From janitor to actor

Chapter 199 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 199 Happy Cooperation
In the living room, there were only Ailinda and Ren Shuai.

After assistant Susan put down the documents and materials, she closed the door and left.

Alinda looked at Ren Shuai with her purple-gray eyes. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was, and she said directly: "Although this is the first time I see you today, I think your image and temperament are in line with the requirements of our brand spokesperson. , so I would like to hear your request for endorsement fees."

When she spoke, she tried her best to restrain her usual strong aura, appearing friendly and friendly.

In Alinda's view, Ren Shuai would definitely say a relatively low number, and then she could take the initiative to raise the price and send a favor along the way.

Ren Shuai showed a perfect smile, tried to maximize his charm, and said in a magnetic voice: "10 million."

Alinda's friendly smile instantly froze on her face, but her strong psychological quality allowed her to quickly restore expression management, thinking that although Ren Shuai was in good condition in all aspects, he seemed to have some deviations in his understanding of his worth.

If it wasn't for Ren Shuai's nice voice when he said 10 million just now, Alinda would have wanted to take back the olive branch he handed out at this time.

Ren Shuai saw her subtle emotional changes, and said with a smile, "The 10 million is not an endorsement fee, but a VAM contract."

When Alinda heard this, she immediately showed an expression of interest. She has been in the industry for many years, and she has never heard of a spokesperson signing a gambling contract.

"Mr. Li, I would like to hear the details."

She couldn't help but look forward to what kind of tricks Ren Shuai could come up with.

Ren Shuai nodded, and carefully stated the conditions he had negotiated with Cui Shaoyu.

After listening to Aileinda, the expression on her face became a little exciting. According to what Ren Shuai said, there is a high probability that he will not get the endorsement fee.

But Alinda somehow believed in her heart that Ren Shuai might really be able to create another miracle and win the 10 million endorsement fee.

Perhaps it was because of his unexpected appearance on the red carpet not long ago, or the promotion of the stock price during this big show. In short, Aileinda felt that Ren Shuai seemed to be in harmony with their brand, and he always created surprises.

She lowered her head slightly, thinking about the details of the contract.

According to the market, if you invite a super first-line spokesperson, the endorsement fee will be at least tens of millions.

The benefits of the spokesperson for the brand must be higher than the endorsement fee, but the specific figure cannot be too specific and quantified. It can only be reflected in the analysis of regional sales through the year-end financial report.

However, Ren Shuai's proposal to increase the brand's market value by 0.2% is indeed a solid quantitative indicator, and there is no room for flexibility at all.

If he reaches this goal, he can get 10 million, but if he can't reach it, he won't get any money.

No matter how it is calculated, the brand side is sure to make a profit without losing money.

Ren Shuai gave her a big favor.

Ailinda looked up at Shuai Ren, and found that he not only has good looks, good temperament, good voice, can make money, but also has courage, and his emotional intelligence is not simple.

Simply a hexagon entertainer.

Although in business, Alinda thought that Ren Shuai had helped her earn a lot of money in disguise during the big show, so she felt that she should not treat Ren Shuai too badly.

Alinda laughed and said: "It's inappropriate not to take any money, at least there is a guarantee of 500,000, after all, the spokesperson still has a lot of promotional activities to participate in, and taking promotional photos, although it won't take up too much of the schedule, it can't let you Work for nothing."

This number was a pleasant surprise to Ren Shuai.

Even if he signs an endorsement contract normally, the price will not exceed 100 million based on the coffee position.

Even Ren Shuai was ready to endorse for free, but he heard that he could receive 500,000 subsistence allowances, just like pie in the sky.

Alinda is a woman who can deal with it.

Ren Shuai showed a thankful smile, nodded and accepted, and praised Alinda a few words without hesitation.

As a result, Ailinda was almost overwhelmed. She was flattered by Yu Hezhe outside just now, and she just felt happy.

However, in the face of Ren Shuai's compliment, her heart beat faster and she almost lost her usual calm judgment.

Almost in a panic, he raised Ren Shuai's price again.

Alinda hurriedly sorted out the information to stabilize her mind, thinking that she couldn't continue talking with Ren Shuai, otherwise the 10 million would not be a betting contract, but a real endorsement contract.

"It's a great honor to have reached a cooperation with you. I will let Susan draw up the details of the specific contract, and then I will contact your agent."

Alinda smiled and stood up, stretching out her white right hand.

"Pleasant to work with."

Ren Shuai also stood up with a smile, reached out and shook her hand.

During this conversation, both parties were very satisfied. Ren Shuai received a subsistence allowance of 50 yuan, and Ailinda received a guaranteed contract.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked out of the living room together, ready to continue enjoying the good time of the dinner party.

The communication between Cui Shaoyu and Wei Yan is also coming to an end.

This time Wei Yan made a special trip to the dinner party, hoping to have further communication with Ren Shuai, so as to determine whether there is a possibility of cooperation.

After finishing the filming of "Silent Business War", another work of hers is about to enter the preparation stage.

This is a serious drama, and the whole drama is mainly based on acting skills. Actors who are vases and transportation are rejected, and even actors with poor acting skills are not prepared to invite.

In addition to the protagonists who have already been arranged, there are several supporting roles that have not been finalized.

There are quite a few acting schools in the entertainment industry, but basically they are all too old, or not good-looking, and those who have both are famous movie stars, and no one wants to play a supporting role.

The crew had no choice but to mobilize a few protagonists and ask them to recommend qualified actors around them to come to the crew to audition.

When Wei Yan heard the conditions, Ren Shuai was the first thing that came to mind.

However, the last time Ren Shuai cooperated with her, he played the role of a 60-year-old entrepreneur, who felt a little older, so Wei Yan did not contact him immediately.

But this time, Wei Yan saw the photo of Ren Shuai participating in the big show on the Internet, and suddenly found that he himself could not tell his age at all, and his image and temperament were all first-class.

So, she immediately decided to come and have a face-to-face discussion with Ren Shuai to see if he had the willingness and time to participate in the filming of this drama.

After Cui Shaoyu listened to Wei Yan's introduction, he thought about it seriously, and felt that this drama, which is all played by the acting school, is very likely to break out of the siege among the TV dramas.

So she agreed temporarily, but she had to ask Ren Shuai for his own opinion.

After Ren Shuai came out of the living room, Shen Luxi greeted him immediately and asked, "Ms. Li, how is your endorsement going?"

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile and said, "I'm ready to sign the contract."

Shen Luxi quickly said her congratulations, smiling happier than she herself won the endorsement.

At this time, Ailinda's assistant came over, hoping to talk to Shen Luxi and her agent about the endorsement.

Ren Shuai just wanted to tell Cui Shaoyu the result of the meeting, so he said goodbye and walked towards the sofa seat.

He had just walked a few steps when a figure stood in front of him.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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