From janitor to actor

Chapter 201 Special effects dubbing

Chapter 201 Special effects dubbing
The morning light gradually rises, the sun slowly emerges from the sea, and the orange light fills the sea.

Ren Shuai opened his eyes, got up and punched.

After discussing the contract at the dinner last night, he didn't have any extra social interaction, and went directly back to the hotel to rest.

In order to congratulate him for winning the endorsement, Cui Shaoyu also said that he would go back to the hotel to open champagne to celebrate, but Ren Shuai felt that it was too early, even if it was for a sense of ceremony, it would not be too late to celebrate after he won the 10 million betting agreement.

Later, Cui Shaoyu told him the purpose of Wei Yan's visit this time, and wanted to ask Ren Shuai if he would like to.

Originally, Wei Yan wanted to chat with Ren Shuai, but Ren Shuai knew that his theoretical level was lacking. If he chatted with Wei Yan, he would probably talk about acting skills.

He intentionally avoided Wei Yan and returned to the hotel early.

As for the drama that Wei Yan was talking about, he didn't have anything against it.

The production team is still in preparation, and it will be at least two months after the start-up, and the interview with the team will be at the beginning of next month. By then, Ren Shuai will have finished the state exam, so it will not delay his review.

Ren Shuai got up early today because he had other schedules.

He promised Cui Shaoyu that he would dub her good friend's sci-fi movie, and he was going to start work in the recording studio today.

Cui Shaoyu also got up early to get ready. In her opinion, the reason why Ren Shuai agreed to the invitation was entirely for her sake, and she must be fully prepared for the trip.

Cui Shaoyu prepared a set of hot water, throat medicines, mints and a series of things that can protect the throat.

She also thoughtfully brought a portable infrared health patch, which can help relax and soothe the throat.

After packing up their things, the two headed to the recording studio according to the agreed time.

It was the first time for Ren Shuai to go to a professional recording studio to record. He was unavoidably a little nervous, but he was more curious.

Haiye City is not too big, and after about an hour's drive, they arrived at their destination.

This area is on the edge of Haiye City, sparsely populated, with occasional vehicles passing by, surrounded by low-rise buildings full of technology.

It looks a bit like a test base in the high-tech zone.

After Ren Shuai got off the car, a woman with light makeup in a pink suit skirt and wavy curls greeted him at the door.

When Cui Shaoyu saw her, he immediately greeted her with a smile.

The two gave each other a big hug before they began to chat normally.

Cui Shaoyu introduced: "Mr. Li, this is my classmate and best friend, Mai Ran, you can call her Xiaomai."

Mai Ran is a beautiful woman whose appearance is not inferior to Cui Shaoyu's, but her temperament is completely different from Cui Shaoyu's, and she has a sense of sophistication and sophistication all over her body.

"Hello, Mr. Li, thank you very much for your help, let's go in and have a cup of tea first."

Mai Ran smiled enthusiastically, and didn't mention Ren Shuai's dubbing. Instead, he invited him to drink tea and chat first, fully showing the way of hospitality.

Ren Shuai didn't care, he also wanted to save some time to go back and review his homework.

"It's okay, since you and Xiao Cui are friends, don't be too polite, let's go directly to the dubbing room."

"That's fine, Mr. Li, this way please."

Mai Ran didn't reject Ren Shuai's kindness, and the progress of their production would naturally go forward as soon as possible. Everyone was waiting for Ren Shuai to come and dub the rescue.

If Cui Shaoyu hadn't heard that he was going to participate in the spring show of Fendenko Nickey, she would have even invited Ren Shuai over yesterday.

The three of them walked all the way in, but from a distance they saw two men standing in the corridor arguing fiercely.

A young man in a shirt seemed to be returning to the office, while another man in a suit and leather shoes held him back and kept persuading him.

"Haven't the previous cooperation been negotiated? I know that you have financial difficulties. At worst, I will lower the price."

The young man in the shirt waved his hand and said, "I've told you many times that there is no need for special effects dubbing."

"You are a sci-fi film, how could you not need special effects and dubbing? What I gave you is really the lowest price in the market. This requires a lot of programming technology and algorithm processing, and the price cannot be lowered any further." The man in the suit said sincerely.

The young man in the shirt smiled wryly: "It's not a matter of price reduction. To be honest, we have already found a solution for dubbing."

"Is there another company that offers a lower price? Impossible, we have reduced it to the lowest." After the man in the suit finished speaking, he pulled the young man and asked, "Which company is it, can you tell me?"

The young man was very helpless. When he raised his eyes, he happened to see Mai Ran and the others approaching. He quickly broke free from the man in the suit, nodded and said, "Mr. Mai is good."

Mai Ran walked over with a smile, looked at the man in the suit and said, "Mr. Sun, you are here again."

The man in the suit looked at Mai Ran, and immediately said: "Mr. Mai, you came just in time, I just want to know who stole the contract from our studio?"

Mai Ran spread his hands calmly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Sun, the price you gave is really sincere, and it's not that other studios have snatched the contract, it's just that we are short of funds, so we can only give up special effects and synthesized sound, and choose artificial dubbing."

"Human, artificial dubbing?"

The man surnamed Sun was suddenly surprised, and quickly sneered and said, "It's just a joke. If artificial intelligence can produce the sound effects you want, why do you need our sound effect studio? Don't be perfunctory."

Mai Ran could only smile helplessly, and stopped explaining to him, turned around and said to Ren Shuai apologetically, "Mr. Li, I made you laugh, please come here."

After all, she led Ren Shuai to continue walking in.

Seeing her like this, the man in the suit immediately became angry, and sneered, "It's just your crap movie, which doesn't even have sound effects, so you're too shy to call it science fiction. Don't embarrass Yezhou movies."

Mai Ran stopped her pace when she heard the words, restrained her harmonious and gentle aura, and said coldly: "Mr. Sun, there is no righteousness in business, and what you said is a bit harsh."

The man in the suit knew that the contract would definitely not be negotiated, so he didn't mean to save face at all, and said contemptuously: "I'm just telling the truth, you think the dubbing of special effects is a play, but it is supported by a lot of algorithms and models, we just program There are only ten people in the team, and you guys want to dub with human voices, it's a joke!"

Although Mai Ran has no idea about whether Ren Shuai can produce a special effect sound that meets the standard, he definitely cannot admit defeat.

"Isn't something impossible that you haven't seen before? Mr. Sun is too biased."

Mai Ran still saved some face when speaking, not too sharp.

But the man surnamed Sun said with even more disdain: "You think sci-fi movies are cartoons, put them in a snack, and putting this kind of movie in a movie theater is a blasphemy to the audience!"

As an outsider, Ren Shuai originally stayed out of the matter, but he didn't like to hear these words.

Why does his dubbing work blaspheme the audience?

Let's discuss the matter as it stands, don't drag and step on it.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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