Chapter 196
Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu returned to the hotel together and began to prepare for the dinner party.

When he first returned to the room, the makeup artist couldn't wait to touch up the makeup, but he walked around Ren Shuai three times, but still didn't find any adjustments on his face.

Even Ren Shuai's current state is even more perfect than when he just finished painting.

The makeup artist didn't understand, so he asked, "Ms. Li, did someone help you touch up your makeup during the show just now?"

He had never heard that there was a team dedicated to putting on make-up for the show guests in the show.

Ren Shuai wanted to shake his head subconsciously, but suddenly remembered that he now has the blessing of the makeup card making effect, which is about equal to makeup.

He said ambiguously, "Well, it has been adjusted a little bit."

The makeup artist nodded knowingly and said: "It seems that the people hired by the big brands are indeed very professional. Judging by the makeup effect, they are comparable to my craftsmanship."

Ren Shuai looked at the makeup artist with certainty, nodded, and then smiled and went to change clothes in the cubicle.

At this time, Cui Shaoyu was checking the trending searches on the Internet in his room, and the news related to Fendenko Nickey's big show had basically occupied half of the space on the trending search list.

Most of them are popular searches bought by various celebrities for the sake of popularity, and some of them are bought by the official Fendenko Nickey.

These hot search titles are all praises and praises, only the one about Ren Shuai is unique.

"The concierge wants to endorse an international big name?"

This title is unconventional, unique and eye-catching among many topics.

Cui Shaoyu found that the number of clicks on this article directly exceeded 5000 million in just one hour.

Many people are attracted by this title.

It's rare for a concierge to endorse an international big name, and it's rare for a grandpa to endorse, and the concierge's endorsement is even more unheard of and unseen.

Cui Shaoyu clicked on the link, and a row of related titles unfolded on the webpage, some of which were bought by Yu Hezhe at a high price.

There are also some media with a keen sense of smell. Comments written for the sake of popularity, most of them are pictures and texts spontaneously posted by netizens on major public platforms.

Among them, a press release was the most popular. The cover was a photo of Ren Shuai walking the red carpet.

After clicking to enter, you can see many high-definition photos of Ren Shuai on the red carpet, as well as the cover photos of magazines he once took. Finally, there are photos of Ren Shuai participating in this fashion show. All aspects reflect Ren Shuai's excellent temperament and super high Yan value.

Although the content of the article is commented from a neutral point of view, the strength and ability of Ren Shuai are reflected between the lines, and a screenshot of Meiying's statement is also included at the back.

As long as it is an individual, after reading it, it is natural to come to a conclusion that it is quite reasonable for Ren Shuai to receive the endorsement invitation from Fendenko Nikki.


In Yu Hezhe's big bed room, there was a sound of throwing a glass.

He had just returned from the show when he saw this draft, and was so angry that he threw the glass out of his hand.

"It's reasonable for Li Laifu to accept this endorsement. Reasonable asshole, who wrote this press release, the whole article is praising Li Laifu, hurry up and spend money to get this article removed!"

Yu Hezhe yelled at the assistant.

"This, this is not a manuscript sent by a netizen. The agent has already contacted it. It seems that someone is behind it." The assistant said helplessly.

This draft is naturally the result of Cui Shaoyu's operation.

She was very satisfied with the effect of this wave of publicity, and even thanked Ren Shuai's competitors for spending a lot of money to help Ren Shuai with publicity.

Nice guy.

She immediately made another phone call to a familiar media person, and spent money to continue a wave of publicity to stir up the popularity of this manuscript.

On Yu Hezhe's side, seeing that Hei Renshuai failed, and instead helped him gain a wave of popularity, he was so angry that he couldn't fight anywhere.

He called his agent on the phone.

Yu Hezhe's manager is a top manager in the industry, he is not the only artist under him, this time because of another more important event, he did not come with him.

"Sister Zhao, I underestimate this old boy Li Laifu, can you arrange a few drafts for me quickly, I have to make him..."

Before Yu Hezhe could finish speaking, a slightly hoarse and thick female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, don't think about messing with others, it's too late to post anything to blackmail Li Laifu, why don't you quickly withdraw all the drafts you bought before, let him cool down, and then refine your photos and post them Come here, I'll help you book the top five most searched, and if you perform well at the dinner party, you'll still be able to compete."

Yu Hezhe seemed to be a little afraid of the manager. After finishing speaking there, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"During the dinner, pay attention to building a good relationship with Ailinda and take the initiative." Sister Zhao instructed.

"Don't worry about that, I'm good at it."

Yu Hezhe hung up the phone and finally showed a smile, thinking that this belongs to his field of expertise.

But when he thought of the effect of Ren Shuai's styling, Yu Hezhe felt uneasy again, he quickly raised his head and said, "Hurry up and call the makeup artist, I want to look cool, and also look stable and capable."

The assistant nodded quickly, and turned around with a look of disgust on his face.

An hour later, Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu boarded the special car for the dinner together.

This dinner is not completely linked to the big show, as long as you apply with the organizer, you can get a ticket.

Many celebrities who come to join in the fun will also go to the dinner party, just to get to know a few more friends, and maybe by chance, they can cling to a certain outstanding performer and become prosperous in the future.

Some elites from other industries will also participate in the dinner and make friends with some female stars in the entertainment industry.

Although this dinner is called a dinner, it is more like a reception to help everyone communicate and expand their network.

The location was chosen in the music plaza by the coast, where there was a luxurious sea view hotel with a magnificent lobby on the first floor and a large terrace on the second floor where you could have a panoramic view of the seaside scenery.

Although after nightfall, the sea is already dark, but the coastline is brightly lit, giving it a unique view.

After Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu got out of the car, they heard the voice of greeting from a distance, and a tall and thin figure swayed over.

"Mr. Li, I saw that you are on the hot search, congratulations."

The person who came was Gao Yihong who was sitting next to Ren Shuai when he was watching the show.

Ren Shuai was full of curiosity when he heard the words, thinking that he didn't seem to be doing anything, how could he be on the trending search again?
Cui Shaoyu was embarrassed when he heard the words.

Ren Shuai didn't have time to go online, and he didn't know what was trending.

And Cui Shaoyu was so focused on the effect of Ren Shuai's publicity that he forgot to tell him the good news.

Seeing Ren Shuai's expression, Gao Yihong hurriedly gossiped about the situation.

As the person involved, Ren Shuai was the last to know the news.

He couldn't help but regret secretly, if he had known that Yu Hezhe was so generous and honest in helping him regardless of the cost, he wouldn't...cough cough.

Ren Shuai showed a wicked smile and said, "The dinner party is about to start, let's go in."

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(End of this chapter)

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