From janitor to actor

Chapter 198 Surrounding

Chapter 198 Surrounding
"Silent Business Warfare" filmed by Wei Yan just wrapped up a few days ago, she decided to take a short vacation for herself, and came to Haiye City for vacation.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be just in time for the spring show of Fenden Ko Niqi, which was also held here.

It happened that she saw Ren Shuai's stunning appearance in the hot search, so she decided to come and meet her.

Wei Yan asked her agent to help submit an application to the organizer, and got an invitation letter to attend the dinner.

Ren Shuai asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Wei Yan nodded, and just about to speak, she found a woman in a tight skirt next to Ren Shuai, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

Ren Shuai simply shook his head and said, "I don't know."

When Wei Yan heard this, since she was someone she didn't know, there was no need to bother, and she could ask Ren Shuai to chat alone.

The woman in the tight skirt was a little unconvinced, thinking that she was the one who fell in love with Ren Shuai first, even if Wei Yan was a star, she had to pay attention to first come, first served.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard a clear voice behind her.

"Ms. Li, so you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time."

It was Shen Luxi who was looking around at the door just now who spoke. She had been looking for Ren Shuai in the crowd, and finally found him at the dining table.

Ren Shuai nodded to her and greeted her.

Shen Luxi was only focused on talking to Ren Shuai, and didn't see who was next to him, so she stepped forward and said, "Let's go over and say hello to Alinda together?"

Ren Shuai turned his head to look at Ailinda's side, and found that there were still many people surrounding him, so he said, "Let's go after a while when there are fewer people."

At this time, Wei Yan was a little surprised, it seemed that Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai were very familiar.

But when she thought about it again, she felt that there was nothing surprising about it. Both of them were actors and had worked together in TV series, so it was normal for them to be familiar with each other.

Besides, Ren Shuai's acting skills are very good, and Shen Luxi probably got to know Ren Shuai for advice on acting skills.

But when she heard Alinda's name, her heart moved.

The person in charge of Fendenko Nickey's industry is named Ilinda. She has heard about it before, and the company also has the intention of letting her endorse the first-line brand.

It seems that this time not only Ren Shuai is likely to endorse Fenden Ko Niqi, but Shen Luxi should also have received the invitation.

The woman in a tight skirt standing next to them has been stunned for a long time, and she is getting more and more confused.

When Ren Shuai waved to Shen Luxi at first, she thought that Ren Shuai wanted to get close to a big star.

In the end, Shen Luxi actually took the initiative to find her.

Facing Wei Yan, she felt that she might still be able to win a little bit, but, with the addition of Shen Luxi
The woman in the tight skirt felt that it was better not to stay here as a foil, but looking at Ren Shuai, she felt that she had finally set her sights on the prey, so she just let go, a bit reluctant.

While she was hesitating, Cui Shaoyu walked over with a well-dressed woman.

"Hello, Teacher Li."

The capable woman who came with Cui Shaoyu greeted Shuai Ren with a bright smile.

Ren Shuai nodded slightly, then cast a questioning look at Cui Shaoyu.

Cui Shaoyu quickly introduced: "This is Susan, Alinda's assistant."

Susan smiled and said, "Ms. Alinda asked me to invite you to come over."

Ren Shuai nodded knowingly.

"Ms. Li, you..."

Wei Yan originally wanted to ask Ren Shuai to chat alone, but it seemed that Ren Shuai was going to talk about the endorsement.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Shen Luxi and Cui Shaoyu noticed that the person in black evening dress standing next to her turned out to be Wei Yan.

Cui Shaoyu and Wei Yan met a few times on the crew of "Silent Business Warfare" and quickly nodded their greetings.

And Shen Luxi looked at Ren Shuai immediately, and then greeted Wei Yan with a polite smile.

At this moment, Cui Shaoyu turned his head to look at the woman in a tight skirt on the other side of Ren Shuai, wondering which celebrity this is again.

However, she found that she didn't recognize him no matter how she looked, so she looked at Ren Shuai with searching eyes.

Before Ren Shuai could speak, the woman in the tight skirt smiled and waved her hands, "I'm just passing by, just to get a piece of cake, haha."

After speaking, she quickened her pace and left quickly.

She thought to herself, since they are all younger and more beautiful than her, there is no chance of winning, so it is better not to stay and make fun of yourself.

As a manager, Cui Shaoyu is very good at observing words and expressions. Judging by Wei Yan's appearance, he should be looking for Shuai Ren for something.

She took the initiative to say: "Yanyan, I'm Teacher Li's manager now, if you have any work-related matters, you can talk to me first."

Wei Yan didn't expect that now Cui Shaoyu became Ren Shuai's manager, and the matter she wanted to talk to Ren Shuai did have something to do with work.

So he nodded and smiled, "Okay, Sister Yu, let's talk alone."

After Cui Shaoyu and Wei Yan left, Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi followed Susan to find Ailinda.

At this time, Alinda was still surrounded by many people, and Yu Hezhe was one of them.

He wore a slim-fit suit with a narrow waist, highlighting his strong figure, with a greasy hair combed back, making him look more aged.

Yu Hezhe smiled flatteringly at the moment, and flattering words kept coming out of his mouth.

Alinda was a little happy to be praised by him, thinking that the star could let go of her figure, and she was very sincere.

It's just that the spokesperson has basically been decided. If there is an underwear endorsement available, he can be considered. After all, he looks very strong and suitable.

Just when Yu Hezhe wanted to continue to compliment him, Susan walked over with Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi.

Yu Hezhe turned his head, wanting to see who interrupted his grand cause of kneeling and flattering.

As a result, he saw Ren Shuai at a glance.

Enemy road is narrow.

Why is it him again!
When Alinda saw Ren Shuai approaching, she immediately smiled and greeted him.

When Yu Hezhe saw this scene, he felt furious. He had been around Alinda for a long time just now, and he had been flattering him with all kinds of nice words, which made Alinda smile.

As a result, Ren Shuai had just arrived, and without saying anything, Alinda smiled as brightly as a flower.

Yu Hezhe wondered what kind of magic Ren Shuai used.

Isn't it just good looks, good temperament, and good figure?

There is something rare.

Alinda looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Are you free now, let's discuss the contract?"

Originally, she didn't need to look at the endorsement contract personally, but she went back to check the stock in the afternoon and found that it had risen a lot.

This big show is organized by her personally, the greater the benefits, the more stable her position in the company will be.

What's more, she still holds a part of the company's shares, and the increase in the stock price has also made her a lot of money.

Since these are all due to the effect of Ren Shuai's hot search, she has to express her due gratitude.

Negotiating the contract with Ren Shuai in person is a sign of goodwill.

In terms of the amount of endorsements, she also thinks that it should be raised by two gears.

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded, "Please."

After speaking, the two walked towards the living room together.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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