Chapter 191
With the start of the big show, one model after another stepped onto the runway.

Each one is full of the unique style of Fenden Kou Niqi.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the stage. Whether it was the celebrities invited this time or the industry stars in other industries, they raised their heads and began to watch the show seriously.

The officially invited photographer started to move around, picking up the camera to capture the expressions of the guests.

Ren Shuai sat there quietly, watching the show intently, but found that several photographers had been pressing the shutters in his direction.

The photographer responsible for shooting at the show should have walked around the show to capture the expressions and status of each guest watching the show.

However, Ren Shuai was too conspicuous among the guests. He obviously didn't make any extra moves, but he was able to catch the attention of others.

When every photographer passed by him, he always stopped and wanted to take a few more pictures.

As a result, more and more photographers gathered on Ren Shuai's side.

It quickly attracted the attention of the people next to him.

The people sitting in the two rows in front of and behind Ren Shuai couldn't help but be attracted to him, and turned their heads to look in his direction.

Ren Shuai also noticed this problem. Everyone was watching the show intently just now, but the photographers were focusing on him.

Fortunately, after taking a lot of photos, the photographers realized their own job and continued to take pictures in other places.

This didn't attract more attention to Ren Shuai, but many people still noticed him and guessed who this guest was.

In addition to the guests who watched the show in the venue, some people who were not invited and came to watch the show on their own initiative gathered on the beach.

Yu Hezhe was among them at this time. For the sake of publicity, he specially brought two follow-up photographers to shoot the highlights of his show.

While they were watching the show, the Internet was also buzzing.

Celebrities from all walks of life have posted their refined makeup for the show, and various fashion blockbusters, which are more interesting than the models in the show.

Yu Hezhe's operation also quietly began to take effect, and suddenly a lot of information about Ren Shuai appeared on the Internet.

Most of them say that Ren Shuai is just a concierge of Meiying, but he is suspected to be the new season's men's spokesperson for Fenden Ko Niqi.

Many press releases pointed out that as a spokesperson, he really fell short of previous standards.

The person who wrote the draft was really not familiar with Ren Shuai, and he couldn't find any black information about him on the Internet, so he could only use his background as a starting point to accuse him of not being worthy of this endorsement.

Although Ren Shuai became popular some time ago because of his dubbing, many people still don't know who he is.

Many netizens turned a blind eye after seeing the draft, because Ren Shuai is really not famous, so they don't care.

Some people who know him have either heard his dubbing, or watched him play the old fairy.

However, these people only paid a little attention to him, and it didn't matter whether he was born as a concierge or not.

On the contrary, many netizens feel that Ren Shuai, who came from a grassroots background, should express his admiration for his current achievements and development.

Because Yu Hezhe spent a lot of money, the volume of drafts was extremely large and could be seen on various platforms and media.

Although there are no derogatory words in these drafts, the meaning between the lines is that Ren Shuide is not worthy and is not suitable to receive the endorsement of Fendenko Niqi.

When these drafts were first released, they didn't attract much attention. After all, Ren Shuai really didn't have much traffic.

But Yu Hezhe also spent a lot of money to buy a lot of sailors, pushed up the draft, and left messages below one after another, unanimously dissing Ren Shuai.

As the scope of the release of the draft became wider and wider, and there were more and more messages, many netizens began to pay attention to this matter.

Because the comments under the draft are all one-sided, pointing out that Shuai Li is not worthy of getting an endorsement at all, and also criticizing his background and his professionalism and so on.

This caused a lot of backlash from netizens.

At the beginning, he complained for Ren Shuai, thinking that one's family background cannot determine a person's achievement and development, nor can it limit his status and height.

Many people feel that the three views of this draft are not correct, and even feel that if Ren Shuai can win the endorsement, it will be full of inspirational effects.

However, there are indeed some people who feel that Fendenko Niche is a big name in InterContinental. If Ren Shuai is to be the spokesperson, there will always be a feeling of bumpkins, thinking that he is not in line with the positioning of the brand.

It just so happened that it was Fendenko Nikki's spring show, and many media outlets posted Reuters photos of celebrities on the Internet, so netizens with good things began to pick up photos of Ren Shuai participating in the show on the Internet.

But unfortunately, Ren Shuai doesn't like to take pictures, and he didn't bring a photographer, so he doesn't have a Reuters photo.

The Daxiu brand released many photos, but no one could match Ren Shuai's face.

After the fashion show started, various media outlets had finished taking photos, and edited press releases and sent them to major media outlets.

Many fans are looking forward to seeing the fashion photos of their idols at the show.

There are still many good things about the media. In order to attract attention, they began to analyze the looks of the stars watching the show, and made comparisons and analysis of their pros and cons.

Coincidentally, many media have singled out Ren Shuai as a typical case and praised him greatly.

However, although Ren Shuai is good-looking, he is not well-known, so he would not have attracted much attention.

However, Yu Hezhe bought a bunch of manuscripts to go to Hei Renshuai, and hired a bunch of sailors to complain about him, which aroused attention and enthusiasm on the Internet.

Immediately, sharp-eyed netizens discovered that Ren Shuai, who was hacked in the draft, was actually the same person as the pretending champion sought after by the media.

Netizens carefully read the photos released by the media, and found that Ren Shuai really had nothing to say in terms of appearance and appearance.

Among the stars who watched the show, it was particularly conspicuous.

Although he was born as a concierge, he is not inferior to the stars, even worse.

Immediately, some smart netizens smelled something unusual.

Ren Shuai is in line with Fendenko Niqiqi's taste in terms of appearance and temperament, but now there are suddenly overwhelming drafts to black him.

It proved that someone was manipulating behind the scenes and wanted to compete with him for the position of the spokesperson.

So some enthusiastic netizens began to post news on the Internet, describing the whole story of this matter, as well as his own guesses.

There are not a few enthusiastic netizens like this, especially now that netizens are very smart. After discovering the truth behind the matter, they can't help posting it to discuss with everyone.

This time, Ren Shuai's enthusiasm was raised to another level.

Many people who didn't pay attention to him also started to pay attention to him.

A large number of people were attracted by their appearance after seeing Ren Shuai's photos at the show.

Ren Shuai didn't know about the news on the Internet, and he was not allowed to bring his mobile phone when watching the show.

But Cui Shaoyu in the lounge already knew about this.

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(End of this chapter)

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