Chapter 185

Ren Shuai's car arrived at the hotel soon.

This hotel is the most advanced five-star sea view hotel in Haiye City. Many celebrities have stayed here, so the rooms are very tight.

It was too late when Cui Shaoyu started to book a room, but fortunately, Shen Luxi's agent had prepared early and helped Ren Shuai book a few rooms early.

When the car enters the hotel garden, you need to show your membership card in advance, otherwise you will not be able to enter the hotel hall.

Many fans knew that celebrities like to stay here, so they waited at the hotel gate early. However, this hotel has a lot of experience in dealing with fans, and specially set up a VIP channel for members staying in the hotel, so as not to be affected by fanatical fans.

When Ren Shuai and the others entered the hotel lobby, the star who had arrived before them was sitting on the sofa waiting.

When we were at the airport just now, there were so many people, Ren Shuai and the others were only focused on going out, and didn't even care about which celebrity arrived at the same time as them.

Now Shuai Ren glanced sideways and found that the other party was wearing a hat, glasses and a mask, so he couldn't tell who it was.

Cui Shaoyu was led by the hotel butler to check in, while Ren Shuai found a sofa and sat down.

The man seemed to look up at Ren Shuai, and then lowered his head to play with his phone.

After a while, the man who came with the celebrity walked back from the front desk, and the two of them said a few words, the celebrity seemed very unhappy, and his voice raised.

"Why is it a big bed room? There are only five rooms. Do you want me to sleep with you?"

"We didn't intend to come here, so we were late when we booked the hotel. All the good rooms were booked, and the only ones left were double rooms." The man explained.

The star was very dissatisfied: "Then you won't use the privilege of a senior member to adjust the room. I spend so much membership dues every year, is it for nothing?"

The hotel housekeeper who was in charge of receiving them saw that the guests were arguing too loudly, so he hurried over to mediate.

"Mr. Yu, I'm really sorry, the hotel is fully booked tonight due to the Fendenko Nikki event tomorrow, and there are really no extra rooms to adjust." The hotel butler smiled apologetically.

"No? Do you know who I am?"

After the star finished speaking, he took off his sunglasses and said, "I'm Yu Hezhe, a senior member of your hotel. Why do I have to pay so much dues? Isn't it just to have the right to adjust the room when the room is in short supply? Now you tell me no?"

The hotel butler could only apologize again: "I'm really sorry, this time the situation is special, and all the spare rooms for senior members are also fully booked."

Yu Hezhe snorted coldly and said, "Don't scare me with that, you still have a presidential suite that is vacant all year round. When I applied for membership, I made it very clear that if there is no room adjustment, I have to be promoted to the president." suite."

The hotel butler nodded and said, "There is such a rule, but the presidential suite has already been booked."

Yu Hezhe was speechless for a moment. He glanced at his assistant sharply and said, "There are only five rooms, and ten of us, how can we live here?"

The male assistant was very aggrieved, thinking that your itinerary was only finalized the day before, and you still want to book this hotel. It is already very good to be able to book five double-bed rooms.

Just as he was thinking, he caught a glimpse of Cui Shaoyu who came back after finishing the formalities, looked at the stack of room cards in her hand, and saw that there were only six people on Ren Shuai's side.

The male assistant suddenly had an idea, and took the initiative to talk to him: "Excuse me, I'm really rude, I want to ask you, I have booked so many rooms, so it is not convenient to give us a room. There are too many people here, and there are only five left. It’s really difficult to deal with a big bed room.”

Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu plus a make-up artist, a stylist and two make-up assistants made a total of six people. Each of them had a high-end sea view suite, and each room had two cards. It looked like a big stack of room cards.

Cui Shaoyu didn't answer right away, thinking that it's okay to go out and make a good relationship. If she and the makeup assistant live in the same room, a room can be vacated.

It's just that the other party is Yu Hezhe, Cui Shaoyu has heard of it for a long time.

Said that he likes to play big names, put on airs, and his private life is messy, so she doesn't like him very much, so she hesitates whether to help him.

At this moment, Yu Hezhe saw Cui Shaoyu and found her bright and charming, especially when she just got off the car, she was still a little sleepy and lazy, very attractive.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he took off his mask, and walked towards Cui Shaoyu with a smile.

"Hi, beauty, I'm Yu Hezhe. It seems that you are also here to participate in the Fenden Kou Niqi show. I don't know if there are tickets. I am going to sign an endorsement contract with them. If you can Give me a room, how about I take you to watch the show at a close distance tomorrow?"

He showed a smile that he thought was handsome, and his eyes were still firing towards Cui Shaoyu.

Cui Shaoyu, who was still hesitating whether to help, suddenly felt disgusted, but still maintained his superficial politeness: "I'm really sorry, we don't have many rooms."

Yu Hezhe thought to himself that he was a big star, young, handsome and popular. Few women could refuse him when he offered to show his favor. What Cui Shaoyu said was just an excuse to retreat.

He waits for a but.

However, Cui Shaoyu didn't say anything but, and walked directly in Ren Shuai's direction.

Seeing her leave, Yu Hezhe thought that he had met a master and knew how to play hard to get.

He followed up confidently and said with a smile: "I know you have agreed in your heart, bring the room card, and I will take you to the show in person tomorrow."

Ren Shuai saw that this man looked like a jerk, and started to flirt with girls in front of so many people, and the target was his manager.

It's like sending your face up and waiting to be beaten.

Ren Shuai stood up from the sofa slowly, glanced at Yu Hezhe casually, and said to Cui Shaoyu: "Xiao Cui, I will meet with the person in charge of Fendenko Nikki tomorrow, and I have to rest well tonight. It's a pity that each of us only has one premium sea view suite, so we can barely make do with it."

Hearing this, Cui Shaoyu almost couldn't hold back his smile, and said with great difficulty, "You're right, it's so late, let's hurry back to the room and rest."

After all, Ren Shuai and his party of six, led by the hotel butler, turned and walked towards the elevator.

Only Yu Hezhe was left standing there in a daze.

He felt ashamed, but he didn't dare to get angry.

Judging from Ren Shuai's demeanor, he is likely to be a bigwig in some industry, and he also said that he would meet with the person in charge of Fendenko Nikki, which is definitely not an ordinary person.

Yu Hezhe felt that he couldn't be offended, so he could only stand there without saying a word, watching several people get on the elevator.

However, as the elevator door closed, he immediately looked at the assistant angrily, and shouted: "Do you have the eyesight to strike up a conversation with anyone? It's your dereliction of duty that you can't book a room. How dare you look for it so shamelessly?" I don't feel ashamed to give it to you!"

The assistant is speechless, aren't you talking about yourself?

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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