Chapter 192
As a manager, Cui Shaoyu found out that his artists had been hacked, so he must take action.

However, the result of the press release this time was a bit beyond her expectations.

Ren Shuai was not really hacked, but attracted a lot of traffic.

Cui Shaoyu found that in just one hour, the number of Ren Shuai's fans suddenly increased by nearly [-]%.

This gave Cui Shaoyu a glimmer of opportunity.

She immediately took out her mobile phone, started contacting people in the company, and immediately bought a batch of drafts.

This time, the content was all about praising Ren Shuai for his dedication to his work and taking care of his juniors.

In short, it is to combine Ren Shuai's behavior style with Fenden Kou Niqi's brand concept, and vigorously publicize that Ren Shuai is suitable to be the spokesperson of this brand.

Afterwards, Cui Shaoyu asked people to find out the most searched photos of Ren Shuai on the red carpet last time, put them on the Internet, and praised his fashion taste and style of dressing.

When Cui Shaoyu was doing this series of actions, the Propaganda Department of Meiying also paid attention to Ren Shuai's disturbance on the Internet this time.

The School Propaganda Department always has a special person to monitor the public opinion information on the Internet, focusing on news related to the school or teaching staff.

Since it was mentioned in the draft that Ren Shuai is the concierge of Meiying, the school's publicity department has been paying attention.

As time went by, the popularity became higher and higher, and the school felt that it was necessary to support Ren Shuai.

If the staff of the school get the endorsement of Finden Ko Niqi, it will also be a positive publicity for the school, and the source of applicants will also reach a new level by then.

As a result, the Meiying Propaganda Department quickly took action and issued an official statement proving that Ren Shuai is the school's consultant teacher.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted attention. Since it was an official certificate, its credibility was naturally not comparable to that of the draft.

Soon, netizens with good things started to leave messages under the draft purchased by Yu Hezhe.

"The official Meiying is well-known. Teacher Li Laifu has good looks, acting skills, and good taste. In all aspects, he is suitable to be the spokesperson of Fenden Ko Niqi."

"Don't take us netizens as fools, this draft is just like the one who bought Teacher Hei Li."

"Those who left messages dissing Mr. Li are all sailors. The contents of the messages are all the same. You can tell at a glance. Heizi has no brains."

"I've seen Mr. Li play the old fairy. He's so handsome. I didn't expect him to be even more handsome, especially the one in the show photo. He's so handsome. I would buy the clothes endorsed by this kind of person."

"Support Mr. Li. After seeing the photos of Mr. Li wearing a suit, it looks like it's tailor-made. It's planted grass."

After the messages of the water army dissing Ren Shuai one-sidedly, there are one after another messages from netizens chasing Ren Shuai, and the number is increasing rapidly.

With more and more drafts and more and more messages, Ren Shuai's popularity gradually increased, and within just one hour, he was directly on the hot search list.

At this time, Ren Shuai, who was still concentrating on watching the show, was completely unaware of the ups and downs on the Internet.

What's more, he didn't do anything, and unknowingly made it to the hot search list for the third time.

The show is coming to an end, and soon, Ren Shuai will meet with the person in charge of Fendenko Niqiyezhou.

In the temporary office of Fendenko Niche, a woman in a white suit picked up her coffee, took a sip, and then set her eyes on the laptop in front of her.

The interface at this time shows the stock fluctuations of Fendenko Nikki. Compared with the time of previous big shows, the growth rate of the company's stock price during this year's big shows has increased by 5% year-on-year.

The effect this time was unexpected, and she was curious about what caused the increase in stock price growth.

So he called his assistant in, intending to ask if there were any special circumstances this year.

"Among the people invited to watch the show this year, is there any star who has recently become popular and has received a lot of attention?" she asked.

The assistant thought about it carefully, and shook his head affirmatively: "The guests we invited this year are basically top-notch in the industry, the traffic is very stable, and there is no sudden emergence."

After the assistant finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly added: "The spokesperson invited this year is quite special."


The graceful-looking woman raised her eyes curiously. Her pupil color was different from ordinary people's, with a gray-purple light, which seemed to have a sense of mystery and oppression.

The assistant immediately said: "There is a guest named Li Laifu, who is not well-known in the circle, but he got attention on the red carpet last time, and helped us increase the sales of classic suits by five times, and the market value of our brand also increased by 0.2 percentage point."

After being reminded by the assistant, the woman immediately remembered this incident. When the company decided to invite Ren Shuai as the spokesperson, she also voted for it.

There are many people who can wear classic suits with great effect, but very few people can wear them with amazing effect.

Ren Shuai is that rare person.

Although the company didn't know Ren Shuai's background at the time, it had already decided to invite him as a candidate spokesperson for the new season based on his clothing taste and personal temperament.

At this time, Fendenko Niqi Company has already learned about Ren Shuai's situation through docking with Cui Shaoyu, and also knows that he is not a well-known actor.

According to his status, being the spokesperson of suits is indeed a little bit reluctant.

However, the profits he has increased for Fendenko Niqi Company are quite considerable, even if it is reciprocated, the company will invite him to participate in this big show.

As for whether it can become a real spokesperson, further consideration is required.

"Is this teacher Li Laifu doing anything new recently?" the woman asked.

While helping her with company affairs, her assistant also pays attention to company-related news on the Internet during the big show.

"Just now, this Teacher Li was on the hot search list." The assistant replied.

The woman was suddenly curious and asked the assistant to introduce the whole story.

After listening, Mrs. Yongrong looked at the stock fluctuations on the computer screen again, and made a rough guess in her heart.

The assistant looked at the time and reminded: "Boss, the big show is coming to an end, do you want to prepare and meet the candidate spokespersons invited this time?"

The woman nodded and asked the assistant to make arrangements.

She is a little curious now, and wants to meet Ren Shuai as soon as possible to see what kind of charm he has that can produce such a strong ability to carry goods.

Back then, classic suits could be sold out just through a red carpet video, but now because of an endorsement scandal, the company's stock price growth rate has been abruptly increased by 5.00%.

Based on this performance alone, he should be firmly established as the spokesperson.

The reason why brands hire spokespersons is nothing more than to increase sales.

No matter how high the position of the spokesperson is, it is useless if it cannot improve the brand value.

Besides, Shuai Ren is not high-ranking, so the endorsement fee should be relatively low. Asking him to be the spokesperson is not too cost-effective.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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