Chapter 194

Facing Shen Luxi's question, Ren Shuai could only smile wryly.

His endorsement must have been firmly won, but this is without negotiating the endorsement fee.

Once he asks for an eight-figure endorsement during the dinner party, he's afraid that the talk may collapse at any time, and he'll just be cold.

Ren Shuai deliberated over his words before he said pertinently, "If you don't want the endorsement fee, you can definitely sign the contract."

When Shen Luxi heard the words, the uneasiness in her heart suddenly eased, and she said with a smile: "Hearing you say that, I feel at ease."

Ren Shuai was puzzled and turned to look at her.

Shen Luxi didn't dare to look directly at Ren Shuai.

For some reason, she felt that Ren Shuai was very different at this time.

Just walking by his side, Shen Luxi's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and she quickly used words to relieve her flustered emotions.

"I discussed it with my agent. This is my first luxury brand endorsement invitation. Even if the endorsement fee is discounted, I must win it."


This is not a discount.

Ren Shuai wanted to cry immediately but had no tears.

If even a famous star like Shen Luxi offered to discount, wouldn't he be farther away from an eight-figure endorsement.

No, this wind cannot last long.

He had to persuade Shen Luxi that he must not lower his self-worth.

Ren Shuai coughed lightly and said, "I feel that Alinda is not simple."

Shen Luxi felt the same, nodded and said: "Her aura is very oppressive, and I was a little apprehensive just after seeing her once."

Ren Shuai immediately took advantage of the situation and said: "In my judgment, this is probably a means for her to lower the price."

Shen Luxi has always regarded Ren Shuai as an object of study. Before, she was only limited to acting skills. After a few contacts, she felt that Ren Shuai could be her teacher in all aspects.

Since Ren Shuai said so, Shen Luxi naturally felt more reasonable the more he thought about it.

Ren Shuai, a bystander, knew that he had already discovered from the series of contact with Shen Luxi by Fenden Co. Niqi Company that the other party sincerely invited Shen Luxi to be the spokesperson.

Since Fendenko Niqi Company had communicated with Shen Luxi's agent for a long time in the early stage and knew her very well, naturally there was no need to communicate too much during the meeting.

This will give Shen Luxi the illusion that Alinda is ignoring her.

Ren Shuai has a good relationship with Shen Luxi, and he certainly can't go to cheat Shen Luxi to raise the price just for his eight-figure endorsement. He has already seen the intention of Fenden Co. Niqi Company, and thinks that Shen Luxi needn't underestimate himself.

Upon hearing this, Shen Luxi asked, "Then what do you think is the right price for my endorsement fee?"

Ren Shuai was startled, thinking that this was a commercial secret, why did he ask directly like this.

Shen Luxi doesn't look like a heartless person either, does she trust herself as an outsider too much?
What's more, he didn't have a clue about the prices of celebrity endorsements, he just heard some figures from hearsay.

Ren Shuai could only say ambiguously: "Normal market price is fine."

Shen Luxi is not a disrespectful person, just now she just asked the question casually, and she felt a little inappropriate after she said it.

But fortunately, Ren Shuai didn't seem to mind, so Shen Luxi let out a sigh of relief.

Shen Luxi herself was a little surprised. Walking beside Ren Shuai, she could let go of her guard like this, even discussing the endorsement price unconsciously.

Before they knew it, the two had already walked out of the show, and a special car was arranged outside the gate to pick them up.

Shen Luxi raised her skirt to get into the car, turned around and waved to Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, see you at the dinner."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "See you later."

He waved his hand casually and boarded the car that belonged to him.

Shen Luxi looked at the back of Ren Shuai leaving in a cool way, and felt a little bit of reluctance in her heart, but she would see her again soon.

She didn't speak for a long time, thinking maybe it was because she felt an inexplicable sense of security by Ren Shuai's side, a feeling she had never felt when meeting other people in the circle.

As a big star, she must always pay attention to her words and deeds, be cautious, but she can relax by Ren Shuai's side.

Shen Luxi never admits that she is a little greedy for Ren Shuai's appearance.

She prefers fun souls.

After Ren Shuai boarded the car, Cui Shaoyu was already waiting inside.

"How about it, have you met with the person in charge of Fendenko Nikki?"

Cui Shaoyu is very concerned about the effect of this meeting.

The reason why she was so impatient was because Ren Shuai had another wave of popularity on the Internet at this time.

If she wins the endorsement again, it will be like a tiger with wings added. After she cooperates with the operation, Ren Shuai's popularity will immediately rise to several levels.

Ren Shuai didn't know about this, he was just thinking about how to mention the eight-figure endorsement to Cui Shaoyu.

Even if she was her manager, if she didn't have a reasonable reason, she might think that she had lost her mind and drifted into outer space.

Ren Shuai fell into a brief silence.

Seeing Ren Shuai's silence for a long time, Cui Shaoyu immediately felt bad, but he comforted him immediately: "You don't need to pay too much attention, it's just a chance to speak for you, even if you don't win it, you don't have to..."

"It's okay to sign a contract, it's just..."

Just as Cui Shaoyu spoke, Ren Shuai also spoke.

It's just that Cui Shaoyu's speech was relatively fast, and after a long list, he realized what Ren Shuai said.

"Is it okay to sign the contract?"

Cui Shaoyu immediately confirmed it in surprise, and even doubled her voice, but seeing Ren Shuai's indifferent attitude, she quickly restrained her emotions and said, "Then what are you worried about, isn't this a good thing?"

Ren Shuai said slowly, "It's just that we haven't had time to discuss the endorsement fee yet."

Cui Shaoyu still thinks it is a big deal. In her opinion, it doesn't matter what the endorsement fee is or not, the most important thing is to win the contract.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will help you negotiate."

According to her idea, as long as she helps Ren Shuai to gain popularity first, relying on his performance and dubbing strength, Xiaoqianqian will not have to worry about it at all, and will naturally come to him.

But Ren Shuai didn't think so.

The future is the future, and now he wants to complete the system tasks and win an eight-figure endorsement.

"How much do you think the endorsement fee should be raised?" Ren Shuai asked.

Cui Shaoyu said very seriously: "The initiative lies with the brand side, and we can accept as much as they ask."

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"

Ren Shuai was thinking about how to propose an eight-figure endorsement.

Cui Shaoyu felt that this plan should be no problem. It not only showed their sincerity, but also formed a good relationship with Fendon Niche, leaving a good impression on the other party and facilitating future contract renewals.

But she wanted to fully respect Ren Shuai's opinion, so she asked, "Do you have any better suggestions?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It's more appropriate for us to propose the endorsement fee."

Cui Shaoyu thought about it, and felt that it was more sincere to take the initiative to lower the price. Sure enough, Ren Shuai's suggestion was better.

"You're right, then let's mention it ourselves, how much do you think is appropriate?"

 Ask for a recommendation, ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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