From janitor to actor

Chapter 188 Calculation

Chapter 188 Calculation
Shen Luxi wore a dress decorated with flowers today, part of her hair was rolled up, and a few strands were specially let down.

It looks refreshing and natural, but it has a touch of girlish laziness.

Her makeup at this time is very light, and her lips are moist with a light pink color, giving people a sense of comfort like going out on vacation.

After Shen Luxi greeted Ren Shuai, she began to order.

"Ms. Li, what do you like to eat?"

After Shen Luxi finished speaking, she raised her head slightly and quietly looked at Ren Shuai's appearance today.

It happened that Ren Shuai looked up at her after reading the menu.

Shen Luxi looked away as if she had a guilty conscience, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

I thought that Mr. Li's eyes were so sharp just now, maybe he found himself peeking.

In fact, Ren Shuai's eyes were only aimed at the prices on the menu.

This place is worthy of being the top-floor viewing restaurant of a five-star hotel, and the price is definitely worthy of it.

Although Shen Luxi took the initiative to invite him to lunch, it is impossible for Ren Shuai to really let her pay the bill. After all, her manager helped book the hotel this time. A lot of time.

Ren Shuai's flesh hurts, but when he thinks of the eight-figure endorsement fee, he instantly feels that he is about to become a rich man, and he doesn't care about the small money for this meal.

He ordered two set meals, and originally planned to bleed heavily, and then ordered a bottle of red wine, but was stopped by Shen Luxi.

"Mr. Li, we're going to have a dinner tonight. It's actually a reception. We might drink a lot then, so stop drinking at noon."

When Ren Shuai heard the words, he naturally followed suit.

He himself is not used to drinking red wine, and it is also expensive.

Shen Luxi said with a smile at this time: "I've watched your live video, I really didn't expect you to be so good at dubbing besides your acting skills."

Ren Shuai waved his hand modestly, wanting to get over this topic as soon as possible, for fear that Shen Luxi would let him show his dubbing skills face to face.

In his perception, Shen Luxi is a hard-working and conscientious actor. Before, he was always clamoring for him to teach directing skills, but now that he knows how to dub, he should not pester him to teach dubbing skills.

Ren Shuai was really a little scared.

Before Shen Luxi could speak, he took the initiative to divert the topic and said, "Are you sure about signing the endorsement contract this time?"

As expected, Shen Luxi's attention was drawn away, and she said seriously: "Recently, the Fenden Kou Niqi company has been in constant contact with my agent, and I feel that I should be more in line with their brand positioning, especially this season's women's clothing, Their company intends to take an elegant and light route."

Ren Shuai nodded, thinking that he had never heard Cui Shaoyu mention someone contacting him. Could it be that Fendenko Niqi Company is not planning to sign a contract with him?
Seeing that Ren Shuai seemed to have something on his mind, Shen Luxi suddenly remembered something his manager had mentioned, and said proactively, "I heard that someone wants to grab your endorsement this time."

When Ren Shuai heard the words, he immediately complained in his heart. He still expected an eight-figure endorsement contract, and now he may not even be able to win an endorsement contract.

He asked, "Who is it?"

"It's an idol singer named Yu Hezhe. Recently, he has been actively showing his favor to Fenden Co. Niqi Company. He always chooses Fenden's men's clothing to wear when attending events. I heard from his agent that he also came to participate this time. active."

Shen Luxi told everything she knew in detail.

Ren Shuai didn't expect it to be that cheeky kid.

No wonder the first time I saw him, I thought it was not pleasing to the eye. It turned out that the enemy's road was narrow.

To actually want to snatch his own eight-figure endorsement, he really doesn't know how to live or die, doesn't he know that cutting off a person's fortune is like killing his parents?

Ren Shuai suddenly felt an itch in the root of his teeth.

No, I have to find a way to kill this Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway.

All enemies standing in front of his eight-figure endorsement fee must be wiped out.

Ren Shuai began to ask who this Yu Hezhe was.

Shen Luxi didn't know him very well, but heard that Yu Hezhe made his first debut in a certain talent show, sang a little famous song, and had a good traffic foundation.

Recently, he has frequently participated in some variety shows, and has held himself up quite high.

Ren Shuai feels that he is really inferior in terms of traffic, but he has the upper hand in terms of appearance.

Besides, he was invited by the brand to participate in the spring show, unlike Yu Hezhe, who had a bad name and forced to squeeze in.

Ren Shuai decided to stand still first, and then follow the plan after the big show started in the afternoon.

The two chatted a few more interesting stories about the crew, and quickly ended their lunch.

Before the big show in the afternoon, I have to touch up the makeup and styling again, so the lunch time can only be shortened.

After Ren Shuai paid the bill, he walked out of the restaurant with Shen Luxi and was about to take the elevator downstairs.

And someone who had been secretly following him quietly got up.

When Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi passed the landscape fountain, the figure suddenly accelerated, and ran towards them as if he was in a hurry to find someone.

Both Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai walked forward with their eyes on the front, not paying attention to the person appearing obliquely behind.

At this moment, the man leaned forward, flopped, and threw himself at Ren Shuai.

At this time, Ren Shuai just saw the elevator reach the top floor, and suddenly stepped up a few steps, walking towards the elevator.

His sudden acceleration was beyond the expectation of the figure behind him, and his outstretched hands suddenly fell into emptiness.


The man fell face down and fell head-on.

Ren Shuai turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a person lying down on him.

It hurt him to hear that sound.

Ren Shuai squatted down very concerned, helped the man up and said, "How are you? Are you okay?"

The man had two lines of nosebleeds, his eyes were aggrieved, but he didn't dare to look at Ren Shuai, he quickly got up and patted his clothes and said, "No, it's okay, I just ran too fast."

After speaking, he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he hurriedly left.

Ren Shuai looked at the back of the man leaving, showing a dangerous smile.

Yu Hezhe, who was about to come out of the restaurant, witnessed the whole process and cursed inwardly that he couldn't do this well. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a long text to express his greetings to the family members of that person.

Soon, he received a reply: "I quit!"

Yu Hezhe raised his eyebrows. If it wasn't for public places, he would have thrown his phone out.

Just as he suppressed his anger, a security guard appeared in front of him.

"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

The security guard asked this sentence with a vigilant face.

Seeing this, Yu Hezhe became even more annoyed, even a small security guard dared to come over to block him.

"Get off!"

Yu Hezhe pulled away the security guard angrily, and strode towards the elevator.

At this moment, Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi had already entered the elevator, and the impressive elevator door slowly closed.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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