From janitor to actor

Chapter 186 Competitors

Chapter 186 Competitors
Ren Shuai got up very early today. Although the big show only started in the afternoon, he had to prepare a series of things such as makeup and styling in advance.

On the other side, Yu Hezhe, who was in the big bed room, also woke up very early. He didn't get up early for the spring show, but he was so angry that he couldn't sleep at all.

The reason why Yu Hezhe temporarily decided to participate in this big show was because someone inside Fendenko Nikki gave him the news, saying that the men's suit spokesperson invited this year was unknown and not very competitive.

After hearing this, Yu Hezhe's heart became alive, thinking that he might be able to compete.

Although he has not debuted for a long time, his traffic is booming, and he is very confident in winning the position of spokesperson.

That's why there is such a thing as asking an assistant to book a room temporarily.

After he returned to the big bed room last night, he received another email from the insider, which contained the invitation list of Fenden Ko Niqi this time.

This insider is a big sister that Yu Hezhe befriended by chance.

It's a pity that his status in Fendenko Nikki's company is not too high, so he can only get some marginal information for him.

Yu Hezhe glanced at the list, and found that they were all top-notch in the circle, only the name Li Laifu looked the most eye-catching.

In order to learn about his competitors on this trip, he searched the Internet overnight for information, but when he saw the photos, he turned out to be Ren Shuai who had just met downstairs.

Fortunately, he thought it was some industry boss!
Yu Hezhe suddenly became furious, feeling that he was being played like a clown.

All night, he was so angry that he couldn't sleep.

The assistant stayed overnight in the next room and called Yu Hezhe to have breakfast when he got up in the morning, only to see his artist sitting on the bed with two dark circles under his eyes and a gloomy face.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with you?" the male assistant asked cautiously.

Yu Hezhe didn't pay attention to him, but said to himself: "I've made a note of this Liang Zi, let's see how I can get the place back!"

Ren Shuai started styling after breakfast, and the big show started in the afternoon. Although he only needs to sit in the show and watch others walk, his own image must not be ignored.

After watching the catwalk, he still has to meet with the person in charge of Fenden Ko Niqi's industry. Of course, his image can't be sloppy.

Whether the endorsement contract can be signed smoothly depends on the opinion of the person in charge.

Ren Shuai still harbored the ambition of an eight-figure endorsement fee in his heart, so he didn't dare to tell Cui Shaoyu.

Because even he didn't know what to do in his heart, and if he said it, it would definitely make people feel that he was drifting, and he was drifting very badly.

Seeing Ren Shuai's restless look, the make-up artist thought he was worried that the makeup effect would not be good, and comforted him with a smile: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I'm not bragging, but the appearance of any star drawn by me will at least improve." Three steps, and the age reduction effect is obvious."

Ren Shuai looked at this make-up artist who looked like a masquerade, and nodded in conviction, "Just don't use too much force. I prefer to be more natural."

The stylist on the other side has already started discussing with Cui Shaoyu about matching clothes.

According to their plan, after putting on makeup, they have to change into a suit for dinner at the hotel, then change into another suit for the fashion show, and then change into another suit for the dinner after the show.

Ren Shuai was inexperienced, and he never imagined that participating in a fashion show of a brand would be such a hassle, but he obeyed everything and regarded himself as a tool man.

For the eight-figure endorsement fee, I fought hard.

He was doing styling with peace of mind when his phone rang.

The caller ID is Shen Luxi.

"Ms. Li, I'm putting on my makeup and going to the beach to take pictures. Do you want to come with me?"

When Ren Shuai picked up the phone, he heard Shen Luxi's clear and beautiful voice.

Shen Luxi also had a temporary idea. She thought that she had borrowed Ren Shuai's help to receive the invitation from Fendenko Nikki to act as an endorser. Naturally, he should also be invited to take promotional photos.

Besides, "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" is coming to an end soon, and the two of them taking pictures together can help bring another wave of popularity to the TV series.

The above words are the reasons why Shen Luxi told her agent that she invited Ren Shuai.

But what she really wanted in her heart was to see how Ren Shuai would look after putting on makeup.

Ever since she walked the red carpet, Shen Luxi has always been obsessed with Ren Shuai's look that day, and pictures emerged from her mind from time to time.

Moreover, since Ren Shuai came out of the circle with his dubbing skills, Shen Luxi has never seen him, and always wanted to congratulate him face to face.

Today is the right opportunity.

Hearing Shen Luxi's words, Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, thinking that he, an actor, didn't put on his make-up properly, but how could she, an actress, even have her makeup done?

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "I've just started doing styling here, and it will probably take more than two hours."

How did Ren Shuai know that Shen Luxi's team had made sufficient preparations for this big show, and hired a team of more than [-] people to provide one-stop services including styling, makeup, photography, and retouching.

Shen Luxi went to bed early yesterday afternoon, and got up early in the morning to start preparations.

Ren Shuai is naturally incomparable.

He didn't even bring a photographer with him.

The main reason is that Ren Shuai really doesn't like taking pictures, especially after the cover photo shoot of "Fashion Baiyang", he felt as stiff as if he had been poured with cement.

This time he specifically asked Cui Shaoyu not to arrange photography activities.

Shen Luxi was a little disappointed when she heard that Ren Shuai hadn't finished styling yet, so she could only say, "Then I'll go find you during lunch?"

Ren Shuai had no objection to this, so he agreed to her.

Cui Shaoyu listened beside him, feeling an extraordinary enthusiasm in Shen Luxi's words.

If the person Shen Luxi called was someone else, Cui Shaoyu would gossip out of curiosity, but she would take it for granted when it comes to Ren Shuai.

When she first met Ren Shuai in the film crew, she knew that Ren Shuai was a warm man who cared for the younger generation.

Especially for the newcomers, he is very tolerant, Su Xin's acting skills are so good, he didn't feel disgusted at all, and he was willing to bring her into the play together.

Presumably, after the cooperation between Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai is over, she must also feel warm, so she will take the initiative to show her favor to Ren Shuai.

It can only be said that Cui Shaoyu thought too much, but also thought less.

At this time, Yu Hezhe, who was also doing modeling, was not idle. He mobilized all his connections to investigate Ren Shuai's background.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Yu Hezhe really wanted to know how Ren Shuai, a young actor with no reputation at all, was invited by Fenden Ko Niqi as a candidate for the endorsement.

Soon, he received a bunch of replies.

After reading it, Yu Hezhe was almost surprised.

It never occurred to him that Ren Shuai was actually a concierge of Meiying.

"This is impossible, right?" Yu Hezhe muttered in a low voice.

From the information that can be found on the Internet, it is only known that Ren Shuai has participated in two variety shows "Us Once" and "Magnetic Charm", and also participated in the recently popular TV series "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds".

Other than that, there isn't any extra information.

And through the information shown in these programs, it can be clearly known that Ren Shuai is a concierge with unfathomable dubbing skills... the concierge.

Yu Hezhe was completely confused.

These have nothing to do with the endorsement of Fendenko Nickey.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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