Chapter 19

Shen Luxi reacted for a while before realizing who Ren Shuai was talking about.

Teacher Li is already going to star in a movie directed by UM?
The assistant clearly said that Uncle Li came from the concierge.

Why did you act in a movie directed by Ma?

The information is absolutely wrong.

I felt that it was right. Thinking about Mr. Li's unrestrained acting skills, how could he be the concierge!

Shen Luxi immediately thought about a lot of things, and then said pleasantly, "Mr. Li, are you going to star in Director Ma's movie?"

Ren Shuai was not sure, so he could only say, "For the time being."

Shen Luxi enviously said: "Congratulations, I will definitely go to the theater to support the movie when it is released."

She thought to herself that since Mr. Li has accepted Director Ma's play, then he probably won't take part in his company's play.

But the opportunity to act with old actors is rare, especially Teacher Li's personal charm is very strong, and her acting skills are also superb, she doesn't want to give up easily.

Ren Shuai thanked him and felt a little regretful.

He hung up the communication casually.

Shen Luxi felt that she should continue to fight for it, and said: "Mr. Li, if the shooting time can be staggered, do you think you should consider acting?"

She waited for a while, but there was no response, and she took the phone from her ear to her eyes.

Hang up, hang up.
Teacher Li was so decisive that he didn't even give himself a chance to chat a few more words.

She also wanted to take the opportunity to ask the other party about acting skills.

Unwillingly, Shen Luxi sent Ren Shuai a grievance expression.

Ren Shuai backhanded a black question mark.

Shen Luxi was surprised, she didn't expect Teacher Li to play with emoticons.

She typed: Teacher Li, if the time is right, you should consider it. The script of this spy movie is good.

Followed by a kitten bowing expression.

Ren Shuai sent a sleepy nodding emoji of the kitten, indicating that there is no problem.

Shen Luxi was pleasantly surprised that the emoji Ren Shuai replied was from the same series as the emoji she sent, and it was a new version.

Although it is an old drama, it seems that its grasp of new things is not bad.

Shen Luxi strikes while the iron is hot and asks for advice on acting skills.

She has always felt that she is not in a good state for filming recently, especially after working with Ren Shuai, thinking about the acting skills of the old god every day, it is inevitable that she feels ashamed.

"Ms. Li, I've been out of acting recently, can you teach me what to do?"

Ren Shuai didn't know how to answer, Shen Luxi, a professional actor, couldn't help it, what could he do with a dignified porter.

"Wait for the status to come back."

Ren Shuai responded with the attitude of listening to what you have to say, which is better than listening to what you have to say.

Shen Luxi felt that it made sense, but she couldn't say what she felt. Actors pay attention to understanding. Since Teacher Li has already told her, it is inconvenient to ask further, otherwise it will look too stupid.

She turned to ask: "How did you develop your acting skills, can I learn a thing or two?"

Ren Shuai replied without hesitation.


This, Shen Luxi felt a hint of arrogance.

God was chatted to death.

Shen Luxi could only send out a "willing to surrender" expression.

Before Ren Shuai had time to look at it, the phone rang again.

Still tall and expensive.

"Li Laifu, hurry up, Xiao Zhang is still waiting for you." Gao Dagui urged.

"Pay attention to your attitude." Ren Shuai said lightly.

Gao Dagui was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Li Laifu to have such an attitude.

He found that the closer Li Laifu got to retirement, the more imposing he became, and his previously submissive temper completely disappeared.

"As your leader, is there any problem in arranging work for you?" Gao Dagui thought he couldn't be cowardly.

"Okay, I have something to do today, so I can't go."

Gao Dagui was dumbfounded. Today is a rest day, and he has nothing to say if the employees don't go to work.

"Don't don't, Xiao Zhang's child is in the emergency department of the hospital, so you can help him, and then go back to work."

Gao Dagui feels that a good man doesn't suffer from the immediate disadvantages, so he admits to being cowardly first, and then coaxes someone to take over the job.

When Ren Shuai heard that Xiao Zhang's child was in the emergency department, he didn't care about it. Usually Xiao Zhang is very enthusiastic and everyone has a good relationship, so he can help if he can.

"Okay, just come."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone decisively.

Listening to the busy tone, Gao Dagui snorted softly, thinking that he would tolerate you for another three months.

Ren Shuai rushed to the guard room and saw Xiao Zhang walking back and forth anxiously.

Seeing him coming, Xiao Zhang showed an expression of encountering a savior, and yelled at Shuai Ren thank you brother, then rushed out of the school, beckoned and jumped into the taxi.

Ren Shuai could see that he was really anxious.

It's a pity that there are no children in this life and the previous life, so I can't empathize.

He changed into his security uniform familiarly, opened the cabinet, took out a thermos with goji berries, and connected it with a cup of hot water.

Just as I was about to sit down, I saw a van creaking at the school gate, and 5 or 6 people got out of it, and the camera with long guns and short cannons began to shoot.

Surrounded in the middle was a stylishly dressed young man who was about to walk into the school as soon as he spoke.

Ren Shuai strode out of the guard room and reached out to stop him.

"What are you doing, do you have permission to shoot?" He asked with a serious expression.

The film crew who were stopped stopped, and the leading young man looked like an entertainer, and smiled politely: "Uncle, I am Cui Zixun, we have greeted the school leaders, and we are filming a variety show called "Once Upon a Time Us". "

Ren Shuai looked at him. Uncle Li Laifu didn't remember such a person, so he shouldn't be a famous entertainer.

He waved his hand and said, "I haven't received the notice, do you have the procedures, take it out and have a look."

At this time, the photographer faithfully took Ren Shuai into the camera.

Cui Zixun shook his head, waved to the people behind him and said, "Director, have you contacted the school before?"

A production staff wearing a peaked cap nodded affirmatively, and said, "But there are no written materials."

Ren Shuai said responsibly, "You can't go in without formalities."

Cui Zixun was a little embarrassed, and the director came over to negotiate.

"Master, we really contacted the school leader. If you don't believe me, please check the call log." The director took out his phone and said.

Ren Shuai doesn't like this. There are so many scammers out there now. Who knows where they came from.

The Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts has strict regulations, and it is not allowed to enter the campus to shoot at will.

Ren Shuai doesn't want to make mistakes near his retirement, which will stain Li Laifu's uncle's career.

The director saw that the uncle was stern and selfless, so he quickly called the school leader again.

It's a pity that the school leader is watching a drama with Director Ma at this time, and the phone is muted.

Called several times and no one answered, Ren Shuai showed an attitude of "I just watch you act", which made the director blush a little.

In desperation, the director could only point to Cui Zixun and said: "Cui Zixun, you should know each other, we are really a regular program, so please be flexible and let us go in."

Cui Zixun cooperated and showed a friendly smile.

Occasionally, a little girl passing by the school gate saw Cui Zixun taking off his sunglasses, exclaimed and wanted to take a group photo, but was stopped by the staff.

Ren Shuai only knew that Uncle Li Laifu didn't know him, let alone him.

"No, this is a rule, please leave here quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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