From janitor to actor

Chapter 189 The Big Show Begins

Chapter 189 The Big Show Begins

Yu Hezhe stood in front of the elevator, looking at his own face reflected in the door.

Not even a thick foundation could cover his dark complexion.

It was a bad start today, and the method he arranged failed.

Since this straightforward little trick doesn't work, it's time to stab him in the back.

Yu Hezhe took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Buy some drafts for me, hurry up!"

"Okay, tell me the content."

"There is a man named Li Laifu, buy me sunspots and sailors to get him!"

"I've never heard of this man, did he offend you?"

"Don't ask too many questions, act quickly!"

Yu Hezhe put down the phone and showed a relieved smile.

This time, he spent a lot of money. When buying hot searches for himself, he had never spent so much money.

Just wait until the big show starts in the afternoon to find out.

After Ren Shuai returned to the room, he changed into the new dark blue suit of Fendenko Nikki.

The makeup artist wanted to touch up Ren Shuai's makeup again, but Cui Shaoyu was notified that the car sent by the brand to take over Ren Shuai had arrived early.

In order not to keep people waiting for a long time, they decided to set off as soon as possible.

"I'm afraid it's too late to touch up the makeup." Cui Shaoyu said regretfully.

"It's okay, it's fine now." Ren Shuai said with a smile.

He has a make-up card in hand, and it's just a waste of time to touch up makeup.

Cui Shaoyu is a little worried. Although Ren Shuai's appearance is very attractive at this time, other stars are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The people who participated in the big show this time must have put all their efforts into styling, and definitely put more thought into it than them.

Although Ren Shuai was invited by the brand side and took some initiative, his influence is indeed not as good as other stars.

If you are compared with other people in terms of makeup and styling, then you really have no competitiveness.

However, seeing Ren Shuai's confident appearance, Cui Shaoyu couldn't help but feel more at ease.

Sure enough, a person who has seen the storm is still calm in the face of this kind of scene, she thought to herself.

Ren Shuai didn't know what Cui Shaoyu was thinking. The reason why he looked calm was because his mind had already sunk into the system.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Actor/Teacher
Achievements: 2 (activated)
Props: Charm Card*2
Skills: Intermediate Acting (1350/10000)
Recognition degree: 18880
System functions: shopping mall, lucky wheel, backpack
Ren Shuai just glanced at it and found that the career column on the system interface had changed.

It turned out that his occupation was a concierge and an actor, but now he has become an actor and a teacher.

Calculated according to the retirement time, his real retirement time is the last day of December, and the reason why he went through the retirement procedures a week earlier is because he took his annual leave.

The employment contract of the consultant teacher came into effect on January [-], and he is now an honorable teacher.

The system is very strict.

Ren Shuai continued to look down and found that the skill proficiency had increased by 300 points.

After rising to the middle level of acting, the speed of proficiency improvement is a little faster than before.

Ren Shuai used skill cards more frequently during this period, especially the cooking card, which he relied on for three meals a day on the island.

But even so, his recognition is still 3000 points higher than before.

It seems that the broadcast effect of the TV series "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" is still continuing, and because of his dubbing ability, it attracts people to watch the TV series.

The recognition rate has naturally increased a lot.

After a brief look, Ren Shuai focused on the item card.

According to the plan, he will use all available item cards.

Ren Shuai had already discovered before that when two or more prop cards are used in combination, there will be a bonus effect.

Ren Shuai chose to use Charm Cards, Makeup Cards, and Dubbing Cards this time.

Using the Charm Card and the Makeup Card at the same time can definitely achieve the effect of being awesome, but sometimes a person's voice is more attractive than his appearance.

After using the dubbing card, Ren Shuai's voice can be more magnetic.

Ren Shuai can't predict what effect will be produced by superimposing charm cards and makeup cards.

The car drove all the way to the show. This time, the show was chosen in the Linhai Colorful Joy City, which has a huge square and indoor space.

This spring show adopts the combination of indoor and outdoor.

Part of the stage is indoors, while another part extends out onto the beach.

When watching a show, there is usually no manager to follow, and the artist team is mostly arranged to wait in the lounge.

The closer the car was to the show, the more congested the roads would be. Fortunately, the organizers had already figured out how to deal with it and opened up a lane for cars entering the show.

The car slowly stopped at the entrance of the show, and Ren Shuai was about to get out of the car. Cui Shaoyu wanted to give a few more precautions, so he stopped him.

"Mr. Li, please wait a moment."

Ren Shuai paused when he got out of the car, and turned to look at her.

"what's up?"

Cui Shaoyu raised his head, met Ren Shuai's gaze, and suddenly froze in place.

At this moment, the car door was opened, and the light inside the car was dim, but the sun was shining brightly outside the car. Ren Shuai, who was parked at the door, seemed to have a strong light behind him, drawing a golden outline around his body.

I don't know if this picture shocked Cui Shaoyu. Although she couldn't see Ren Shuai's face clearly at this time, there was an uncontrollable throbbing from the bottom of her heart.

A little bit, can't take my eyes off.

Cui Shaoyu fell into an inexplicable mood, and for a moment he forgot what to say.

Seeing her looking straight at him, Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely win this endorsement."

After speaking, he stepped onto the ground, stepped out of the car, and walked straight to the show.

Cui Shaoyu watched Ren Shuai walk away, and didn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until the car door closed that she slowly returned to normal.

Cui Shaoyu didn't know what happened to her just now, but felt that Ren Shuai was like a black hole absorbing light, and she couldn't help but freeze her eyes.

At that moment just now, Ren Shuai seemed like a superstar, exuding an irresistible charm.

"No wonder……"

Cui Shaoyu muttered to himself in the car.

At this moment, she somewhat understands why Fenden Ko Niqi invited Ren Shuai to participate in the spring show.

Such unique charm and brilliance are simply not comparable to other stars.

"Teacher Li is usually too low-key."

Cui Shaoyu couldn't help sighing, if he didn't deliberately restrain his brilliance, I'm afraid there would be nothing like those idol stars.

She was a little happy. She was worried that Ren Shuai's endorsement would be snatched away by others, but now she felt completely relieved.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on this unique temperament, Ren Shuai can firmly win the endorsement.

The worries in Cui Shaoyu's heart dissipated, and he showed a relaxed smile.

At that time, as long as she proposes not to charge endorsement fees, the brand will definitely not refuse.

However, if she knew that the endorsement fee that Ren Shuai wanted to raise was eight figures, she wondered if she would still be able to laugh.

Under the leadership of the guide, Ren Shuai walked into the show step by step.

And the media, who had been waiting in the show, began to take up long guns and short cannons.

He is the first guest to enter the show today.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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