From janitor to actor

Chapter 20 The Man Who Keeps Superstars Out

Chapter 20 The Man Who Keeps Superstars Out

Seeing Ren Shuai's posture, the director must not be able to enter the campus for filming in a short time, so he could only shake his head helplessly, and turned around to communicate with the staff.

Cui Zixun saw that the uncle was not accommodating and his face-scanning strategy was not working, so he shrugged and went back to the car.

Seeing that Cui Zixun was about to leave, the girls from the film and television academy who were watching hurriedly ran to Ren Shuai and introduced him in a hurry.

"Master, brother Cui Zixun is top class, why don't you know him?"

"You should have heard of Cui Zixun's debut talent show, Yezhou All-Round Star Selection Competition, he is the champion of the latest season."

"I know about Zixun's program. It's a collaboration with Xingxing Platform. Please let him in!"

Ren Shuai looked at a few irrational girls, spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter whether you know them or not, they don't have procedures, if I let someone in, I will be fired."

A few girls looked indifferent, and began to persuade them by chirping.

"The school leader won't hold you accountable. He has to thank you for helping to promote the school."

"That's right, brother Zixun's appeal is very strong, next year our college's application rate will reach another level."

"Master, you don't have to worry at all. The atmosphere in our school is lively and open. How could you be expelled for this kind of thing?"

Ren Shuai was helpless, sighed and nodded, "Okay, you sign a guarantee, and I can let people in."

The girls nodded excitedly.

Holding a pen and paper, Ren Shuai said with a smile, "I signed the guarantee. If something goes wrong, I will only fire you and not me."

The movements of the girls holding the pen froze.

Facing the encouraging gaze of the concierge, they silently put down their pens.

"Master, we thought about it, and it's really not in line with the school's regulations."

"Brother Zixun doesn't come to the campus, so it shouldn't affect the filming."

"Yes, the program team must have other ways, haha."

After the girls finished speaking, the speed of light flashed.

The corner of Ren Shuai's mouth hooked, he took back the pen and paper, and walked leisurely back to the guard's room.

A cameraman from the program team faithfully recorded Ren Shuai's every move, and only picked up the machine and left after hearing the director's team's decision to change venues.

The director walked to Ren Shuai's side and said helplessly, "Master, although we haven't contacted the school leaders for the time being, we have indeed made an appointment today. Due to your obstruction, the shooting progress was delayed, resulting in insufficient material. Don't mind if we take your Do your due diligence and film into the show?"

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "Shoot whatever you like, but if you delete maliciously, I reserve the right to sue."

The director thought that this old man knew quite a lot, but even if the program deleted clips for effect, the old man couldn't prove anything, so he nodded in agreement.

Ren Shuai pointed to the camera in the guard room with satisfaction, and said, "We also recorded it here."

The director froze.

If you can't fight, withdraw quickly.

He quickly greeted a group of people from the program group and moved to other venues to shoot.

Cui Zixun in the car was a little surprised. The Xingxing Platform has always been very capable of negotiating. He thought they would always have a way to enter the academy, but he unexpectedly turned around in a desperate way.

The director of the show is in a bad mood.

The school leader he knew didn't answer the phone, and asked someone to find the head of the acting department, but no one answered.

The head of the screenwriting department, the head of the director's department, the head of the photography department, the head of the broadcasting department... No one answered.

Finally, I contacted the logistics director directly, but still no one answered.

He was speechless and choked.

The concierge is not easy to mess with, and the shooting time cannot be delayed, so he made a decisive transition.


A day later, the news that Ren Shuai blocked superstar Cui Zixun from filming spread all over the campus.

The school leaders also received feedback from the Xingxing platform. After expressing their apologies, they planned to hold the logistics department accountable.

He clearly called the guard's room to let people in for the filming, so why did he stop him?
The logistics director hurriedly understood the situation and reported in detail.

"Leader, Xiao Zhang, who was on duty that day, was indeed notified to let him go, but his child was admitted to the hospital in an emergency, and Li Laifu was temporarily asked to take over the shift. He was anxious during the handover and forgot to inform him about it."

Before the school leader could speak, the logistics director hastily added: "Little Zhang is seriously ill and is still in the hospital, so let's not hold him accountable. As for Li Laifu, although he followed the rules, he clearly saw that Cui Zixun was still there. He didn't know how to adapt, didn't report the situation in time, and was eager to stop people, he should be criticized, but he seems to be retiring soon..."

Before he finished speaking, the school leader raised his hand and interrupted, "Was Li Laifu the one who took over the shift yesterday?"

The logistics director nodded, wondering in his heart, Li Laifu was still performing on stage when they were watching a drama, and he went to the guard room to take over after a while, so he was really busy.

The school leaders know that Director Ma appreciates Li Laifu's acting skills, and maybe he will be able to make a big success in the future, just in case Uncle Li becomes the actor...

He felt that he was thinking too far, so he withdrew his thoughts and said, "Li Laifu has done his duty. Not only is he right, but he is also worthy of praise. You should make a pennant and present it to him on behalf of the school."

The logistics director was stunned, a little unresponsive.

Logically speaking, if the things arranged by the school leaders are not done well, no matter what, you have to find someone to criticize. Even if Xiao Zhang is excusable, Li Laifu will inevitably follow suit.

I didn't expect that now instead of criticizing, I would even send a pennant.

Could it be... is the special care for those who are about to retire.


When Mu Xiaoqing woke up, she heard that superstar Cui Zixun came to the school to film a program yesterday, but was stopped by the concierge.

She didn't think about Uncle Li. After all, Uncle Li was performing a drama with them yesterday, so how could he go to the guard room to be on duty.

It's just that since Uncle Li was invited away by Director Ma's assistant, he never came back, and several people were still wondering how to thank him.

If there is no Uncle Li, that drama would be a disaster.

Su Yu also received an offer to buy a script last night, which is highly consistent with her original wish, and maybe it will be adapted to the big screen.

But today Su Yu and Liu Fei were both catching up on sleep and couldn't get up at all, so Mu Xiaoqing had no choice but to go to find Uncle Li first.

Ren Shuai did not consciously become the focus of the topic at all, and sat leisurely in the guard room drinking wolfberry water.

"Uncle Li, are you free at noon today? I would like to treat you to a meal." Mu Xiaoqing stood at the door and asked with a smile.

Ren Shuai saw that Mu Xiaoqing was freshly dressed and was obviously ready to go out for dinner, so he didn't refuse.

"Okay, it's nearby, and the lunch break is short."

Mu Xiaoqing was slightly stunned. She wanted to invite Uncle Li to a high-end cafeteria to thank him for his selfless help, but Uncle Li was busy with work.

It seems that we can only change the plan and choose the nearest one.

"Okay, the place is up to you." Mu Xiaoqing nodded.

"Just the hot pot restaurant."

Ren Shuai pointed at him casually.

There is a hot pot restaurant opposite the school. I heard that the taste is very good, but Ren Shuai is too shy to try it.

 Please recommend, please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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