From janitor to actor

Chapter 195 Persuasion

Chapter 195 Persuasion
Facing Cui Shaoyu's question, Ren Shuai didn't know whether he should answer directly.

He thought about it, and sooner or later he would have to talk about it, so it's better to be straightforward.

"Eight figures." Ren Shuai said bluntly.

Cui Shaoyu was stunned, feeling that he didn't hear clearly, and reconfirmed: "How much did you say?"

"Hey, I said, eight digits."

Ren Shuai coughed lightly, and then repeated it loudly.

Cui Shaoyu could hear clearly now, but he began to doubt his arithmetic ability.

She thought to herself, the eight-digit number that Ren Shuai mentioned probably contained the two zeros behind the decimal point.

Cui Shaoyu blinked his eyes, lowered his voice and said: "The eight-digit number you mentioned is... one hundred thousand or ten million?"

Ren Shuai rolled his eyes in his heart, even if he only graduated from elementary school, he should know what the eight-digit number is.

"10 million, minimum."

Ren Shuai simply pointed it out to save Cui Shaoyu from continuing to think about it.


Cui Shaoyu didn't speak for a while, but was observing Ren Shuai's expression, wondering if he was joking.

Upon seeing this, Ren Shuai said: "Look, Fendenko Niqi is a big name in Intercontinental, and the endorsements of other stars must be above eight figures. The numbers I mentioned are very reasonable."

Cui Shaoyu choked, thinking that Ren Shuai is not the kind of person who has no sense of propriety, he should be very clear about his position, why would he raise the 10 million endorsement fee?
She smiled reluctantly and said, "The tens of millions of endorsements you mentioned are all top-notch in the industry, and many rookies receive endorsement fees from top brands, and the peak is only seven figures."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "You're right. Most of the rookies are young, but I'm at this age. Even if it's based on the length of service, the salary must be higher than them. 10 million is not too much."

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, he burst out laughing suddenly.

Seeing Ren Shuai's serious joke, she almost believed it.

If it weren't for what he said about the salary of seniority, Cui Shaoyu would have thought that Ren Shuai would have lost his way. Even if he is indeed very attractive and good-looking, it is too much to ask for eight figures.

Ren Shuai was expressionless, thinking that even his agent thought he was joking, so it seemed hopeless to directly mention the eight-figure endorsement.

Execute Plan B, save the country with curves.

Ren Shuai waited until she was almost done laughing before speaking again: "I'm not all joking when I say eight figures."

Cui Shaoyu's smile froze, and he said stiffly: "You, should, should not, really plan to ask for 10 million endorsement fees?"

Ren Shuai scrunched up his face and nodded seriously.

"Don't rush to deny it, let me tell you the reason." He raised his hand to indicate that he still has something to say.

Afterwards, Ren Shuai reached into his arms and took out a neatly folded note from his shirt pocket.

Ren Shuai unfolded the note and said: "This is the brand market value and changing trend of Fendenko Nikki that I recorded. I analyzed the whole year of last year. Except for the influence of one or two special events, the market value of their brand has been consistent. is showing a steady growth trend.

And since I accidentally appeared on the hot search for the first time, the market value of their brand suddenly showed a leap-forward growth, and it returned to normal after half a month, which proves that the main factor for this increase in market value is me. "

Cui Shaoyu had also heard about this matter, and knew that Ren Shuai had used his own efforts to increase the market value of Fendenko Nickey by 0.2 percentage points at that time.

Don't underestimate this 0.2. A luxury brand like Fenden Co. Niche has a market value of hundreds of billions. Even if it is only calculated based on the market value of 100 billion, 0.2 percent is still 2 million.

After Ren Shuai listed the data, he continued: "Unlike other spokespersons who rely on image and reputation to enhance brand value, I speak based on actual performance. Compared with the 0.2 percentage point increase in the market value of Fenden Co. The endorsement fee is less than half of the cost."

Cui Shaoyu listened to what Ren Shuai said was well-founded, and even she felt that Ren Shuai's eight-figure figure was not much at all.

No, no, it cannot be brainwashed.

Cui Shaoyu hurriedly forced himself to regain the calmness that a manager should have.

Although Ren Shuai has indeed contributed to Fenden Kou Niqi, as a gift, Fenden Ko Niqi Company has invited him as a spokesperson. This added value is inestimable to Ren Shuai.

If this matter is really used as a basis to discuss the endorsement fee, Fenden Kou Niqi Company will definitely think that Ren Shuai is a kind person, and the impression of him will be greatly reduced, and it is very likely that the endorsement he got will fly away .

Cui Shaoyu thought about his words, and was about to speak to persuade Ren Shuai to give up this idea.

And Ren Shuai had already made a plan before he set off, and he already had a draft in his heart. He knew that these alone were not enough to sign an eight-figure endorsement contract.

So he added another fire: "I am going to sign a gambling agreement with Fenden Ko Niqi."

"Yes, right bet?"

Cui Shaoyu's prepared words were all disrupted by this sentence.

Although she doesn't have much experience as an agent, she knows a lot about the industry. Regarding the VAM agreement, she has only heard that it is used when selling TV dramas and movies.

I've never heard of anyone who signed a endorsement contract with a betting contract.

The reason why Ren Shuai was so ingenious and came up with this idea was entirely the result of his analysis from the perspective of system release tasks.

He thought to himself, according to the consistent habits of the system, since the task is issued, it is absolutely impossible to complete the task.

There must be room for him to operate.

The task only required him to reach an 8-figure endorsement fee, and there were no other restrictions. Even if the amount he received in the end was insufficient, he still signed an 8-figure endorsement contract.

The system will still judge the mission as successful.

But the premise of these is that he needs to be able to persuade Cui Shaoyu first.

"What do you think of this proposal?" Ren Shuai asked.

Cui Shaoyu slowed down for a while, and then gradually figured it out in his mind, and said with some doubts: "Since you are endorsing the suit category, do you plan to divide the endorsement fee according to the percentage of sales increase, for example, every 10% increase in sales , let’s increase the endorsement fee by 100 million?”

She thought to herself that it is difficult to define such an agreement signed by a spokesperson, and the sales of the brand are not entirely affected by the spokesperson, and there are many other interfering factors.

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "Don't be so troublesome. Since it's a VAM agreement, it should be thorough. As long as their brand market value increases by more than 0.2% in a short period of time during my endorsement period, I will take the 10 million endorsement fee. No money will be taken."

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, his eyes shone slightly after thinking about it for a while.

In this way, it seems that Ren Shuai proposed a high-priced endorsement, but to a large extent, it is a free endorsement.

It is not easy to increase the brand market value by 0.2 percentage points in the short term. The last time was completely accidental, and it is basically impossible to increase it by so much.

"This proposal is good, it is beneficial to both parties." Cui Shaoyu kept nodding.

According to Ren Shuai's proposal, on the one hand, he signed an endorsement contract worth tens of millions, and said that his reputation is good, which will be of great help to his promotion. On the other hand, he sold a great favor to the brand side, basically It's like a free endorsement.

Kill two birds with one stone.


Cui Shaoyu couldn't help admiring Ren Shuai in his heart, thinking that as an agent, he was not as thoughtful as the actor himself, and he was really negligent of his duty.

Facing Cui Shaoyu's admiring gaze, Ren Shuai just wanted to say that he didn't think that much at all.

He is just purely completing system tasks.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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