sleep, and refused to admit it because of face, which is a bit cute.

After Ren Shuai explained, he continued to read the book, but he did stay up for a long time last night, and he couldn't hold back the surge of sleepiness, and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Cui Shaoyu showed a tacit smile, and gently helped Ren Shuai put away the book and put it aside.

Four hours flew by.

It was past eleven o'clock at night when they got off the plane, but the airport was still very lively. It was unknown which celebrity was coming, and many fans stood outside waiting to be picked up.

Just as Ren Shuai and the others were walking out, they heard a burst of cheers from behind, apparently the fans' pick-up partner had arrived at the scene.

Ren Shuai and his party consisted of six people, carrying eight large boxes, and they walked not too fast.

The star who arrived after them walked very quickly, did not greet the fans at all, and walked out with the staff as soon as he got off the plane.

The fans started to back away around, and directly caught up with Ren Shuai and the others.

Fortunately, Cui Shaoyu saw the opportunity quickly, and quickly dragged Ren Shuai to the side to hide, so as not to be scattered by the swarming fans.

They didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing, and directly took the nanny car they had contacted and drove to the hotel they booked.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Ren Shuai's car and the star's car at the airport were on the same road.

Looking at the direction of the destination, both cars seemed to be headed for the same hotel.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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