From janitor to actor

Chapter 193 Meeting

Chapter 193 Meeting
The host came to the stage and announced the successful conclusion of the big show.

Soon a guide appeared at the guest seat, guiding the guests to the living room of the big show.

But not everyone was invited, mainly this year's new candidate spokespersons, and other guests returned to the station to prepare for the dinner.

There were also some photography activities interspersed during the period, but Ren Shuai did not participate. He went directly into the living room and waited for a while to meet with the person in charge of Fendenko Nikki's Yezhou.

Since he did not participate in the photoshoot, he was the first to reach the living room, and he was the only one in it.

Just in time, a graceful woman in a white suit arrived ahead of time, saw Ren Shuai sitting in the house, and immediately opened the door to enter.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of Fendenko Niqiyezhou, Alinda."

Seeing this, Ren Shuai politely got up and said hello: "Hi, Ms. Alinda, I'm Li Laifu."

Alinda, who was wearing a white suit, shook hands with Ren Shuai, and her eyes unconsciously began to turn around Ren Shuai.

After close contact, she felt that Ren Shuai had a stronger impact on her than the pictures.

Not only does he look stable and graceful, but he also has outstanding appearance, especially his eyes are full of brilliance, and his whole body has a strong aura.

Alinda has rich experience in business meetings. Many people will be shocked by her peculiar eye color and strong aura when they meet her for the first time. Sometimes, it will also be touched.

Few people can be as calm as Ren Shuai, neither humble nor overbearing.

Not only that, Aileinda herself was almost influenced by Ren Shuai's aura, and her mentality underwent some subtle changes.

Based on this alone, Alinda can be sure that Ren Shuai is by no means an ordinary actor, and his background or experience must be very rich.

Ren Shuai was also quietly looking at Alinda. When he shook hands just now, he noticed the color of Alinda's eyes, but Ren Shuai didn't find it strange. Back on Earth, it was very common for women to wear colored contact lenses.

But he didn't realize that few people here wear colored contact lenses.

Ren Shuai sat down calmly. In his opinion, if he wants to negotiate an eight-figure endorsement deal, his aura must not be messed up.

Only by preempting strikes can we gain an advantage in negotiations.

And it was his state that made Elinda appreciate it even more. She had no idea that Ren Shuai wanted Lion to open his mouth in an attempt to take away the sky-high price endorsement from her.

First impressions are very important when meeting people.

Aileinda's first impression of Ren Shuai is by no means full marks that can be described, and it should have already appeared.

No matter in terms of help to the brand or personal impression, she greatly appreciates Ren Shuai.

"Mr. Li, it is our honor to invite you as the spokesperson for our brand's suits."

Alinda's words have already represented many meanings.

First of all, she has recognized Ren Shuai and agreed to him as the spokesperson.

Secondly, the cooperation between their company and Ren Shuai will not be underestimated because of Ren Shuai's position.

Fendenko Niqi will not bully customers, the two parties cooperate completely on an equal basis.

Ren Shuai naturally understood the meaning of the words, but he did not feel happy because of it. Instead, because of the frank and friendly attitude of the other party, he was a little embarrassed to ask for an eight-figure endorsement fee.

But Ren Shuai thought about it, maybe this is a way for the brand to lower the price. Ilinda is the head of Fendon Niche's industry, and it is not easy for someone who can reach this position. If it is a business negotiation, He is definitely not an opponent.

Therefore, Ren Shuai decided to stick to his heart, no matter what the other party said or did, he would only focus on talking about the eight-figure endorsement fee.

Alinda saw Ren Shuai's face remained unchanged after hearing her agreeing to invite him to be the spokesperson, and she didn't see the slightest joy. She thought that Ren Shuai must have taken this endorsement very lightly. If you are extremely powerful, you will be full of confidence.

For the endorsement of a top luxury brand, no artist can take it lightly.

Unless he has no desire at all, the so-called no desire is strong.

Alinda couldn't help but look at Ren Shuaigao again.

She even moved her mind slightly, thinking that a spokesperson for a suit might not be enough to be worthy of Ren Shuai, and the general endorsement of the entire men's clothing brand is about the same.

But it's a pity that Ren Shuai's coffee position and traffic are really not enough, even if she has this idea, the company will not agree.

Ren Shuai was thinking about how to open his mouth to test the endorsement fee, but he saw the door of the reception room was pushed open, and the celebrities who participated in the photoshoot finished the activity and came together.

Ren Shuai felt a little regretful that he couldn't take advantage of the time when the two of them were alone to find out what Ailinda had said.

And Ailinda also regretted not being able to spend more time alone with Ren Shuai. Sitting face to face with Ren Shuai made her feel pleasing to the eye and comfortable in her heart.

A total of six celebrities who entered the living room are all new spokespersons that the brand is planning to develop this year.

Ren Shuai took a glance, and besides Shen Luxi, there were only two other people he could name. One was Liao Chao, a powerful actor who had always been very popular in the film industry, and the other was Wen Yichu, a new actress.

These two are familiar faces in the film industry, and both have good acting skills and works.

The other three people, two women and one man, were all unfamiliar to him.

Ailinda greeted several people one after another, and it was only then that Ren Shuai knew that one of these three people was the queen of the dance world, and the other two were high-quality idols in film, television and music.

After a few people sat down, Aileinda briefly chatted about the future development and product positioning of Fendenko Nickey, and then they took a group photo and made an appointment to meet again at the dinner.

Before coming out of the living room, Ren Shuai walked last, wanting to see if there was a chance to communicate with Alinda again.

As a result, Alinda came up with him, and said before he went out: "I will bring my assistant to the dinner party, so you can also invite your manager to go with you."

The meaning in her words was very clear. After the dinner, she hoped to sign a contract with Ren Shuai as soon as possible.

Ren Shuai naturally wanted what he wanted, and nodded with a smile to leave.

Although the endorsement fee has not been discussed yet, this is at least a good start.

While he was thinking with his head down, Shen Luxi walked up to him and said, "Mr. Li, how do you feel about the effect of this meeting? Can we sign the endorsement smoothly?"

She had some confidence in herself to win the endorsement, but for some reason, when she saw Alinda, she felt that the other party had a strong aura, especially when she met those cold-toned eyes, she felt a little stage fright unconsciously.

Moreover, Ailinda didn't communicate with her much, and Shen Luxi gradually felt a little uncertain.

In previous years, many invited guests did not sign endorsement contracts in the end. Instead, those who took the initiative to show their favor to the brand side won the endorsement contract.

This is why many people like Yu Hezhe came to watch the show on their own initiative.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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