From janitor to actor

Chapter 187 Lunch Together

Chapter 187 Lunch Together
Near noon, Ren Shuai's modeling work is coming to an end.

Cui Shaoyu was dealing with some work matters in his room, making final preparations for the afternoon meeting with the brand.

The makeup artist finished his work and walked around Ren Shuai admiring his work.

Ren Shuai put on a dark gray casual suit and was going to go out for lunch later.

He raised his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror, feeling very satisfied in his heart, thinking that the styling team that he spent a lot of money on was really worth the money.

I just don't know how effective it is to use makeup to make cards on the basis of this shape.

Ren Shuai didn't dare to gossip in front of the makeup artist, lest he be suspected.

After appreciating for a while, the make-up artist who has the temperament of a big man in women's clothing couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and said, "Mr. Li, you really surprised me, let's take a group photo."

The makeup artist was intoxicated with the effect he had made for Ren Shuai, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

The stylist on the other side also came over to join in the fun, jokingly said: "Mr. Li, this suit looks like it's welded to you. It's more suitable than tailor-made. With your body, you should wear a suit naturally."

Ren Shuai smiled and said nothing.

While several people were taking pictures, Cui Shaoyu finished his work, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Ren Shuai taking a group photo with a makeup artist and a stylist.

Cui Shaoyu walked in and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, are you ready?"

Hearing this, Ren Shuai turned around to look at Cui Shaoyu and said, "Well, it's just in time, I was going to ask you to have dinner just now."

Cui Shaoyu froze in place the moment Ren Shuai turned around.

She looked at Ren Shuai blankly, as if meeting him for the first time.

"Ms. Li, you, I almost didn't recognize your current appearance."

Cui Shaoyu came back to his senses and couldn't help but marvel.

I have to say that Ren Shuai has a very good foundation and excellent bones. For this kind of person, there is not much difference between him and ordinary people when he is bare-faced, but once he puts on makeup, he will immediately show the effect.

The reason why the makeup artist couldn't help but want to take a selfie with Ren Shuai was also because the effect of Ren Shuai's styling was too outstanding.

In Cui Shaoyu's view, Ren Shuai's current appearance is much better than those little fresh meats.

No wonder she was able to be on the hot searches with Shen Luxi just because of her looks.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, this is not enough now, he wants to win the eight-figure endorsement, and when he meets with the person in charge of Fendenko Nikki in the afternoon, he will have to use all his strength to do so.

But the most important thing now is to solve the problem of the Temple of the Five Viscera.

For some reason, sitting there and being manipulated also drains energy, and he's very hungry now.

Shen Luxi made an appointment with him at the restaurant on the top floor. Due to the beautiful scenery of the restaurant on the top floor, many people like to eat there, and they need to book in advance to get a seat.

But Shen Luxi's agent only helped her set up a small table, so Ren Shuai did not go out with Cui Shaoyu and the others, and made an appointment to meet after dinner, and went out alone.

Walking in the corridor of the hotel, you can occasionally see one or two unknown stars posing for photos.

These people are just to gain popularity, take good photos and then spend money to buy a few drafts, and post photos to promote themselves.

When Cui Shaoyu first saw Ren Shuai's appearance, he regretted not calling the photographer.

Otherwise, if he took a few photos and posted them online, he would definitely attract a lot of fans.

Ren Shuai pressed the elevator and was about to go to the restaurant on the top floor.

After a while, the elevator door opened, and Ren Shuai found a person standing inside, but it was Yu Hezhe.

Apparently, he also planned to dine on the top floor.

Yu Hezhe didn't get a reservation for the restaurant, but he found out that a young lady he knew was going to eat upstairs, so he consciously asked her to have lunch with her.

Seeing Ren Shuai enter the elevator, Yu Hezhe nodded politely and smiled, thinking that this senior looks handsome, so he should be a member of the industry. Although he doesn't know him, as an idol star, he should be polite in front of others .

Ren Shuai ignored him and walked into the elevator by himself.

Yu Hezhe felt that Ren Shuai was a little arrogant, so he couldn't help but glanced at it a few more times, but found that the more he looked, the more familiar he looked.

Have you seen it before?

His mind turned quickly, trying to remember where he had met Ren Shuai.

The elevator went up all the way, and soon reached the top floor. With a soft "ding dong", the elevator door opened.

Ren Shuai stepped out of the elevator.

And at the moment when the elevator prompt sounded, Yu Hezhe finally had a flash of inspiration and remembered who Ren Shuai was.

Isn't it the imaginary enemy who has been lingering in his mind all day and night.

Yu Hezhe was very annoyed, thinking that he was nodding and smiling at him just now, he was so warm and cold... Bah, bah, bah.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He never expected that Ren Shuai's appearance would turn out to be so handsome that he didn't even recognize it.

Yu Hezhe stood in the elevator and was angry for a long time before stepping down the elevator.

After seeing Ren Shuai, Yu Hezhe, who originally felt that he was sure to snatch the endorsement, was a little bit uncertain now.

It seems that some means must be used.

He has heard that the person in charge of Fendenko Nickey's Yezhou is an aunt, and he might appreciate Ren Shuai's good looks.

If he fails to snatch the endorsement from a concierge by then, wouldn't it be a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

Yu Hezhe began to calculate in his heart, glanced at the environment on the top floor, and suddenly had an idea, and quickly called his assistant.

After making these arrangements, Yu Hezhe straightened his clothes, and walked into the restaurant with a self-confident smile.

This restaurant not only has a good view, but also has good privacy. The seats are far apart, and you can only occasionally see what's going on inside the seats when you walk around.

After reporting the reservation number at the front desk, a waiter will lead you to the seat.

Yu Hezhe walked in with the waiter, thinking that there would be a good show in a while, and he would have lunch with a young lady soon, and he was unconsciously happy.

While walking, he happened to catch a glimpse of Ren Shuai who was seated not far in front of him, and thought to himself that a concierge also imitated other people's arty style, and even set a seat by the window, which is really a mere imitation.

However, the next moment, he saw the person sitting opposite Ren Shuai.

Yu Hezhe paused slightly, never would have guessed that the person who had lunch with Ren Shuai was Shen Luxi, a top actress.

A sour feeling suddenly surged in his heart, and he felt that the young lady who was about to meet was no longer attractive.

The originally happy mood suddenly turned into jealousy.

Yu Hezhe suddenly felt that the plan just now was not enough to vent his envy, jealousy and hatred, and he had to teach Ren Shuai a lesson.

So he took out his phone again and sent a bunch of content to his assistant.

The waiter leading the way noticed that the guests behind him had not followed, and turned around to remind him, but saw Yu Hezhe standing where he was, showing a sinister and creepy smile.

His heart suddenly jumped.

Later, let the security guard pay more attention to this talent.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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