From janitor to actor

Chapter 197 Dinner

Chapter 197 Dinner
Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu entered the banquet hall, and there were already many people walking around inside.

As the representative of the host, Alinda stood on the stage and announced the start of the dinner.

There are some high tables in the hall with various snacks and fruits on them, and there are sofa seats around them, which is convenient for everyone to rest and chat.

The whole dinner was carried out in the form of a self-service cocktail party, and waiters passed by with various wines from time to time.

At this time, most of the people were holding a goblet in their hands.

Ren Shuai did as the Romans did when he went to the countryside, and he casually picked up a glass of red wine and walked in with Cui Shaoyu.

There were many people around Alinda waiting to greet her, so Ren Shuai decided to take a rest beside her for a while, and then communicate with her about the contract when there were fewer people around her.

Cui Shaoyu has reached an agreement with Ren Shuai, and she can handle the contract with full authority, but Cui Shaoyu feels that it is more efficient for Ren Shuai to communicate with Ailinda than her.

Then Cui Shaoyu saw a few acquaintances coming to the dinner, and wanted to go up to say hello with Ren Shuai, but she saw that Ren Shuai was not interested in this, so she temporarily separated from him and went to communicate alone.

Ren Shuai picked up a piece of strawberry cake and walked straight to the sofa seat.

Just as he was about to sit down, a slightly shrill voice came from behind him.

"Hi, excuse me, can I sit next to you?"

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw a woman in a tight dress who was looking at him with a smile.


Ren Shuai nodded politely, feeling that the woman's smile was a bit frivolous, so he turned his eyes away from the woman and focused on the strawberry cake in his hand.

He is a little hungry.

"I didn't expect that such a handsome person like you would like to eat strawberry cake." After sitting down, the woman covered her mouth and smiled.

Ren Shuai stopped preparing to eat the cake, thinking that there is a conflict between the two, and it's not funny.

This woman is very familiar with him, which disturbs his meal a bit.

Ren Shuai didn't reply, and put the little cake into his mouth in one gulp.

Seeing that he ignored her, the woman continued, "Actually, I also like strawberry cake."

Ren Shuai pointed to the table and said, "There are still many."

The woman's smile froze, and then her eyes rolled, revealing a trace of resentment, "But people are afraid of getting fat, so they dare not eat."

Ren Shuai looked her up and down, and found that her figure was indeed plump, so he nodded and said, "Oh, then I'll eat."

After speaking, he got up directly, walked to the table and picked up a piece of strawberry cake.

Seeing this, the woman immediately followed him, raised her glass and said, "It's too dry to always eat cakes, why don't you drink some wine."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It's okay, don't do it."

He thought to himself that this woman is so familiar, she must have other plans for him, boys, cough, the old man must pay attention to protecting himself when he goes out.

So as not to be taken advantage of by others.

The woman choked on Ren Shuai's words, but soon smiled and said, "Then I will toast you."

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Ren Shuai to answer, and reached out to touch Ren Shuai's cup.

Not knowing whether it was on purpose or not, she slightly raised her wrist and spilled some of the red wine in her glass into Ren Shuai's glass.

Seeing this, Ren Shuai felt disgusted.

She thought to herself that the woman had already drank the glass of wine just now, and there were traces of her lipstick on the rim of the glass, and it was too unhygienic to spill it into her own glass.

He put the wine glass in his hand directly on the table, obviously not going to drink it.

Seeing this, the woman didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, she took a step forward and got closer to Ren Shuai, her eyes became more frivolous and she said, "It seems that you don't want to drink that cup anymore, why don't you drink this cup in my hand?"

Ren Shuai felt offended and wanted to ask if you were polite.

At this time, his eyes caught Shen Luxi who had just entered the arena, and he quickly raised his hand to say hello there.

However, Shen Luxi had just entered the hall and was wandering around, and happened to not see Ren Shuai.

Seeing Ren Shuai waving towards that side, the woman stepped back temporarily, turned her head, and saw Shen Luxi in a purple evening dress at a glance.

She pouted immediately and said, "I said, why don't you drink the wine I'm toasting, it turns out that I'm thinking about other big stars."

Ren Shuai was a little speechless, wondering if I was being too polite.

The woman said to herself: "Don't look, people don't pay attention to you, why don't you come with me..."

Before she finished speaking, a surprised voice sounded.

"Teacher Li?"

When the voice fell, a tall figure in a black off-the-shoulder evening dress appeared in front of Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai took a closer look and found that it looked a little familiar, maybe because the makeup was a bit heavy, but he didn't recognize it for a while.

"I'm Wei Yan, don't you remember?"

"Oh, it turned out to be you, of course I remember."

Ren Shuai thought that Wei Yan's voice was used in the dubbing, but it was the program team who communicated with her at that time, and Ren Shuai only had brief contact with her during the filming of "Silent Business War".

Wei Yan was deeply impressed by Ren Shuai. She had been looking for an opportunity to exchange acting skills with Ren Shuai when she was on the set, but unfortunately Ren Shuai's construction period was too short, and she left after filming, so she didn't have time at all.

Wei Yan regretted it for a while.

"I came here specially to find you." Wei Yan said with a smile.

Among the people she knew, apart from those seniors who had been famous for a long time, only Ren Shuai's acting skills impressed her.

Wei Yan knew that she had no advantage in appearance, so she became more obsessed with studying acting skills, thinking that she could find Ren Shuai's contact information, so that she could exchange some experience in private.

Later, she paid attention to the news of Ren Shuai from time to time, but it was a pity that there was very little information about him on the Internet.

Not long ago, because of the dubbing, the program team contacted her, and Wei Yan didn't know that Ren Shuai not only has great acting skills, but also has superb dubbing skills.

Today, she saw Ren Shuai's name on the hot search again, and when she saw the pictures on the Internet, she was surprised to find that Ren Shuai was so outstanding in addition to his acting skills and dubbing skills.

If she hadn't seen the photos on the Internet in advance, she would not have dared to recognize people.

"A special trip to find me?"

Ren Shuai was very surprised, thinking that he and Wei Yan were not familiar, what did she ask of him.

What was more surprising than him was the woman in a tight skirt next to her. She recognized Wei Yan at a glance, and knew that she was a well-known and powerful actress in the entertainment circle, with a high degree of nationality.

Such an actress took the initiative to find Ren Shuai, so who is he?

The woman in the tight skirt couldn't help being puzzled. As a social butterfly, she has been following the art circle all year round. She knows all the famous stars.

Although Ren Shuai is handsome and has temperament, he looks very strange and is definitely not a well-known actor.

Moreover, there was no one around him to strike up a conversation with, so he must not be an elite in a certain industry, and he should be here for the purpose of making friends just like her.

Wei Yan said with a smile: "I just happened to be on vacation nearby, and when I saw the news that you were on the trending list, I came to see you."

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(End of this chapter)

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