From janitor to actor

Chapter 200 Good News

Chapter 200 Good News

Ren Shuai looked up and found that the person blocking him was a model who was half a head taller than him.

The model looked a little sad at this time, looking like she was in an emo state.

He didn't do it on purpose to block Ren Shuai, it was just because his eyes were lost, he was caught in his own spiritual world, and he was walking around completely subconsciously.

"Cough cough."

Ren Shuai coughed twice, trying to remind him that he was about to hit someone.

But Gao Yihong remained unmoved, as if he had suffered some huge blow.

"Gao Yihong?"

Ren Shuai called him.

Gao Yihong, who was at 1.9 meters, came back to his senses and realized that it was Ren Shuai in front of him who was calling him. He tried to force a smile, but it was uglier than crying.

"Hello Mr. Li."

Ren Shuai was speechless, and he greeted with this expression, no matter what, he felt that he would not be very kind.

After Gao Yihong finished his greetings, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and the distraught expression on his face suddenly subsided a lot, and asked with a bit of energy: "You, have you received any news?"

"What news?" Ren Shuai asked back.

"News about the endorsement contract."

After Gao Yihong finished speaking, he pointed at Yu Hezhe who was still wandering around Alinda.

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, did everyone know that Yu Hezhe wanted to steal his endorsement, even Gao Yihong had heard about it?

However, Gao Yihong, who was still autistic just now, started to care about other people's gossip as soon as he turned his head, maybe he was a little too big.

Ren Shuai showed a helpless expression.

As a result, Gao Yihong immediately misunderstood, thinking that Ren Shuai's endorsement had been robbed.

He said melancholy: "Even you were robbed by him?"

At the same time, Ren Shuai also said, "The contract is about to be signed."

After the words fell, the two looked at each other in surprise at the same time.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, the word "also" in Gao Yihong's words has rich connotations.

Gao Yihong was surprised: "You won the endorsement?"

As Ren Shuai nodded to confirm, Gao Yihong's mood immediately sank again.

He had just received news from his agent that Fendenko Nikki's underwear endorsement had changed, and the contract process had been postponed.

Gao Yihong originally thought that he was an endorser for underwear, and he was not as tall as Ren Shuai, but he didn't expect that even this endorsement would be snatched up.

The agent said that Yu Hezhe kept courting Alinda and won her favor, which might have given him his endorsement.

Moreover, Yu Hezhe lowered his social status in order to get more endorsements.

Gao Yihong was the spokesperson of underwear last year. This year, he just came to go through the contract renewal process. He didn't expect someone to jump out and cut him halfway.

He originally thought that if his underwear endorsement could be snatched away, the more sought-after suit endorsement would certainly be doomed as well.

Besides, Ren Shuai's fame and status are not comparable to Yu Hezhe, and it is very possible that he will be squeezed out like him.

Unexpectedly, the only unlucky person is himself.

Gao Yihong felt weak and helpless, and wanted to go up and beat Yu Hezhe.

Ren Shuai was very surprised. He didn't expect that Yu Hezhe would end up snatching a underwear endorsement after working on it for a long time.

However, it remains to be seen whether Yu Hezhe can win this endorsement.

Ren Shuai looked up at Gao Yihong and confirmed, "He robbed your contract?"

Gao Yihong nodded in frustration.

Ren Shuai said, "Is it already an established fact?"

"Not yet, but the agent said that the contract will be postponed. This situation is probably yellow. Besides, Yu Hezhe is quite popular recently, and he is willing to lower the price. I can't compete."

Gao Yihong was very melancholy, raised his glass and took a sip.

Ren Shuai glanced at Yu Hezhe, who was smirking like a clown, and took out his phone to take another look.

"Why don't you take a break first, maybe things will turn around." Ren Shuai comforted with a smile.

Gao Yihong felt that Ren Shuai only said this to comfort him, and said with a smile: "Thank you, anyway, I don't care too much about this underwear endorsement, maybe I can win other brands' formal wear endorsement."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone vibrated suddenly.

Gao Yihong quickly said sorry, turned around and picked up the phone.

After a while, he hung up the phone, looked at Ren Shuai in surprise and said, "Mr. Li, you are really amazing."

Ren Shuai smiled slightly and said, "A turning point?"

Gao Yihong nodded again and again, "Yu Hezhe's house collapsed, haha."

He seemed to feel a little gloating when he laughed out loud, and quickly restrained himself a bit, but he still grinned and showed his big white teeth.

"Hey, he's such a good young man. He really knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart. No matter how you say it, he will collapse."

Ren Shuai shook his head regretfully and said, "However, it's really good news. Congratulations."

"Lend your blessings."

Gao Yihong raised his glass to respect Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai pursed his upturned lips and said, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Gao Yihong nodded quickly, still thinking in his heart, there is such a coincidence that Yu Hezhe just wanted to snatch his endorsement, and the house collapsed.

Ren Shuai walked towards Cui Shaoyu's position, thinking about what happened at noon today.

At that time, he took the elevator downstairs after eating and was about to walk back to his room, but he didn't expect someone to chase him in the corridor.

It was the man who was about to push him at the restaurant door, but fell himself.

Ren Shuai still thought, this person wanted to use force even if he failed in a sneak attack, and was about to use martial arts cards to defend himself.

In the end, the man was like a faucet turned on, talking endlessly, telling him a lot of dark history about Yu Hezhe.

After speaking, he left angrily, making Ren Shuai at a loss.

But since he knows that Yu Hezhe is playing tricks on him, and Ren Shuai has some black information about Yu Hezhe, then it is not a gentleman to take revenge.

The so-called coming but not going is indecent.

But once a dog bites you, if it's dirty, you can't bite it back.

Ren Shuai decided to repay him in another way.

Since Yu Hezhe has so much gossip, he doesn't need to work too hard, he can just play the role of throwing bricks and attracting jade.

The rest of the inside story is still left to the supernatural netizens to dig out by themselves.

Ren Shuai started to write a small composition.

With a junior level in writing, Ren Shuai has a good ability to choose words and make sentences, and quickly writes an article that is both interesting and story-telling.

He heard the content of the article from that person, and the time was relatively tight. In addition, Ren Shuai didn't like to fabricate rumors, so he didn't do further processing and exaggeration.

Just polish it with words and publish it on the Internet.

Afterwards, Ren Shuai spent a small amount of money to buy some clicks, making the article rush to the forefront.

There are many popular keywords in the article, which involves the crawling mechanism of search engines. As a technical party, Ren Shuai has some understanding of this aspect and knows which keywords to write are more likely to be crawled by machines.

Although it was an eye for an eye, it was still a dirty trick, so Ren Shuai didn't have the nerve to tell Cui Shaoyu.

After doing the operation silently by myself, I quietly went back to the room.

Originally, Ren Shuai thought it would not work so quickly, but Yu Hezhe's agent bought him a top five most searched.

The number of people following Yu Hezhe suddenly increased, and some enthusiastic netizens saw Ren Shuai's essay.

Although no names were mentioned in the full text, smart netizens still followed the clues left deliberately to dig out the real master behind it.

This is just an introduction. With the digging of netizens, more and more black material about Yu Hezhe has been revealed.

His company's public relations team was caught off guard, and one piece of black material was suppressed, and another was dug out.

Yu Hezhe finally collapsed under the continuous impact of heavy black materials.

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(End of this chapter)

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