From janitor to actor

Chapter 190 Eyes

Chapter 190 Eyes
The guests invited by the Spring Show will be arranged in order of entry according to their seats.

Ren Shuai was the first to enter the field, which naturally shows that he has the lowest rank.

However, the media will not reduce the shooting of him because of this. After all, it is not easy for people to be invited to participate in the big show.

But seeing Ren Shuai entering the arena, several media reporters still felt a little puzzled and couldn't help but start whispering.

"Who is this person, I don't think I've seen him before?"

"I think it looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it."

"The first one to enter, the coffee rank must be the lowest, and it's normal if we don't know each other."

"Where is it normal? This is Fenden Ko Niqi's spring show. How can ordinary people be invited."

While several people were whispering to each other, a female reporter next to her picked up her camera and snapped snaps, looked in Ren Shuai's direction and said, "Whoever he is, he is so handsome, even if he is not popular now, he will definitely be popular in the future. No loss!"

When several reporters heard the words, they all felt that it made sense, and after a closer look, Ren Shuai had a calm demeanor, outstanding looks, and exuded a unique charm all over his body.

People with these qualities are often at the superstar level.

As a result, the flash in the media area began to flicker wildly, and when the shutter was pressed to the end, it shot continuously for ten seconds.

Ren Shuai once had the experience of walking the red carpet, and he didn't feel any discomfort with the flashing camera, and walked through the media area very calmly.

Under the guidance of the guide, he found his seat and sat down calmly.

Fendenko Niche separates the seats according to gender, male guests sit on the left side of the runway, and female guests sit on the right side.

Since the number of invited guests is not too much, the distance between the seats is relatively far.

After Ren Shuai, another male star came in. He is a well-known fashion model, with a height of 1.9 meters, a tall and straight figure, and his appearance is very good among models.

However, the enthusiasm in the media area was slightly lacking. Many reporters felt that compared with Ren Shuaiyi, the male model's aura seemed to be crushed.

Although his model's figure and superior appearance are outstanding, for some reason, he does not seem to catch the attention of Ren Shuai, but looks ordinary instead.

After the male model entered the arena, a female guest followed closely behind. She only took the sexy route, and she also wore very cool clothes for the show this time. She was very suitable for endorsement underwear products at first glance.

The flashlights of the media became lively again, especially targeting her fiery figure and sheer clothes.

Ren Shuai knew that watching the show was not the main purpose of this trip, and the meeting with the person in charge of Fendenko Nichiyezhou later was the focus.

Now he just needs to be a quiet and handsome man and concentrate on watching the show offstage.

After a while, celebrities entered the arena one after another, and Ren Shuai also saw Shen Luxi.

She wore a white dress and high heels with ribbons of the same color. The design of the clothes was full of thoughtfulness.

At first glance, the dress looks light and flowing, but the lace translucent design is used on the chest and back.

Elegant and dignified at the same time, there is no lack of sexy and agile.

Recently, Shen Luxi's "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" was on the air, and it was in the limelight for a while, and it immediately attracted a lot of firepower from the media when it entered the venue.

With a faint smile, she slowly entered and sat down, and then her eyes began to wander.

Although the male and female guests were separated by a runway, the height could not block the line of sight. Shen Luxi soon saw Ren Shuai in the second row opposite.

Then I couldn't look away.

Although the light in the auditorium of the show was dim, Ren Shuai was like a torch in the dark, attracting attention.

Not only did Shen Luxi's eyes stop on Ren Shuai, but several other female stars sitting on the same side as her also noticed him.

On the other side of the runway, the male guests have basically arrived, but the catwalk show on the runway has not yet started, and the guests began to look for acquaintances in the auditorium.

Although Ren Shuai was sitting in the second row, he was very conspicuous among the male guests.

When several female stars glanced at him, they couldn't help but stop and look at him carefully, thinking about his identity.

He looked mature and stable, and his age could not be seen from his face, giving people a feeling of contradiction, but full of strange charm.

Shen Luxi looked at Ren Shuai at this time, and felt a little different from when she had lunch at noon. She couldn't tell where the change was, but it also made her feel inexplicably moved.

Shen Luxi noticed that Ren Shuai's eyes moved over, and for some reason, her heart trembled and she quickly turned her head to avoid meeting Ren Shuai's eyes.

After a while, she glanced back quietly from the corner of her eye.

Noticing that Ren Shuai's gaze had moved elsewhere, she chuckled and turned her attention to Ren Shuai again.

The male model sitting next to Ren Shuai couldn't help but look at Ren Shuai, thinking that the senior next to him looked very unusual, and he didn't know why he entered the venue ahead of him.

Out of a man's intuition, he felt that Ren Shuai was a man with a story, so he wanted to make friends with him.

"Hi, my name is Gao Yihong, and I'm a model."

He smiled and held out his hand to Ren Shuai.

Seeing this, Ren Shuai nodded politely in return, and shook hands with him.

"Li Laifu, actor."

When the male model heard it, he immediately remembered the name he had seen in the invitation list before.

Unexpectedly, a senior with such a down-to-earth name has such a detached temperament.

And the speaking voice is very magnetic and full of charm.

Gao Yihong quickly took out his mobile phone and said, "Excuse me, can I add you as a friend?"

As he grows older, he is planning to shift the focus of his career to the actor industry. Ren Shuai seems to be a powerful idol. After getting to know him, maybe he can ask some questions about acting.

Ren Shuai didn't refuse, and gave out his number.

Gao Yihong added his friend very happily, and then he became acquainted: "I heard that this year, the brand's endorsement strategy has been adjusted, and in order to diversify, each small category has found a corresponding What kind of spokesperson are you?"

Ren Shuai lowered his head and pointed to his clothes, "Suit."

He thought to himself that if every category is looking for a spokesperson, the endorsement fee will definitely be reduced, and it seems to be a step away from the eight-figure endorsement.

This is really not good news.

Gao Yihong was very envious when he heard the words: "I endorse men's underwear, and I have always wanted to endorse serious men's clothing. Unfortunately, the brand has very high requirements for spokespersons for formal clothing."

Ren Shuai laughed secretly when he heard this, the model's words were quite interesting.

What is serious men's clothing, where is underwear not serious?
However, the meaning in his words was very clear. Although Gao Yihong was only the spokesperson for underwear, he was already the spokesperson, while Ren Shuai was still a candidate.

Moreover, the requirements for spokespersons in formal wear are high, and the competition will be more intense. Ren Shuai feels that his task this time may be really difficult to complete.

But even so, he won't give up.

At this time, the host stepped onto the stage and announced the official start of the Fendenko Nickey Spring Show.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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